Beware : Mio Water Enhancers - Amps - Harmony Central I set the little bottle down on my kitchen counter, only to find later on that it was still leaking on the bottom and my counter was stained red. Slowly begin to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables each day. Got some of the Mio today and love it! When it comes to this category, it is important to keep this word in mind: moderation. I woulnt sugest anyone to try it. Dew with me and havent touched it since I got MiO. Polysorbate 60 is an emulsifying agent that, like PG, is rated as a moderate health concern by EWG and can be contaminated with ethylene oxide and 1,4 dioxane, two carcinogenic industrial pollutants. Your healthcare provider can recommend medications that may help, too. I put a little in a carton of nonfat greek yogurt. The third most prominent ingredient is Propylene Glycol, which is used in antifreeze solutions, hydraulic fluids and as a solvent. Do we blindly buy the excuse mantra that theres no specific proof of how much it takes to cause whatever harmful effects, short term or long term? Even though we all know theres no specific proof because billions and billions of dollars depend on no specific proof being published? Constipation - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic These beverages dont quite fit the bill for being healthy drinks, as they dont offer health benefits, but there are worse beverages out there. Garbage. Recommended Reading: Is Celery Juice Good For Kidneys. Here is the ingredient list for the Mango Peach variety of MiO: Water, Malic Acid, Propylene Glycol, Citric Acid, natural flavor, Sucralose, Acesulfame potassium, Potassium citrate, Polysorbate 60, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Red 40, Potassium Sorbate (preservative). Terrible stuff, no more. Its extracted and purified from the Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plant, native to South America. It would go away every time I would stop using it. Find out if clinical trials are right for you. And the thing I was amazed by is the 0 calorie count. For those who had it leak and cant get it out of their counter try a little baking soda and water paste, either gently rub or just leave on for a period of time and rinse off. Although Crystal Light offers a flavorful way to break up your day, it appears that most of its options contain various artificial sweeteners and colors that some people may want to avoid, especially in excess. Im currently violently ill and regretting trying this stuff! Display as a link instead, However, harmful qualities are most likely associated and shouldn't be overlooked. I think some people have an aversion to some of its ingredients and are unfortunately unable to enjoy this product. Make an appointment with your doctor if you experience unexplained and persistent changes in your bowel habits. I refuse to drink anything that tastes as horrible as plain water and how *DARE* you suggest I stoop to such a horrible and reprehensible thing. For all but the most draining workouts, water is all you need to rehydrate. does mio make you constipated. Plus, when you are looking at heading to type II diabetes, anything that gets you off the sugar and increases your water consumption is a healthier option. Have a cup of coffee: Studies show that coffee, both caffeinated and decaf, stimulates bowels. MiO recommends using two squeezes per eight ounces of water but places a strong emphasis on customization- you can add as many or as little squeezes as you'd like and then store it for later. Category 'C' usually denotes to both good and bad qualities. MiO boasts of being a first-of-its-kind water enhancer. I manage to ween myself off of soda until I started working at a restaurant a few years back. I thought I should add to the discussion since I did have some side effects from MiO. I really like this stuff. So I cut out Mio entirely for the past week or so. Ive also been carrying this bottle around in my purse the entire time and have yet to have any leaking issues. It is oaky to use if you are only putting in 2 drops in your water, but drink alot of it, watch out. I dont know if MIO is good for you or not, but I know Ive been drinking it rather steadily for about two or three months (one to two containers per week) and now Im being treated for pseudotumor cerebri, a condition where too much spinal fluid collects around your brain and presses on it. I am one of those people who hate diet tasting anything and started drinking Mio. 03 Jun. Look at the chemicals that are placed in a cancer patients body with Chemo & Radiation, but they weigh the chances and do it anyway. Its hot out, and that means most of us are guzzling liquid to stay hydrated. It can mean that you're not passing stools regularly or you're unable to completely empty your bowel. I loved it! It was initially believed that artificial sweeteners werent digested by the body and didnt raise blood sugar or insulin levels. Look for healthy substitutions, such as naturally flavored tea and stevia as sweetener. In the case of the new MiO water enhancer, that something is sucralose which is nearly 600 times sweeter than sugar and is also the same ingredient used in Splenda which swirls with health controversy to this day. Constipation; Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Prevention - Cleveland Clinic Weve all seen them, whether in the beverage aisle or maybe the