It is innervated by the posterior interosseous branch. In this anatomy muscle song, you can learn rhymes and mnemonics to help you remember the muscle name, location, and one of its functions/actions. It acts as an adductor (to add to the body), assists in extension and medial rotation, as well as stabilization of the scapula. Mnemonic for Pectoral Muscles Origin Insertion Function Mnemonics for Facial Muscles for Tongue Muscle. The extrinsic muscles all include the word root glossus (glossus = tongue), and the muscle names are derived from where the muscle originates. The lateral head arises from the posterior surface of the humerus, above the radial groove of the humerus. Leif Saul, University of Colorado Rather, antagonist contraction controls the movement by slowing it down and making it smooth. A skeletal muscle attaches to bone (or sometimes other muscles or tissues) at two or more places. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Validated and aligned with popular anatomy textbooks, these muscle cheat sheets are packed with high-quality illustrations. The muscles of the anterior neck assist in deglutition (swallowing) and speech by controlling the positions of the larynx (voice box), and the hyoid bone, a horseshoe-shaped bone that functions as a foundation on which the tongue can move. Each of these actions can be described in one of two ways. It is innervated by the median nerve a branch of the lateral and medial cord of the brachial plexus. The Tissue Level of Organization, Chapter 6. Kenhub. The long head arises from the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula and passes through the intertubercular sulcus in its own synovial sheath. From the sides and the back of the neck, the splenius capitis inserts onto the head region, and the splenius cervicis extends onto the cervical region. The intrinsic muscles of the hand contain the origin and insertions within the carpal and metacarpal bones. Grounded on academic literature and research, validated by experts, and trusted by more than 2 million users. Muscle Mnemonics Flashcards | Quizlet It also has a role in stabilizing the humerus and part of the rotator cuff of four muscles. It acts to flex the elbow. It controls extension, lateral flexion, and rotation of the vertebral column, and maintains the lumbar curve. Muscle origin, insertion, actions and innervations! Jeopardy Template Hip Muscles | Anatomy, Support & Movement, Pectoralis Major Action, Function, Insertion & Origin, Erector Spinae Action, Origin & Insertion | Iliocostalis, Longissimus & Spinalis, Teres Major Muscle Action, Origin & Insertion | Teres Major Location, Multifidus Muscle | Origin, Insertion & Action, Pectoralis Minor | Origin, Action & Insertion, Establishing Boundaries in Massage Therapy, Deltoid Muscle Action, Origin & Insertion | Deltoid Muscle Function. Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis muscles:The longus muscle arises from the lateral epicondylar ridge and inserts onto the dorsal surface of the 2nd metacarpal. Phew. TABLE: Origin, Insertion, and Action for Lecture Checklist: Selected Human Muscles. laterally rotates the femur with hip extension, flexes humerus, antagonist of supraspinatus With more than 600 muscles in the body, it can feel impossible to keep track of them all. succeed. These different roles can be described as agonists (or prime movers), antagonists, or synergists. Those in the same compartment will have the same action. You will feel the movement originate there. This muscle also prevents the humeral head from moving too far upwards while the deltoidis in action, as do all the rotator cuff muscles. The two bellies are connected by a broad tendon called the epicranial aponeurosis, or galea aponeurosis (galea = apple). This article will discuss the anatomy of the serratus anterior muscle. The clavicular head arises from the medial two thirds of the inferior surface of the clavicle. It inserts onto the crest of greater tubercle of the humerus. The buccinator muscle compresses the cheek. Action: external rotator of the thigh The biceps brachii originates on the front of the scapula of the shoulder and inserts on the front of the radius in the forearm. Muscles: Origin, Insertion, and Action Flashcards | Quizlet Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. The radial two lumbricals are innervated by the median nerve and the ulnar two are innervated by the ulnar nerve. The scalene muscles include the anterior scalene muscle (anterior to the middle scalene), the middle scalene muscle (the longest, intermediate between the anterior and posterior scalenes), and the posterior scalene muscle (the smallest, posterior to the middle scalene). Extensor digitorum muscle:This muscle lies in the extensor compartment and arises from the lateral epicondyle. It acts as a lateral rotator and a weak adductor of the shoulder. Subscapularis muscle:This is another muscle of the rotator cuff, which is deep and arises from the large anterior subscapular fossa. The insertion is usually distal,. The erector spinae comprises the iliocostalis (laterally placed) group, the longissimus (intermediately placed) group, and the spinalis (medially placed) group. Tap the Skeletal System Icon, and press the Plus button until you come to the