The little girl-dress suits me better than that old sack. Im your wife, damn it! Ive worn a mask every day of my life. It is so boring. Because here doesnt care. Clever enough to learn what poison you used to murder Myrcella. Did my father strike my gentleman for chiding of his fool?By day and night he wrongs me; every hourHe flashes into one gross crime or other,That sets us all at odds: Ill not endure it:His knights grow riotous, and himself upbraids usOn every trifle. Maybe I deserve to get my ass left at a train station at one A.M. , you know? I heard a thousand stories. You neednt try to comfort me. But in these casesWe still have judgment here; that we but teachBloody instructions, which, being taught, returnTo plague the inventor: this even-handed justiceCommends the ingredients of our poisond chaliceTo our own lips. You really should be in therapy, you know. And will only continue to be this way. And the fantasy of right and wrong. Then they performed the ritual to make us brave. And yetI honored thee, as the wise will deem, rightly.Never had I been a mother of children,or if a husband had been moldering in death,would I have taken this task upon me in the citys despite.What law, ye ask, is my warrant for that word?The husband lost, another might have been found,and child from another, to replace the first-born;but, father and mother hidden with Hades,no brothers life could ever bloom for me again.Such was the law whereby I held thee first in honor;but Creon deemed me guilty of error therein,and of outrage, ah brother mine!And now he leads me thus, a captive in his hands;no bridal bed, no bridal song hath been mine,no joy of marriage, no portion in the nurture of children; but thus, forlorn of friends, unhappy one, I go living to the vaults of death.And what law of Heaven have I transgressed?Why, hapless one, should I look to the gods anymorewhat ally should I invokewhen by pietyI have earned the name of impious? The childs side. So I ran away, crossed the shining sea and when I finally set foot back on sole ground the first thing I heard was that goddamn voice. Look, perjured man, on herWhom thou and thy distracted lust have wronged.Thy sensual rage of blood hath made my youthA scorn to men and angels, and shall IBe now a foil to thy unsated change?Thou knowst, false wanton, when my modest fameStood free from stain or scandal, all the charmsOf Hell or sorcery could not prevailAgainst the honour of my chaster bosom.Thine eyes did plead in tears, they tongue in oathsSuch and so many, that a heart of steelWould have been wrought to pity, as was mine:And shall the conquest of my lawful bed,My husbands death urged on by his disgrace,My loss of womanhood, be ill rewardedWith hatred and contempt? Monologue. Monologue Categories: Vulnerable monologues, angry . And when I got married, I threw myself into becoming a Keating, and it was all to create a version of myself that the world would accept. A son! That should not be up to anyone else. cos I was never gonna get off that island. I TRIED TO STOP IT (West Side Story) I REMEMBER EVERYTHING (Oaklahoma) WHY NOT ME TOO? Anger, which I guess is a variation of rage and sometimes it gives way to panic, which in my case is also a variation of rage. Out here, love burns through you like a fever. I cant seem to I cant seem to shake the real implication of dying. Jessicas husband was murdered when the couple stopped for gasoline in a black neighborhood. I would have gladly given my life for you, but it wouldnt have helped. Bide my time. There is no other option. I cannot blink what I saw, Abigail, for my enemies will not blink it. For the cancer to come back. I hurt badly! Yet, theyre both rodents, are they not? self-control. Youre selfish, do you know that? I saw you looking at him, and I could see you seeing in your eye that youd rather be with him. Really Really 7. I can't do this. And she tries to explain, you know, sometimes you cant have exactly what you want but thats why we have to compromise. He prodded me, forcing me to turn around, mixing your blood with mine. It whispers to me, They will not get away with it. Its a hostile world, indeed. At least you get letters. Surrounded by the illusion of order. I understand your trepidation in repeating it. And the stamina; the capacity for staying up late, to read or watch a movie, never mind sex. (Pause. So now, you know, from the start I make no effort because I know its not going to work out, I know its not going to work out. There was a time I could see. Im tired of pretending that I cannot continue acting as as if I do not love you. . Its a bad plan. Each finger, my palms, my thumbs. But when