checkout of your local grocery. A scientific study suggests that drinking coffee can decrease the risk of developing chronic kidney disease. Went over my whole diet cut out stuff one thing at a time. The bleeding stopped but not the mucus and diarrhea, Loss of appetite after realizing all my symptoms started when I started using mio. And I agree with your cherry limeade suggestion, although Id go cherry lemonade! Based on current research, opting for the Stevia-sweetened versions may pose the lowest risks. Its going back to the store. I found with Crystal Light I would experience heart burn and with this product I dont. But when I was given the opportunity to try MiO, a new liquid water enhancer, I was mystified and intrigued. MANGO, PEACH IS GOOD, BUT STII WANT ORANGE. All artificial sweeteners are risky, and MiO contains TWO of them! It is loaded with artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, and toxic chemicals. Enjoy it for what it is. Bummer. I tried so many things to end it, with no luck. Is it possible for carbonated water to spark an appetite? Back to plain water for me! Not sure I will continue this love affair! She tried convincing me that we should both by one and try it. The MIO hangover was my sign to say to myself just put the little bottles away and walk away slowly. Nothing wrong with good old water and now I have a one less thing to feel guilty about. Drinking enough water is important for good health and well-being (1). Diarrhea indeed. First you can buy powedered fruit juice in a variety of flavors strawberry, grape, citrus, etc. There is no substitute for water and they shouldnt replace plain water. Very clever a science experiment you can drink. Made both my kids sick with horrible stomach cramping and diarrhea. That was a couple of weeks ago and I havent had a cola since. It is a liquid water enhancer, meaning that one small squirt (1/2 teaspoon) of the concentrated liquid can flavor an entire bottle of water. How to Keep Calcium Supplements From Causing Constipation I googled it and found this site. I broke out in a itchy rash for 2 months. . ; Lets examine electrolytes and their disorders from a much more mundane perspective. Constipation and defecation problems. Same Coffee in the morning and Coke @ lunch. MiO is a relatively recent development in the beverage world. Kellerman RD, et al. Flashy labels, pretty colors, and seductive scents are not always harmless to your healthbut they are incredibly alluring, especially to kids. Maybe Ill just put it in the fridge and only use it if I am constipated!Hate to waste my money by throwing it out. One big concern with this particular sweetener is that because it possesses a bitter chemical-like taste, it is rarely alone. I have lost 15lbs, in just 6 weeks. For the first time in 15 years, Coca-Cola saw a one per cent drop in its sale of carbonated drinks in the beginning of 2014. Accessed June 4, 2019. One way to help ease constipation is to drink a soothing cup of hot tea. bad idea. MiO is calorie-free, so you can drink it without worrying about excess calories and weight gain. I really liked this. This dangerous substance is used in the production of polyester and antifreeze. 9. Accessed June 4, 2019. It seems to affect lots of folks this way. I am sure no one is going to drink a case of Mi0 in a day without putting it in any water.They advertise this as a customizable drink solution some people like a lot of flavor and in turn will use a lot, others will only want a little and in turn use less.Personally I use this to help me get more water in me. Get this junk OFF the market!!! I went to my regular physician, which sent me for an upper GI, and a colonoscopy. Suggest improvement or correction. Pharmacist suggested Murilax but that draws even MORE water out of the body. It sucks cause this tastes so good. ________. Tops of my teeth are stained now and they werent before drinking berry pomegranite for the past month. I dont drink the peach tea because everytime I do, I get heartburn. Youll be surprised. Written by DeeAnne Oldham With obesity becoming a worldwide issue, people are looking for healthier beverage options. 1. Its so refreshing, especially on these hot summer days! I wasnt sure what was going on, quit the Mio, lips healed in 10 days. Im DONE using this MIO. If youre someone who never drinks water, then if youre drinking water with Mio or Crystal Light, certainly its better than drinking a pop. I immediately linked it to the Mio, then I read this review on Amazon : "I really loved the Mio line. Ill be frank- Im not a very healthy drinker. It tastes awesome! I watched the videos to see sassy gay friend, and then I started to think that MiO looked pretty cool. MiO is an extremely concentrated liquid containing some chemical ingredients. Continued using it because I assumed it was something I ate. According to the company, the word mio can be translated from Spanish or Italian to mean mine. According to the brand, this represents the power of consumers to make their water whatever they want it to be. The research remains inconclusive on the effects on humans. I have the sweet tea and the berry pomegranite flavors, and OMG I love both! Content produced by the NIDDK is carefully reviewed by NIDDK scientists and other experts. The body can't absorb it, and it's a slick oily-feeling liquid, so it triggers a very negative reaction in most. Instead of drinking plain ol water