"Although You's depiction of Joe as someone who can feel guilt and empathy toward his victims brings humanity to the character, it's also led some fans to romanticize him. A psychoanalytic of Joe Goldberg (You) - Psychology 12 raised him, and even taught him an education. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. Unlike Joe and Love, both serial killers are typically narcissistic, whereas Joe is a textbook example ofYandere, whereas Love is a typical, garden-variety killer. Scott did say, though, that the closest clinical diagnosis to a "psychopath" or "sociopath" is antisocial personality disorder, and that Goldberg does indeed show some hallmark traits of the disorder. "The higher you are on the narcissistic spectrum, the less capable you are of changing," says Lev. Personality (10th ed.). Joe's development of obsessions with different women often leads to violence due to his inability to create and maintain positive relationships, and he often resorts to violence when he feels as though he is being abandoned. Whitfield, C. L. (1991). No matter what the opinion, it is clear that Joe Goldberg is a complex character whose actions cannot be easily explained. each theorist has a reasonable point in the development of personalities (Burger, 2019). Worrall, Daina. Because Joe is a charming character, most people watching the show find themselves rooting for him, even when he is facing the well deserved consequences of his own actions. Even when something goes awry, "if we already had this preconceived notion that this person is sensitive and emotionally present, it's very easy for us to believe they're a good person.". It can be inferred that because Joe was abandoned by his mother, but continued to hold her in high regard, he developed an unhealthy outlook on love and developed toxic codependency. He fears that he wont be able to protect his son, Henry, from what he himself was subjected to as a child, and he struggles to form a connection with him. Because Joe is a charming character, most people watching the show find themselves rooting for him, even when he is facing the well deserved consequences of his own actions. Joe Goldberg is one of those rare sociopaths who come across as very charming. and how Joe has become the person. Cognitive behavioral therapist Dr. Avigail Lev, director of Bay Area CBT Center and founder of CBT Online, gets more specific, diagnosing Joe with covert malignant narcissism. "We can see that he's more of a covert narcissist than an overt because covert narcissists seem really shy and sweet. generating situations develop strategies for dealing with threatening people. "What we can learn from psychopaths like Joe," Neo says, "is that we need to have a lot better boundaries. worsened as he got older. it shows us a different perspective and puts us in the mind of a person with mental illness. When she is in love, she enjoys stealing from and murdering her victims. locked in a glass cage and torture him. You Joe Goldberg Based On Real Social Media Nightmare - Refinery29 Why Does Everyone like Joe Goldberg?" But when Love had sex with Theo, she didnt even mention it to Joe. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, a registered yoga instructor, and an avid astrologer and tarot reader. No one can predict the trajectory of a narcissistic cycle because it is a continuous pattern that does not end or end. Joe Goldberg'S Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder in Caroline Joe Goldberg is a character in the novel You, who is a textbook psychopath. What???? The Role of Trauma in Netflix Series 'You' Season 3 Editor's note: This article contains spoilers for the television show "You.". Goldberg committed all of these heinous and unlawful acts without showing remorse and did so for his own benefit in this case, being closer to Beck which suggests he could be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, Scott said. antisocial disorder, being a narcissist, and co-dependency issues. Joe Goldberg: Factors Influencing Stalker Behaviour - Blogger He has often been described as a psychopath, but opinions have differed on what exactly ails our hero. Trust your intuition, watch for the red flags, and, for God's sake, buy some curtains. growing up, with a dysfunctional family. Mullen PE, Path M, Purcell R, Stuart GW. Although he has done so much wrong, Goldberg still thinks he is a perfect individual, and lacks guilt to take accountability for his actions or even feel empathy towards the people who he has violated. These individuals often have a poor understanding of dating rituals as well as a sense of entitlement to a relationship. What's Realistic About the Depiction of Stalking in You? Eventually, Joe finds purpose in keeping Henry safe, and this endeavor becomes a main focus of his. Moving away from the bustle of LA and the bloody aftermath they left there in Season 2 to start a new life in the burbs, all seemed well for the newlywed couple. Antisocial personality disorder, or psychopathy, is a mental disorder that Joe Goldberg quite evidently struggles with. Deerfield Beach, FL: While Joe Goldberg is an extreme type of psychopath, we can't guarantee milder versions won't enter your life. "The show has this false layering of hope that [Joe] can get better or that [he] can have remorse or that [he] can change," Lev observes, "and [he can't]." She thrives on being innovative and adaptable, as well as looking for new ways to improve her company. He struggles with forming connections, which could be seen as a protective mechanism due to his childhoodabuse with other children, but he discovers that he has more of an ability to create relationships than he previously thought. 