Bill Nolan from Portland knew his way around and brought Stan to his brother. April 10, 1945: Co "B" removed the Steel Treadway Bridge at DRIESEL and constructed it again at WISSEN; construction was completed at 0530 hours April 11, 1945. of a sector of the front line, and went under control of the 3rd Armored Division. After a close call with a booby trap, he was injured when a tank shell landed right under his jeep. Temperatures were minus 20 degrees. 1965-1971 Synopsis of the 299th in Vietnam. Those do give us a better feel for the area and the time period. 103. Many of them do not realize how lucky they are to have what they have and that INCLUDES full use of all five of their senses. moved again to the vicinity of MILLEY arriving at 2330 hours. Co "C" started construction of a Timber Trestle bridge under the Bailey Bridge at MULARTSHUTTE. The unit was assigned to V Corps, First U.S. Army. June 23, 1944: Battalion given the Infantry mission of clearing the North East corner of the Cotentin penisula [sic] of scattered enemy troops - liberated the French towns of QUETTEHOU and St VAAST LA HOUGE. Many years after the war, I found out that the 294th went up to Wales and from there sailed to Normandy in the Susan B. Anthony to Utah Beach on June 7, 1944. At the new bivouac area orders were waiting for the Bn. July 2, 1944: Battalion moved to new bivouac in vicinity of Ste MERE-EGLISE. moved to the vicinity of DIZY-LE-GROS North of REIMS. (C) Bn. 54. Often the names of ships or number of the landing crafts a veteran traveled on- or went into combat aboard are included in the reports. 59. A round from a German 88 immediately tore through the engine compartment, but left him unhurt. An Engineer Combat Battalion (ECB) was a designation for a battalion -strength combat engineer unit in the U.S. Army, most prevalent during World War II. The truck accidentally back up over some mines and about 90 mines exploded. Any contribution above basic membership is tax deductible, and is most appreciated. Naturally, we were warned by security to keep quiet or we would end up being taken to Leavenworth Penitentiary in Kansas. 82. Part 2 of 2. I would try Richard Horrell of WWII Connections. Dear Ms. Bradley, Thank you for posting your request on History Hub! From 25 July to 27 July, the 296th supported the 4th Infantry Division at Marigny, France. The battalion met little resistance across the river and quickly began constructing the bridge. I'm sure he would be glad to share his experiences with you. 2. 21. March 7, 1945: The Battalion C.P. March 1, 1945: Co "A" started construction of a large box CULVERT just west of DUREN. It was the day that was going to affect the lives of approximately one thousand men. Let me repeat how exciting it is to hear from someone who was part of the 294th. That is a very good idea to write your memiors, and I do want to read them and will be in line myself, behind Marion of course. ", Robert G. Sherrard Jr. collection 1930-1931, 1943-1957, 1967, circa 1986- 2003, Leonard R. Boyd collection, 1916-1946 (bulk 1918-1929), 1262nd Engineer Combat Battalion collection, 1944-1946, undated, World War, 1939-1945 -- Engineering and construction, World War, 1939-1945 -- Prisoners and prisons, American, World War, 1939-1945 -- Regimental histories, Robinson, Edward G.,. Co "B" constructed reinforced Heavy Ponton Bridge 465 ft. in length across the SEINE RIVER at MELUN in 9 hours and 30 minutes. March 30, 1945: The Battalion moved to HERBORN, GERMANY. moved to 3rd Armd. The Bridge site was heavy mined; T/5 George Oatinbaker was killed by a mine which exploded when his bulldozer passed over it. This includes when and where the WWII veteran was promoted in rank. On 24 December 1944, Brigadier General Harlan Harkness, the assistant division commander, ordered the battalion to advance and secure the towns of Arsdorf and Bigonville to the north of the 26th Infantry Division, near the area of operations of the 4th Armored Division, in order to relieve the occupied towns so the division could advance and attack the enemy line. Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans. From there we were sent for desert training in Camp Pilot Knob in the Mojave Desert, near Yuma Arizona, which was started by Gen. Patton, as a training ground for the war in Africa. In March of 1943, a group of 13 Deep River Boys left together and formed a Combat Engineers Unit which kept them together throughout the war. 38. I know Colin will be tickled pink to read this. [8] By 5 September 2005, the 17th Street Canal breach was closed. Stanley Stopa enlisted at the age of 19 years in the U.S. Army. I came back from Germany to get married on August 4, 1945. Once you look through everything, please let me know if you have any further questions. August 27, 1944: Bn. Rufus Dalton was at the Maginot Line bouncing mortar shells off an old citadel. The enemy lost 14 prisoners and 6 men killed. After a successful landing there, where he picked up some shrapnel, Tunisia was next. The kamikaze had destroyed the starboard gun mounts and there were many dead and wounded. January 9, 1945: Co "A" completed the continuous Bailey Bridge in DURBEY. I like how you also gave us further background with the "asides", such as the history of the Digby family. As a professional researcher and World War II historian, Bill Beigel provides research services to genealogists, historians, authors, and civilians who are looking for information found in WW2 military unit records. I have been flying since 1963. Our military records specialists are on site at archival research facilities nationwide and can access a wide variety of WWII military service records of your veteran. One engine was shot out. The 294th built the second bridge across the Rhine River, and Carroll recalled that as the American army moved into Germany, all the cities they came across were piles of rubble. 132. Co "A" constructed an Infantry Support Bridge across the SIEG RIVER at HUNDHAUSEN, GERMANY. moved from BRAUNFELS to WETZLAR on April 29, 1945. September 9, 1944: Bn. You may want to try and contact this gentleman. 129. It was Oran in North Africa. Organized by type of material, then chronologically, The collection contains a unit history and photographs regarding the 296th Engineer Combat Battalion of the United States (U.S.) Army during World War II. Joe Izzillo- 4907 Europa Drive, Naples FL 34105- (239) 262-2778. However, I do rent airplanes and fly and have the other pilot handle the radio. Harry Kone can tell you because he went there for basic training after Pearl Harbor. Both on the attack and on the defense, engineers led the way. This was not surprising since we were constantly working with explosives. December 11, 1944: Bn. moved to a new bivouac in the woods North of ANTHEE. B-24 flight engineer Bill Toombs was over Germany when bad went to worse. moved to WISSEN. Transcribed by Bob Kipke (Feb-Mar 2013) Attempts have been made to maintain the original formatting, within my limited HTML capabilities, and the differences between a 1940s typewriter and a modern computer keyboard. Bn. 125. ANTHEE, BELGIUM.11 Get up!" In loving memory of my grandfather who served with Co. A in this unit, I would like to bring together friends and. (This interview made possible with the support of COL ROBERT W. RUST, USMCR (ret.) We slowly made out way West with the two Cutters alongside and landed in Argentia in Newfoundland. August 14, 1944: VII Corps jumped off with the 3rd Armd. 45. Any contribution above basic membership is tax deductible, and is most appreciated. In all the 296th Engineers took part in five campaigns, Normandy, Northern Europe, Central Europe, and Ardennes. moved at 1630 hours and reached the destination at 2030 hours. There are two plaques on the south side of Sherborne Abbey with the names of the 29 men who were killed on March 20, 1944. The Battalion C.P. On 19 March 1945, the unit was assigned to the engineer task force charged with crossing the Rhine at Oppenheim. Part 1 of 2. February 5, 1945: The Battalion moved from BELGIUM to STOLEBERG, GERMANY. 18. RONCEY, FRANCE.4 Click below to see how you can help us expand our mission. 