you say it, Im looking at you, I believe you actually mean it. Why didnt they ask me to marry them? I knew about Michelle. Why should a mortal man, the sport of chance,With no assured foreknowledge, be afraid?Best live a careless life from hand to mouth.This wedlock with thy mother fear not thou.How oft it chances that in dreams a manHas wed his mother! Yes honest peasants, both of them! Tis true I have not shedBlood as I might have done, in oceans, tillMy name became the synonym of deathA terror and a trophy. The Priest and me, we lived by the same principles. A monologue from the play by Lynn Nottage. And so, naturally, when I hear that a child has been killed in a fashionin a fashion such as this Little Jesus thingyou know what? Where does it hurt? Because, after 25 years of building a home and raising a family and all the senseless pain that we have inflicted on each other. I married a Wall Street lawyer. But there are too many scruples, and my reason is alarmed at the contempt of a choice so worthy; although to monarchs only my [proud] birth may assign me, Rodrigo, with honor I shall live under thy laws. Betrayed I am.O this false soul of Egypt! And what I really dont understand is how come everybody else isnt screaming with boredom too. Our next batter bunted and I made third. A monologue from the play by Pierre Corneille. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. I like how wine continues to evolve, like if I opened a bottle of wine today it would taste different than if Id opened it on any other day, because a bottle of wine is actually alive. O God! O bosom black as deathO limed soul, that, struggling to be free,Art more engagd! Each monologue must be under 90 seconds in length. (beat). Fly! Watch the movie 2013 (Ben Whishaw)|1978 (Derek Jacobi)|2013 (Royal Shakespeare Theater. Now, my job dictates that I must have my men enter your home and conduct a thorough search before I can officially cross your familys name off my list. Dent & Sons, 1922. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Home is a long way away for all of us. Then continues.) You will lie with the rest of your kind in the dirt your dreams forgotten. I know that. I hope that, whoever you are, you escape this place. Everything will be okay in the end. Your father made you believe otherwise. The Long Farewell. Its the fact that youre never really emotionally prepared for someone to leave you. Here are some predecessors that stand out: 1. Clothes are just something I use for cover, leaving room for one electric blue memory. Its a reason to smile. The love of your life? They include a couple hidden theater gems as well as several famous female monologues, good for either Broadway or the local playhouse. . But instead I locked myself in my dorm room and refused to come out to greet them. Mostly I worry about food. I should have said so. Imagining a life without her doesnt excite me, it just makes me anxious. Applying to the naval academy following in my fathers footsteps. My lights are gone. I keep thinking Im gonna wake up and everythings gonna be fine. So I cut out the eye that looked away. . Ive never cried so hard in my life. Just kind of messed up. You can think yourself lucky if one fine morning your little precious doesnt cut her sleeves off or come home in the evening without shoes and stockings. She doesnt wash her hair, and she has on the same outfit shes worn for three days, but she puts on lipstick! But I said, No babe, I had a salad and one of those meals, like 3 points and sh*t. And you just looked at me. I cant even keep you out of my bed. Bethink thee, sister, of our fathers fate,Abhorred, dishonored, self-convinced of sin,Blinded, himself his executioner.Think of his mother-wife (ill sorted names)Done by a noose herself had twined to deathAnd last, our hapless brethren in one day,Both in a mutual destiny involved,Self-slaughtered, both the slayer and the slain.Bethink thee, sister, we are left alone;Shall we not perish wretchedest of all,If in defiance of the law we crossA monarchs will?weak women, think of that,Not framed by nature to contend with men.Remember this too that the stronger rules;We must obey his orders, these or worse.Therefore I plead compulsion and entreatThe dead to pardon. All I know is the more we look back wondering what might have been, the less were living for today. It wasnt even his to prot from, yet he still gave everything to that godd*mn store. If by your art, my dearest father, you havePut the wild waters in this roar, allay them.The sky, it seems, would pour down stinking pitch,But that the sea, mounting to the welkins cheek,Dashes the fire out. take up