you can try fruit infused water or herbal teas instead for some flavor! It really helped me to drink more water. I actually thought I was going to pass out. My levels are now at less than 1/2 of what they were and headed down. Water, beer and coffee are my fluids of choice. This content does not have an Arabic version. i had my first case of heartburn ever (Im 20 years old, 5 2, and weigh 100 lbs.). It is loaded with artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, and toxic chemicals. Im cutting MIO out. Ahh so this is what is causing the diarrhea. The connoisseurs swear by them. I get terrible stomach cramps from it and upset stomach and dizzinesd every time I used the fruit punch.. it truly makes me sick! My roommate and I always buy water bottles, since our tap water is gross. It was amazing to me how little Mio I consumed this time, yet the pain was just as severe. clip-path: url(#SVGID_6_); Been using Mio for about a month and thought it was great at first. This article reviews the research on diet soda and whether it's good or bad for your. If I cant find a safe flavor, MiO will be para otros. This product should be avoided completely. (the fruit juice powders are available on molecular gastronomy sites just google 100% powdered fruit juice. I am now drinking at least individual bottles of water with MiO every day plus fresh fruits and veggies that I juice myself. Drinking more than a soda or two a day is bad for your health. WHAT I DIDNT SEE IS Propylene Glycol- til I went to the store the other day. It;also boasts;antimicrobacterial and antioxidant properties. It comes in waves of an intense burning sensation followed by the feeling that my breastbone is being crushed to touch my spine, then it smolders until the next wave of fire. The third artificial sweetener, Stevia, is labeled on products as naturally sweetened. Subtitle: 1995-2022 Harmony Central, Inc. All rights reserved. I love this stuff! I also experienced diarrhea after using this product. basically the same stuff that's in anti-freeze. Upload or insert images from URL. There is no toxicity review. Dont Miss: Can Kidney Stones Cause Constipation Or Diarrhea. Your doctor may recommend the following changes to relieve your constipation: Increase your fiber intake. Electrolyte abnormalities are very common in kidney disease states for one simple reasonit is the kidney that typically has a central role in maintaining normal levels of most electrolytes. I and a few other people have noticed if we drink several glasses of this stuff a day for a few days we all seemed to starting getting sore throats. Accessed June 6, 2019. Peach Tea is good but I need like 2 or 3 squirts in my water bottle.this stuff mixes very well. Replace with: Raw unpasteurized organic honey. If they could make Mio with more natural, safer ingredients (with Stevia perhaps?) Of the many ingredients in MiO, sucralose (what is used in Splenda) can effect some people differently than others. Just like the stuff coming out of your own tap. I was sent two flavors by Ketchum PRs Marissa Beck, in Strawberry Watermelon and Peach Tea. Does Tylenol Cause Constipation? | HealthReporter Very general topics that can lean towards both sides of the spectrum will be placed here as well. There are four others as well. Clinical trials look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat disease. Like many people here, the first time I didnt associate it with the MiO, as it didnt seem possible a couple of squirts of liquid would make me so sick but the second time there was no doubt. Gross, unethical and immoral. Flomax and solving constipation | Mayo Clinic Connect X-MIO drinker.. Taking too many magnesium supplements can cause loose stools, diarrhea, nausea, and cramps. Blockages in the colon or rectum may slow or stop stool movement. I have been drinking this stuff for about 4 months with ZERO negative affects and I will continue to use in moderation as its helped me stay hydrated and lose weight. Most of us know we should be drinking more water. Woke in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, woke my husband to tell him I felt VERY sick. you gotta love the sassy gay friend. This is because the health impact of the other artificial sweeteners used Ace-K and sucralose continue to be investigated. I dont care what is causing the headache I will not drink that crap again! And for the people who have in issue with the fake sweetner, I say if thats the only bad thing I put in my body I think Im doing good. As a side comment, I am amazed at the horrific spelling and grammar in these and other posts I have read. This is because the health impact of the other artificial sweeteners used Ace-K and sucralose continue to be investigated. After all, it was only $3. Both low and high levels of electrolytes can be seen when the kidneys malfunction, but can have a multitude of other indirect causes. I just hope it didnt do any real damage.I am done with this product. This article discusses, Researchers say the sugar substitutes added to foods and drinks can lead to long-term weight gain as well as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart. Mio is the reason I drink water instead of soda thesew days. Dehydration is a leading cause of constipation. It has electrolytes and less sugar than many sports drinks or fruit juices. The packets Id used previously were messy and didnt always mix up well. Case in point: If you