Too many people! You wont have to fill out a personal state income tax form every year. Pay by the hour to park at a recreation area that would be free back home? Prices with housing has since then increased to outrageous amounts as well as rent. Watch out for red tide. And those same boomers, now aging, are eager for the tropical Florida sunshine. And while youre at it, youll want an attached spa to soak those aging muscles. Or, a busy, crowded, and hectic state will give you happiness? "You may also notice more wrinkles. In 2020, data shows that there is a huge rise in sea level and this is a huge threat to people living near the sea. I-95 which is around Miami is the most crowded and hectic place in Florida. I hate have to drag things in and out because of storms and cleaning up the house and yard after them. Neighbors have found poisonous snakes on their lanais and patios three times [since] weve lived here., 12 States That Won't Tax Your Retirement Income, Perhaps Florida gets a bad rap, but come on: It sure has more than its fair share of weird stories that waft in and out of the news cycle. If you are happy with just going to the beach and the theme parks, then you should have no problem. The lack of historical consciousness. Travel, for example we find the cheapest places to visit around the world. Its interesting that I dont hear progressive individuals complaining about Florida, and why is that?! They dont like shutdowns or mandates in Florida (currently), I can be free (this can be a pro or con depending upon your perspective). However, your actual retirement location goes hand in hand with your degree of perspiration. Then people started finding out and ive watched Paradise lost once again as it did where I grew up. You have to pay for your property, insurance, buy food and maintain a standard of living. Rent went from $850 mo to $1600 mo. In 2018, when I moved to Florida, their data showed that 65.5 million people moved in and it was no more a quiet place but a place of huge people. places to live There are some nice museums and galleries in the larger cities, but it is nowhere near the level of places like New York or Chicago. "My mental health started declining from being stuck indoors almost 10 months out of the year," he said. Florida is off the chain: neo-Nazi rallies, anti-CRT sentiments, debates on banning books, bans on vaccines and mask mandates and attacks on voting rights and fair elections. You not only get to experience the warm weather throughout the year, the pristine beaches, and the scenic beauty of nature, but you also get a dose of adventure when in Florida. This will insure for a comfortable transition, into the culture and lifestyle. 542. It can be hard to choose which mineral Florida springs to visit. I can make way more money elsewhere. Also South Florida has far worse crime. Loved ones are often far away (ours are in New York and Pennsylvania), says Torrey, the central Florida transplant. When real estate prices shoot up, my taxes go up faster than my retirement/wage income does. Im still stuck here and prepping to leave! If your dream is to move to Florida and buy a boat, youll learn that the two best days in a boat owners life is the day they buy their boat, and the day they sell it. A huge python was crawling in my garden. We are feeling your pain in Huntsville Alabama. . Orlando came in at No. If you are thinking about moving to Florida because it will be cheaper than your current situation, you may want to think again. There are so many activities in the Sunshine State to perform that you never heard about it. The way in which this nations unctuous elements tend to trickle down as if Florida were the grease trap under Americas George Foreman grill., Retirees: Heres How to Pay for 5 Common Expenses and Cut Your Taxes While Doing It. 2. Go back up north I-95 runs north, dont come back. But, I hate it more every day. Floridas climate is classified as a humid subtropical, so there should be no surprise that its climate can be quite uncomfortable its the same climate that allows rainforests to thrive. SPF? 2. Therefore, do your research wisely and come to this place and draw your own memories. Homeowners insurance in general can be tough to get when you live on a barrier island, says Elliott, the northern transplant who now lives in Fort Myers Beach on the Gulf Coast. Even as population growth has slowed in the US and turned negative in some states, Florida's population has grown every year since 1946, increasing ninefold from a population of roughly 2 million that year. Look at car insurance, for example. A lot of mouth breathers. Luckily technology makes it easier than ever to stay in touch with this transient nature and many families do not feel the disconnect that can be caused. A new study done in October 2020 suggests that rising sea levels may threaten the value of homes near the water. But your bank account should have the cash to afford your lifestyle. On top of the heat and humidity, there are also biting flies, mosquito swarms and columns of fire ants to ward off. This term was invented to describe half of the people at your high school. Do you really want to join the graying crowd that made Woodstock a thing? The Census Bureau's latest estimates show that a net total of about 320,000 Americans moved into Florida between 2021 and 2022, the largest number among the 49 states and Washington, DC. Retirees who move to Florida are often shocked to discover that deductibles for hurricane insurance often range from 2% to 5% (and sometimes as much as 10%) of the policy coverage, rather than the . I can swim all year, Im going to get a home with a pool! Your 80 and get a license for EIGHT years and you cant see or hear- WTF?! The Sunshine State experiences a tropical type of climate and is a home for various flora and fauna with beautiful dog-friendly beaches in Florida. With over 20 million residents and 100+ million tourist a year, driving and parking just about anywhere in Florida can be maddening. Is one of the cheapest places to live in the U.S. right for you? This happens to millions of people who move. Rasmussen found that Florida is dead last in the whole nation when adjusting for wages vs. relative costs. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, There could be more extreme weather more hurricanes, more intense thunderstorms, and a hotter climate overall (to add to the already sweltering weather). 4. And I did check it out before I came because my daughter has lived here forever 3 years. Avoid North as well. After all, the biggest regret may be not trying at all. Thats higher than the combined rates retirees from snowbird states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and New Jersey are accustomed to paying. Way does my water and sewer bill cost a fortune every month? Right. People from New York, California, and Texas visit here and it has increased its annual growth rate of 2.5 % above the national average. Stay where you are, no reason to come here. The main Central highway in Florida 1-4 which starts from Daytona Beach in the East through Orlando and ends in Tampa on the West is always full of people and traffic. So get ready here they come . The Miami real-estate agent Michael Bordenaro told Insider in 2021 that 40% to 50% of his clients who are new to the state move out within a few years. The Pros, Cons and Best Places to Live or Retire in Florida. Florida isnt for everyone. Therefore, there are benefits of living in Florida but with that, you have to accept its flaws too. We are not saying that people do not like the warm weather, because most people do. I always have a great time while vacationing in Florida, it. He has a masters degree from Syracuse Universitys S.I. Published 19 February 23. recession As Miami entrepreneur and New Tropic cofounder Rebekah Monson pointed out in a Twitter thread last month, those who haven't found culture in South Florida simply aren't looking for it. My 15 minute commute is now 35 min. My skin got miserable living in Florida, the weather and climate here are so harsh and warm that they burnt out my skin. "At first, it still felt like that vacation feel," she said. Florida may sound like the perfect state to live in, but many people have confessed their regret moving to Florida once they have settled in. I wish I could move, but my husbands whole family are all Sarasota natives, and he also has a very good job and has been moving up in positions every year or so. At the time she was an explosives scientist doing work for the military. Ive been to the theme parks so many times they bore me now. The people are the rudest Ive ever encountered, the roads are crowded, the stores are crowded and people dont know how to drive. What I saw there I wont forget in my entire life. If you are thinking about moving to the Sunshine State, then read more about the things people wish they knew beforehand and hear about their reasons not to live in Florida before deciding for yourself. We all know Florida is one of the most popular states in the U.S. and is the home to warm weather, tons of beaches, amusement parks, and good job opportunities, but the picture is not all so rosy when you live there full-time. That also means that you most likely need a car, which adds to your overall cost of living and something to consider on why not to live in Florida. The country is all insects. The Legislative Session began Tuesday with a State of the State address from the Governor. It's a downward spiral of motivationand energy exacerbated by your lack of the kinds of friends who can help you snap out of it. The traffic here is just as bad as up North but you have to drive even further to get anywhere. By David Muhlbaum Who knew? The further North you go- the more Southern it becomes. Other popular retirement states in the Southeast Georgia, Alabama, the Carolinas all skew much younger than Florida. The heat and humidity on the golf course 9 months out of the year have taken the fun out of it for me. If you can handle the weather and are able to find a good job in an affordable city or town, then you may enjoy living in Florida. Another reasonwhy you shouldnt move to Florida? Visit our corporate site. Sorry it didnt work out for you! There are real estate tax breaks available for residents that own their home. Thank you Chicky for sharing your experience. Nicole Panesso lived in Florida her whole life until moving to Tennessee earlier this year, she previously told Insider, citing low wages and high expenses as reasons why. Many savvy retirees confine outdoor activities, from rounds of golf to leisurely walks, to early mornings when the mercury and humidity levels are still tolerable. As a resident of the Sunshine State youll learn that there arent really as many old people in Florida as you thought, its just that many younger people look that way due to sun damage. We are in the middle of no where- its called Northern Flo RA Da! For instance, the combined state and local sales tax averages 7.01% in Florida, according to the Tax Foundation. NY 10036. you name it Im in. Molly Elliott, who lives in Fort Myers Beach, said beach rats were a big adjustment for her, as was the expense of keeping them out of her house. Florida is not well-known for having an extensive arts community and many cities have a limited arts and culture scene. We decided to move to Arizona, best decision ever. You can golf, bike, ride your motorcycle, swim or do any other outdoor activity that doesnt involve snow or cold temperatures, all year long. In Florida, I can bike, play golf, tennis, etc. Fifty-one-year-old Kimberly Lovelace previously told Insider she left Florida only five months after moving there in May 2021 because of high housing costs and the stifling heat, among other factors. So heading to Southern Florida is no longer a place to visit just for fun, but a place to go "home" to see the people who matter . I've never seen a coral snake in Florida but with coral right in the name (just like Coral Gables and Coral Springs) you know it has to be there. Remember those sweaty temperatures we warned you about?