piano; Im taking piano. Just a minute just a minute. I knew it then. I have real trouble telling the truth. Belief, like fear or love, is a force to be understood as we understand the Theory of Relativity and Principles of Uncertainty: phenomenon that determine the course of our lives. He left. My mom barely goes out. WithinIn lonely sorrow shall I waste away,As widowed of my wife I see my couch,The seats deserted where she sat, the roomsWanting her elegance. Synopsis: A woman eats her husband's divorce papers in an attempt to halt the proceedings. SOUND OF MUSIC - Young Adult Female - Dramatic SOUND OF MUSIC - Maria tells Captain Von Trapp how to show love to his children. Who knows what the tide could bring? I give one fellow a quarter and he turn around and give it to the candy man. When we returned, we found her side of the closet empty. "The Loman Family Picnic" by Donald Margulies. I was afraid that I wouldnt survive the next few minutes while they turned off the machines. Only sky above us now. But you know what? But I never took it. .no, worse than tigresses . And then she ditches me. Shall I listen to thee, love, whose delicious power causes my desires to rebel against this proud tyrant? Men fall in love so quickly, until they basically go mad, and then, bit by bit, take their distance and fall out of love again. Child Soldier 4. Between them, the death of a father has interposed so little hatred, that the duty of blood with regret pursues him. )Portal of Hades, thus I bid thee hail!Grant me one boona swift and mortal stroke,That all unwrung by pain, with ebbing bloodShed forth in quiet death, I close mine eyes. Its a reason to get up in the morning. Now I, on the other hand, love my unofficial title precisely because Ive earned it. Now thats the stuff leaders should be made of. 2 0 obj about long-term improvement and adaptive skills for the real world and all that sh*t. Yesterday, my life was headed in one direction. 10 Short Dramatic Monologues for Your 90-Second Musical Theatre Audition : PerformerStuff More Good Stuff It appears that you are outside of North America. You, you said that they Whatd you say just a minute ago? The scar is all I have left of you. THE STORY 3. Just because something is not perfect does not make it any less worthy of love. Why did you do that?Doesnt matter now. The candy man gonna get him a bigger wagon and another five pound of sugar. Its terrifying. But I couldnt. I mean, to what end? All sins, except a sin against itself, Love should forgive. and would purchase honour and reputation at the cost of hypocritical looks and affected groans; who, seized with strange ardour, make use of the next world to secure their fortune in this; who, with great affectation and many prayers. Yes, I killed them. yes, a human being can teach another one kindness very simply! A man's love is like that. And thats when this feeling came over me like a warm blanket. In case of emergency. We believe this conscience to be a single thing, but it is many-sided. I have cardigans. Now, my liege,Tell me what blessings I have here alive,That I should fear to die? does it not show too clearly over whom thou art destined to reign? Fear. Id show you but Im too old; Im too tired; Im too f***in blind. Tyler Maysee, I quite like my name, but for some people it tells them I'm some kinda butch girl who is really stocky with a super short haircut, that wears baggy t-shirts and umbro trackies, but heigh ho, I don't really care. Are you still happy? then the other they go down on their knees, as if to implore me for mercy. Babe. (Undine realizes the addicts are eavesdropping and finds herself including them in her confessional.). This is the best I could come up with, okay? Prison teaches no good and Siberia doesnt either but another human being can . The game was tied; it was the last of the ninth, with no one on base. Ah, ah the fire! You know why? I have to sleep with one eye open, and I only got one eye, right? Im forty-seven. A monologue from the tv series created by Sam Levinson. It has troubled me that you are now seven months out of their house, and in all this time no other family has ever called for your service. I wanna talk to him. all of ice], thou sword, hitherto to be feared. I survived the sexual abuse by my uncle when I was 11. let them alone:The marshal and the archbishop are strong:Had my sweet Harry had but half their numbers,To-day might I, hanging on Hotspurs neck,Have talkd of Monmouths grave. But you are aware of what they call me. He looks in the barn, he looks in the attic, he looks in the cellar, he looks everywhere he would hide. stream O inimical old age! . Youll own it and the land forever. I've been sleeping in my swimsuit. Text Oh, really? 