put a monkey in a room with two glasses of water one with cyanide and added ingredients that make it sweet, and one thats plain, the monkey will drink the cyanide. I have only tried the strawberry watermelon,Fruit Punch and Berry Pomegranite flavors but intend to try the others if I can find them. Eating stimulates the flow of acid-neutralizing saliva, so save that bottle of strawberry-kiwi water to drink along with a meal or snack to dilute the acid effect. What Is MiO, and Is It Good or Bad for Your Health? Im totally addicted to the peach mango one! Unless you do research over a period of time; there is no way you can blame MIO for something you probably already had aquired. Just two of the five flavors from the MiO Vitamins line are advertised as being naturally sweetened with stevia leaf extract (2)., Accessed June 7, 2019. Received my free sample of fruit punch it is good, with a nice flavor and much better than the powder ones.Mine leaked in the box also, but I didnt get any on my counter. MIO ROCKS! I bought the stop & shop brand and think it may have affected me the samecant figure put why every morning I have diahrea, Same here. Since The two squirts of Mio was the only change Id made, I suspected it was the Mio and stopped using it. Eat a high-fiber diet, which adds bulk to your stool and draws in water to make it easier to pass. We dont need cancer AWARENESS WE NEED PREVENTION. Subscribe for free and receive your in-depth guide to This zero calorie water enhancer seems basically harmless, until you dissect its innards. The next day I decided to do a little research on the ingredients in Mio and learned that the propylene glycol can cause the side effects I experienced. It really comes together quite seamlessly. I have tried peach tea and black cherry and this green thunder flavor. The use of a calorie-free, cost-effective water enhancer like MiO may increase fluid intake and reduce the risk of dehydration in some people. I hate the taste of water (which has no taste) so I put about 3 squirts in a 16Oz bottle. Slimfast & Diarrhea. Dont know about tattoos but a cherry limeaid would be wonderful! However, if you are in good health and do not have a history of severe side effects from vaccines, there are no special safety concerns for you at this time. i might reach my goal of 1/2 gallon per day. Made me afraid to try any other flavors its not all that cheap! I dont know about all that nutrition stuff or the worry about the artificial sweetener, but I do know that MiO tastes good, has me drinking much more water (didnt drink any water at all before I started drinking flavored water), and is super easy to use. I love them all. Some of the common causes of low sodium levels are as follows : Water is the life-force of the earth and nothing would exist without it. . } Long-term side effects of 'F' items are usually very serious. Long-term use of this sweetener could, therefore, cause problems like immune dysfunction, birth defects, and cancer. If so, youd be wrong. Second, it takes much more than a squeeze (or two or three) to make a drink that isnt watered down tasting. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. I cant touch the stuff with a 10 foot pole, nor any gum or solid food with it in there. After reading these posts I am sure its the Mio. Its estimated that 1628% of adults are often dehydrated, with older adults being more at risk (1). Meanwhile, Stevia is plant-based. Make a thread about how you can actually shit normal.. For once.. It is free, pure and accessible. According to the American Beverage Association, with 20 per cent of households already buying bottled water , flavour enhancers for water, such as Mio and Crystal Light, are the soda-alternative that has quickly cornered the marketplace. Dont drink it directly from the bottle, store it in cars, or freeze it. Purchased 2 bottles (Peach Tea and Mango Peach) while on vacation in Florida 3 weeks ago. (you can also get instant, unsweetened tea. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. I started drinking Mio last week, I love the taste but I noticed stomach and head aches. I thought it was a coincidence- but laid of the MIO for 30-45 days. INSOMNIA!I was elated when MIO came out. Some products include propylene glycol; and while Health Canada has approved it as a food additive, the chemical has a wide range of uses such as being an ingredient of antifreeze and cosmetics and is even used when creating artificial smoke. Had hopes for Mio, but my ass vomited it all out. You will also receive Has anyone else experienced this? This virus is unrelated to COVID-19 but gives the same spike protein as the mRNA vaccines, which tells your body to make antibodies that protect you from COVID-19. MiO Energy is the only product line that contains caffeine. Philadelphia, Pa.: Elsevier; 2019. In reality in this day of flip floppin on food anything can kill ya or giva ya cancerremember eggs were good for ya then they werent an coffee was bad an caused cancer an now they claim it can fight against breast cancerso wit that being said I will purchase it again. And I only use 1 squirt so its only 8 cents per serving for me. That's because if you drink alcohol in large. The human body is about 70 percent water, and it is necessary for every cellular process. I dont have to deal with the grittiness of Crystal Light that tends to float in the water when it isnt dissolved easily in the water.