84. moved to the vicinity of PLOMION. At the end, though, there was a camp waiting for him just like all the rest. Co "C" still defending road blocks with 297th Engr. Bn. gave him permission to go see him. - Present Carthage Armory Carthage, Missouri, United States It receives no town or state funding. On his first raid in North Africa, reconnaissance platoon leader John Souther captured a hundred Germans with no losses to his own unit. But the highlight for every guy in the outfit was building the largest bridge in the European Theater. His name is on the link above. April 11, 1945: The Battalion moved from WISSEN to MORSBACH, GERMANY. Section, and two squads of Co "C" resulting in their passing a point where they should have turned - at this point Co "A" took the lead and Co "C" joined the rear of the Bn. moved to a new bivouac East of ESNEUX. Sewer & water board, electric utility and the 249th Engineer Battalion (Prime Power) were completing pump house inspection. Copyright 2023 Witness To War. (Coast Guard Photo 2343), 1st Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment, Headquarters, Special Troops, 1st Infantry Division, 4th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment, Headquarters, Special Troops, 4th Infantry Division, 456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, 80th Airborne Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion, 782d Airborne Ordnance Maintenance Company, Military Police Platoon, 82d AirborneDivision, 90th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment, Headquarters, Special Troops, 90th Infantry Division, 377th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, 81st Airborne Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion, 101st Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment, Military Police Platoon, 101st Airborne Division, 4th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Mechanized, Photographic Interpreter Team No.10 (Provisional), Prisoner of War Interrogation Team No.11 (Provisional), Hqs, 17th Field Artillery Observation Battalion, 24th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Mechanized, Photographic Interpreter Team No.32 (Provisional), 38th Engineer General Service Regiment (less Band), 102d Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Mechanized, 110th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion, 116th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion, Troop B, 125th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Mechanized, 197th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion, Company A, 203d Quartermaster Gas Supply Battalion, 205th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment (Provisional), 207th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment (Provisional), 320th Antiaircraft Artillery Balloon Barrage Battalion, 397th Antiaircraft Artillery AutomaticWeapons Battalion(Provisional), Military Intelligence Interpreter Team No.407 (Provisional), 413th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion, Military Intelligence Interpreter Team No.416 (Provisional), Military Intelligence Interpreter Team No.419 (Provisional), 428th Military Police Escort Guard Company, 447th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion, 457th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion, 467th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion, 474th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion, Company A and B, 507th Military Police Battalion, Company C, 509th Military Police Battalion, 535th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion, 603d Quartermaster Graves Registration Company, 606th Quartermaster Graves Registration Company, Battery B, 980th Field Artillery Battalion, 3466th Ordnance Medium Automotive Maintenance Company, 3497th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company, 3565th Ordnance Medium Automotive Maintenance Company. Exactly where the veteran was stationed and locations he visited during WWII. The Bn. As he sat in solitary confinement waiting for interrogation, he was comforted by his faith. After Pearl Harbor, leaves were cancelled, but that policy eased and Newton Riess and a few buddies headed to New York City for a little fun. This Veterans Day we give THANKS to all who have served our country and continue to recognize those 416 men and women who served Deep River during World War II. I will be able to say, I know the man behind the book! He was also there to substitute for any crew member who was not able to fly. Often the military records will show the duties a WWII veteran held during the war. September 16, 1944: Co "C" was served doughnuts and coffee by VII Corps Red Cross girls - believed to be the first Red Cross girls to serve troops on GERMAN soil in World War II. October 12, 1944: Co "A" Platoon on Post #9 were straffed [sic] by our own planes at 1416 hours - no damage was done. Have you already requested personnel records from the archives? His father worked as a chef in America and as soon as he became a citizen in 1939, he sent for the rest of the family. 