47 children were rescued, I was one of them. Watch the movie 1979 (Jon Finch)|1973 (Globe on Screen). . And sometimes I use excessive force on an entirely innocent individual. How its a living thing. To know it, you must walk. (Detective doesnt answer.) I swear one night Im going to go out, and Im just not going to come home. Dramatic Monologues For Girls . My friends, I deem the fortune of my wifeHappier than mine, though otherwise it seems;For never more shall sorrow touch her breast,And she with glory rests from various ills.But I, who ought not live, my destined hourOerpassing, shall drag on a mournful life,Late taught what sorrow is. And upon that sand a new god will walk. So thats what I did. . It belongs to someone who has yet to come. What do you really wanna know? He made you believe that you needed to be without fault in order to be loved. it never succeeds in either extinguishing the love, or accepting the lover! You could come home tomorrow and its fine. You hold this boys future in your hands, committee. So busted. A monologue from the tv series created by Peter Nowalk. O, most wicked speed, to postWith such dexterity to incestuous sheets!It is not nor it cannot come to good:But break, my heart; for I must hold my tongue. This penitential robe will keep. you know, Youre the worst mom in the entire world and I wish you were dead . So if you really are here, and youre really not just stopping in to say youre leaving again, youre going to have to do better than this. But those phrases were invented by professors at universities. If it were done, when tis done, then twere wellIt were done quickly: if the assassinationCould trammel up the consequence, and catchWith his surcease success; that but this blowMight be the be-all and the end-all here,But here, upon this bank and shoal of time,Wed jump the life to come. It was me. If one of Tims black students was angry with him, the black student would have shot Tim right there in the moment. I try to find ways to make myself feel something more and more and more it doesnt make any difference. I was there when this wonderful person drifted into this world, and I was there when she drifted out. Its a path made of principle that leads to character. A monologue from the play by Pedro Calderon De La Barca. You must try harder to hate me, my lady; but no, for if you do, then I will love you all the more. (then) Because this world doesnt belong to you. FACING THE SUN Uh well, Ill tell ya, I remember this one time Im in a Banshee at night in combat conditions, so theres no running lights on the carrier. Men go out with me, we break up, and then they get married! I dont really think it matters what that thing is . Grandfather, they say, for Gods sake give us some bread! Its a valuable future. (Bill gets painfully up from his chair, kisses his hand and places it on Amsterdams forehead) God bless you. I couldnt bear to see her in another womans arms. This high rank becomes [lit. I drank without thinking. Just like our marriage is an abortion. I realized as a woman how lucky I was. . Valerie. . It always confused me, because I didnt really know what it meant. So . And Im Kelly Anne Baldwin, raised in Houston, daughter of Karen and Ed Baldwin. And I find that reassuring. Lets finally guarantee its rights to all of our citizens. But you know black kids dont really do that, do they? After this time, if tickets are still available, they can . Just a minute. I was the first person in the family to graduate from college. Charles Heron Wall. The talks about . One classical monologue from a play written before 1950 with an emphasis on heightened language. A monologue from the play by Daniel Pearle. The following six two minute monologues are comedic, contemporary and for women. Some called it the American Desert. Short Dramatic Monologue Examples Pdf . She surprised me in a place, where she ought not to have known me, just as I could not exist for her; and she now seeks to attach to me a reality such as I could never suppose I should have to assume for her in a shameful and fleeting moment of my life. You dont like them. The fact is that no item of clothing has ever moved me in any way except one. But I didnt mind, no, I didnt mind until I overheard a group of my friends making crass unkind comments about my family. Idle old man,That still would manage those authoritiesThat he hath given away! Like that time, I came home. I knew that I must die,Een hadst thou not proclaimed it; and if deathIs thereby hastened, I shall count it gain.For death is gain to him whose life, like mine,Is full of misery. I hurt myself, It doesnt hurt. Do you think anybody dares to be friendly with me, who has to collect all the debts, all the money obligations, of the whole city? It is a misery to be a man! He gave his life to that store. You do whatever you want. Edwin Bjrkman. After my mom died, my father took his five motherless children to Belfast, Northern Ireland. That was the finest beating I ever took. Has a rat ever done anything to you to create this animosity you feel toward them? A few times a week, you know, they come in here and prod me. Each monologue should be 60-90 seconds in length. 