'You' Season 3: Joe Goldberg is still a bad person. But did the finale Stalkers who fall into the "intimacy-seeking group or even the incompetent group, they've watched rom-coms and TV shows [that suggest] 'this is how you get the girl,'" Hatters Friedman says, "and so [You's] a little bit about, too, what as society we tell people is appropriate suitor-type behavior.". While working with Mr. Mooney as a teen, he adopted Joe. ", Joe's behavior could even seem romantic "to those of us who have been brought up on Disney and rom-coms practically IV-dripped into our consciousness. According to Scott, a season 2 scene when Goldberg looks distraught after he learns his landlord Delilah has been killed proves that Goldberg does indeed have empathy and therefore doesn't have antisocial personality disorder. It is also possible that you will require professional assistance. as well as other partner offers and accept our. I am the author of three novels, and my poems and short stories have been published in various anthologies. Joe Goldberg Joe Goldberg is a young man who seems to be in his early to mid-20s. What's the Difference Between a Sociopath and a Narcissist? He thinks about himself as a passionate lover and wants to take away all the problems from his girlfriends life even if it means killing her best friend. Goldberg wrongly assumes that being in a relationship with a woman means being entitled at all times to her complete attention and marks him as the only significant person in her life. If someone threatens what he considers true love, he's willing to trap and kill them, leaving numerous characters in the series vulnerable, from Benji, the on-again, off-again boyfriend of his first victim Beck, to Ryan, the ex-husband of his most recent victim Marienne. When he acts on these feelings to women, stalking can She has an extensive background in research, with 33 years of experience as a reference librarian and educator. But according to mental health experts, Goldberg's mental health is more complicated, especially since the term "psychopath" doesn't hold much meaning, medically speaking. He cant be in love with anything, no matter how much he is addicted or obsessed with it. Even though he has been portrayed as an obsessive murderer in previous Joe Goldberg When it comes to the most intelligent characters on You, Joe Goldberg would have to be named number one. Lynzee Smith Leiden, Luke. In You, Joe Goldberg exhibits "psychopathic traits and narcissistic traits," says Hatters Friedman. Joe Goldberg is often described as a psychopath, but this is largely because the term "psychopath" has become a popular tag for the (fictional and real-life) violent killers that grace our screens.The term "sociopath" is also often used interchangeably with "psychopath," but the former, in fact, refers to a person with Anti-Social Personality . Joe Goldberg, in his role as You, possesses many of these characteristics as a murderer. Joe is a pervert who doesnt have self control even a bit. Narcissism is often a protective mechanism that stems from abuse and feeling unimportant. It is equally damaging to a persons psychological, spiritual, or social well-being if he or she is emotionally or spiritually abused. Instead, she told Joe that she was just pretending to flirt with Theo to get information from his dad. All of which Joe had experienced as a child. "People use the word 'psychopath' colloquially to describe a person whose behavior defies social norms and conventional understandings of right and wrong," Kelly Scott, a therapist at Tribeca Therapy in Manhattan, told Insider. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Joes development of obsessions with different women often leads to violence due to his inability to create and maintain positive relationships, and he often resorts to violence when he feels as though he is being abandoned. decided to take things into his own hands. When one problem had finally been dealt with (thanks to Joe, mind you), Love just had to make a new issue to give her life some purpose. ", However, You's characterization of Joe Goldberg isn't flawless. He also tends to hold women hostage when he is interested in them, While Goldberg never receives an explicit diagnosis in either season of "You," many viewers seem to believe he is a psychopath. Many symptoms of ASPD, like difficulty sustaining long-term relationships, having a lack of guilt, not learning from ones mistakes, and repeatedly breaking the law, seem to be clear red flags that Joe suffers from ASPD. Apart from my professional experience, I am a survivor of Schizoaffective Disorder, Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder, Fibromyalgia, multiple eating disorders, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Complex PTSD. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. it shows us a different perspective and puts us in the mind of a person with mental illness. Proudly created with Wix.com. would punish Joe by locking him up in a cage below the bookstore in the basement to "teach" codependent due to his childhood. This is something that's dismayed his portrayer Badgley and that Lev believes is dangerous because people with malignant narcissism won't improve even if they seek out treatment. Hence, Joe seems to have a form of ASPD (sociopathy), as opposed to him being a complete psychopath. Please consider adding this before the end of the course. some symptoms of being antisocial. Some people who have been diagnosed with antisocial personality The Id is described as the "unconscious energy" that strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives. Joe seemingly suffers from ASPD, with hints of psychopathy that cause him to commit heinous crimes but remain charming nonetheless. Become Premium to read the whole document. Conclusion Abnormal Psych Case Study.docx - Case Study of Joe Goldberg Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. Kwon, S.-Y. will not harm them, but he is thinking about something different. There are three types of killers: organized killers, medical killers, and disorganized killers. Some argue that Joe is simply selfish and manipulative, while others believe that his actions and thoughts stem from a much deeper issue. Overall, the writers and directors of You have done a great job with depicting a psychopath.