63. If you have additional information on the 294th I would like to share it with my father-in-law. Captured several prisoners. Later that year on 18 December 1944, the Black Lions were ordered to move from the Saar River, where the unit was building a bridge, to the Ardennes, commonly called the Battle of the Bulge. On this day, two German E-boats came out of the fog and fired their torpedoes and escaped back to France. 4. . Many times there is a daily record of events which shows daily combat details within the company, troop or battery to which the individual WWII veteran was assigned. Bob Darino Germany weather house cherry farm pie Berlin Telefunken Eisenhower concentration camp Governor's Island souvenir P-38 Zeiss Ikon subway. 35. The Battalion arrived at WEYMOUTH, DORSET, ENGLAND on the morning of February 1, 1944, where it entrucked for a short trip to SUTTON POYNTZ and CHALET CAMPS. 1 talking about this. I am an amateur artist and I just had a one-man show with 40 paintings. July 5, 1944: Co. "B" repaired damaged bridge at BAUPTE under artillery fire. Stan found a glider made in Deep River and removed the ID plate from a glider made by Pratt Read & Co. One of the most difficult experiences was the cold that winter says, Stanley. July 25, 1944: The Battalion witnessed the "Carpet Bombing" of the breakthrough zone by 2,000 U.S. July 6, 1944: Battalion placed in direct support of the 4th Inf. November 29, 1944: Co "C" completed the timber trestle bridge at ROTT. July 21, 1944: Bn. When he heard the sound of Canadian tanks, he knew that liberation was finally at hand. The history, titled History 296 Engr. September 2, 1944: Bn. 56. Reconnaissance was made of the MEUSE RIVER in the vicinity of DINANT and HASTIERE in preparation for the crossing of the 9th Inf. LA VICTOIRE, FRANCE.9 as of 0800 hours. December 3, 1944: Co "A" completed the Timber Trestle Bridge in VICHT, GERMANY. moved to CHATEAU MODAVE then on to CHATEAU ENGLE BERMONT. Then an 88 round went right through the number four wing tank. March 28, 1945: The Battalion moved to ALTENKIRCHEN, GERMANY with the mission of cleaning rubble from the streets to permit two way traffic, and to remove a railroad through town and construct a roadway for wheeled traffic on the railroad embankment. Ironically, the wounded were taken to the 228th Station Hospital in Sherborne. Bn. June 24, 1944: Co "C" constructed a Class 40 timber trestle bridge at St MARTIN-DE-AUDOVILLE. Sewell, Sgt. The Battalion detrucked and marched into position, arriving at 2300 hours. At 1500 hours the 1st Bn. 136. His very first mission turned out to be a memorable one. October 11, 1944: A 6 man German patrol was found between Post #1 and #3 - two of the enemy were killed and four escaped. Battalion moved to new bivouac in vicinity of CARENTAN. It was an eerie setting with the city in flames all around him. The North portion of the position was reached but the foxholes were found empty. CARANTILLY, FRANCE.24 December 10, 1944: Co "C" completed the Timber Trestle Bridge at MULARTSHUTTE. moved to new location and relieved 297th Engr. It was the highest bridge constructed by the first army Engineer Combat Battalion in the E.T.O. Through the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the 249th soldiers provide contracting officer technical representation on projects throughout the world.[9][10]. ArmyAir Force/A.A.F.Marine CorpsNavyCoast GuardMerchant Marine, If Army Air Forces was your veteran An uneventful Christmas Eve for the 298th Engr. Learn when and where a WWII veteran was wounded or killed in action (we can often show you exactly how a veteran was wounded or killed in action). as of 0800 hours. 1st Engineer Combat Battalion, 1st Infantry Division: 603rd Tank Company: 1st Engineer Regiment, 1st Division: 603rd Tank . January 30, 1945: The Battalion moved from ERZEE, BELGIUM to the vicinity of HUY, BELGIUM. He served hard duty in an anti-aircraft battery with the 6th Army in New Guinea and other parts of the 2023 Deep River Historical Society. Chow detail going to Post #1 was ambushed by a 6 man patrol; the enemy patrol withdrew after a short fire fight. 