1 0 obj (Pause. For superstitious reasons. Last week. All lives, save loveless lives, true Love should pardon. Apparently. Understand, Sharona had to die in a fire in order for Undine to live. I can hardly look at you standing by your bags. Loud, overly eager, lugging picnic baskets filled with fragrant ghetto food . With all my heart, I love you. I havent come here on any but equal terms. Heydrich apparently hates the moniker the good people of Prague have bestowed on him. What may be the danger,I know not: he hath found it, let him quell it.Must I consume my lifethis little lifeIn guarding against all may make it less!It is not worth so much! Finds brotherhood in thee no sharper spur?Hath love in thy old blood no living fire?Edwards seven sons, whereof thyself art one,Were as seven vials of his sacred blood,Or seven fair branches springing from one root:Some of those seven are dried by natures course,Some of those branches by the Destinies cut;But Thomas, my dear lord, my life, my Gloucester,One vial full of Edwards sacred blood,One flourishing branch of his most royal root,Is crackd, and all the precious liquor spilt,Is hackd down, and his summer leaves all faded,By envys hand and murders bloody axe.Ah, Gaunt, his blood was thine! I know Ill sleep all the better. Because Im a good policeman. Each night is darker, beyond darkness. STILL LIFE 9. I watch them do this. Youre sheltering enemies of the state, are you not? SayOur rites are instant, which performed, youll seeHow vain, and worthy laughter, your fears be. This is the moment when you swing by to tell me youre leaving again, on a longer trip with a bigger grant to study something even stranger than before, before Im even used to having you around? And I decided on that day that I was Undine Barnes, who bore no relationship to those people. . I hadn't seen him since we split up, not once. La Sainte Courtisane. You can choose to love me as much as I love you. Its like theres a fire burning in the center of my head, Mary, and the pipe is the water that will put it out. Consider for a moment the world a rat lives in. I think its safe to say that I have explored the full range of rage. Isnt that right, Uncle Billy? And I had said, you know, we could talk about it. . I went to a real estate office. It was too damn hard. Oh, Michael. Lawrence Harbison has selected 100 terric monologues for men from contemporary plays, all by characters between the ages of 18 and 35 perfect for auditions or class. Shes obviously fine with his wearing anything, you know, around the apartment but she was convinced letting him trick-or-treat like that in the building . I shall die here. And thou, glorious instrument of my exploits, but yet a useless ornament of an enfeebled body numbed by age [lit. And that reward will be, your family will cease to be harassed in any way by the German military during the rest of our occupation of your country. So I came home. (Pause. Fear. I sleep near by, and I dream of nothing but crimes Just now I have a murder case in court oh, I can stand that, but do you know what is worse than anything else? Her I indeed adore;And keep her grateful image in my house,Sometimes belonging to a Roman king,But now called mine, as by the better style.To her I care not if, for satisfyingYour scrupulous fancies, I go offer. . I was gonna get sick, or get injured or something. destiny has allowed that love should continue even between two enemies. I propose to you any disease a rat could spread, a squirrel could equally carry. Schroder (teacher and examiner for the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art), Richard Carpenter (TV writer) and Ed Wilson (Director of . So he can learn a little more . Why? No, I dont never sleep too much. Its everywhere. (talking, through tears, about the last minutes with Shelby) I stayed there. new dignity fatal to my happiness! . Your moms with someone. That is to separate married people! A monologue from the screenplay by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett. I dont think it matters.