60. The truck disappeared and 29 men were torn apart and their bodies were scattered through the trees. Division sector; one Battalion of the 60th Inf. Co "B" launched 7 landing Craft at OBERWINTER from 2200 to 2315 hours. The unit was assigned to V Corps, First U.S. Army. July 15, 1944: Co "C" began construction of Bailey Bridge at BIEHOU at 2000 hours; work was discontinued at 2330 hours due to artillery fire. Co "B" constructed a Class #40 D/S Bailey Bridge at KLUPPLEBURG, GERMANY. Kamikazes had broken through the air cover and were headed for the convoy. April 8, 1945: Co "A" completed the Bailey Bridge in WISSEN, GERMANY at 2030 hours. The daily location of the WWII veterans unit and any movements they made. September 3, 1944: Bn. Later, they were divorced and she had a series of lovers and, at one time, became America's ambassador to France. September 6, 1944: Co "B" constructed steel Treadway Bridge 288' in length at HASTIERE across the MEUSE RIVER - bridge was opened to traffic at 1530 hours. 40. On 16 July 1965, the 299th Engineer Battalion was alerted for movement overseas to the Republic of Vietnam. We searched the National Archives Catalog and located the World War II Operations Reports, 1940-1948 in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917-1985 (Record Group 407) that may include records of the 111th Engineer Combat Battalion, 36th Infantry Division during WWII. November 21, 1944: The rains came! Then fate intervened in the form of an ambulance without a driver. November 19, 1944: Co "B" converted Bailey Bridge from 80' D/S to 110' T/S, in the vicinity of WALHEIM, GERMANY. Bn. The 249th Engineer Combat Battalion was constituted on 5 May 1943 at Camp Bowie, Texas. MARIEMBOURG, BELGIUM11 Eight assault teams of the 299th Combat Engineer Battalion landed on OMAHA beach (Easy Red, Fox Green, Fox Red) with the mission of clearing eight 50-yard gaps in the underwater obstacles. 1. Several prisoners were captured in the vicinity. 3. 71. As a young airman I hitchiked many times over that road to see my wife in the 1950s. The reason for the withdrawal was that the position now had no tactical value due to the new enemy situation. Thank you very much for your service to our country and sharing your experiences with us. Additionally, the commander serves as the Commandant of the U.S. Army Prime Power School, the institution responsible for the development of Army and Navy power generation specialists. October 31, to November 7, 1944: Bn. Near the end of the war, the food supply in Holland had been disrupted and there was widespread hunger. His training continued on board ship in the Pacific. On the grounds of the Digby estate was the 228th Station Hospital, which consisted of a bunch of Quonset huts. (C) Group. Co "B" attached to the 297th Engr. 97. 104. They learned how to dismantle and remove land mines, repair and build bridges and construct camps for their comrades in other units. I fell in love with an English lass, Noreen, in Leicester. 294th Engineer Combat Battalion US Army in Memoriam (pamphlet), 1989 June 6 Scope and Contents From the Series: The Dickinson R. Debevoise World War II series documents his service as a sergeant in the 2nd Platoon of company A of the 294th Combat Engineer Battalion. Waiting for the main part of his unit to catch up, he told soldiers he thought were sleeping to "Get up! She worked as a secretary at the 228th while I was there. Find the perfect iowa leader stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. 24. 61. We have six children, thirteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Send Us a Request to Start Researching Your World War II Veteran. The 249th deployed teams to the Gulf Region under Joint Task Force Katrina, working with contractors, and local and state entities to assess, they helped install and maintain emergency generators at critical facilities. February 13, 1945: Co "B" constructed a C1. 44. Normandy: 6-7 June 1944 Assault Landing. 131. QUETTEHOU, FRANCE.16 April 12, 1945: Co "B" constructed a Class #40 D/S Bailey Bridge at WIEHL, GERMANY. We are always glad to assist! Dedicated to the men who proudly served their country during World War II by serving in the 238th Engineer Combat Battalion. It was disgusting down below in the Queen Mary so Newton Riess went up on deck to escape the smell. Co "C" started preparing a site for construction of a Bailey Bridge to by-pass an existing bridge west of GEY. From then on it was the road to Berlin. 57. Holtum, Netherlands. In the North Atlantic in January, they said that we would have lasted only about five minutes in that cold water.