Origin and Insertion layer (the fourth layers of the system). It arises from the nuchal ligament and spinous processes of C7 to T1. Chapter 1. Hamstring Anatomy Mnemonics - Origin, Insertion, Innervation & Action No views Aug 11, 2022 0 Dislike Share Save Memorize Medical 125 subscribers Easy ways to learn and remember the. The muscles of facial expression originate from the surface of the skull or the fascia (connective tissue) of the face. By accessing any content on this site or its related media channels, you agree never to hold us liable for damages, harm, loss, or misinformation. The masseter muscle is the prime movermuscle for chewing because it elevates the mandible (lower jaw) to close the mouth, and it is assisted by the temporalis muscle, which retracts the mandible. You can listen to the song below, and then take the free major muscle quiz. This is logical because this muscle inserts broadly at an angle across much of the back of the head, so it attaches to both lateral structures (the mastoid processes) and medial structures (the occipital bone). The same fracture that is palmarflexed is referred to as a Smith's fracture making the hand appear as it is coming inward and downward. It is innervated by the medial (C8-T1) and lateral (C5-C7) pectoral nerves. When movement of a body part occurs, muscles work in groups rather than individually. Flex and extend the muscle and feel its movements at the origin, midpoint, and insertion. It is innervated by the posterior interosseous branch. Human hands are quite special in their anatomy, which allows us to be so dexterous and relies on muscles of the upper limb to help move it through space. It also causes contributes to flexion of the proximal IP, MP, and wrist joints, although these are its secondary function. It inserts onto the ulnar aspect of the 5th proximal phalanx. The flexor digiti minimi brevis originates from the hamate boneand inserts onto the ulnar aspect of the base of the 5th proximal phalanx. Our muscle anatomy charts make it easier by listing them clearly and concisely. The hand serves as the origin and/or insertion for a vast number of muscles. Bony Landmarks Types & Identification | What are Femur Landmarks? Register now remember this mnemonic: Aortic hiatus=12 letters =T12 Esophageal =10 letters= T10 Vena cava = 8 letters = T8 Suprahyoid muscles are superior to it, and the infrahyoid muscles are located inferiorly. Muscle Origins, Insertions, and Actions - YouTube Additional muscles of facial expression are presented in Figure 11.4.2. It acts as an adductor, medial rotator, and flexor of the arm at the shoulder joint. When the whole muscle acts as a unit it acts as a medial rotator and adductor the arm at the shoulder. Origin: from the ischium of the pelvis Insertion: the tibia of the lower leg. The multifidus muscle of the lumbar region helps extend and laterally flex the vertebral column. The muscle then descends inferiorly to insert into the radial tuberosity of the radius as well as help create the bicipital aponeurosis, an expansion that inserts into the deep fascia of the forearm and onto the ulna. There are two main ones, so lets break em in half. The dorsal interossei cause abduction of the fingers and the palmar interossei cause adduction of the fingers. The muscle arises mainly from the flexor retinaculum and tubercle of the trapezium and inserts onto the proximal phalanx or metacarpal of the thumb. It functions as a stabilizer of the scapula, acts as a protractor when reaching forward or pushing, and aids in rotation of scapula. In anatomical terminology, chewing is called mastication. The pectoral girdle, or shoulder girdle, consists of the lateral ends of the clavicle and scapula, along . Insertion: Medial proximal condyle of tibia Action: Extends thigh, flexes leg, Origin: Lateral condyle and proximal tibia Insertion: First metatarsal and first cuneiform Action: Dorsiflexes and inverts foot, Origin: Condyles of femur Insertion: Calcaneus by calcaneal tendon Action: Flexes leg, plantar flexes foot, Origin:Posterior, proximal tibia and fibula Insertion: Calcaneus by calcaneal tendon Action: Plantar flexes foot, Origin: Head and shaft of fibula, lateral condyle of tibia Insertion: First metatarsal, first cuneiform Action: Plantar flexes and everts foot, Origin: Lateral COndyle of tibia, shaft of fibula Insertion: Middle of distal phalanges of second through fifth digits Action: Extends toes, dorsiflexes foot, Origin: Inferior border of a rib Insertion: Superior border of rib below Action: Elevates ribs (increases volume in thorax), Origin: Inferior border of a rib Insertion: Superior border of rib below Action: Depresses ribs (decreases volume in thorax), Origin: Posterior occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, C7-T12 Insertion: Clavicle, Acromion process, and spine of scapula Action: Extends and abducts head, rotates and adducts scapula, fixes scapula, Origin: Spines of T2-5 Insertion: Lower one-third of vertebral border of scapula Action: retraction of scapula, Origin: Ligamentum nuchae, Spines C7-T1 Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula at scapular spine Action: retraction of scapula, Origin: Galea aponeurotica Insertion: Skin superior to orbit Action: Raises eyebrows, draws scalp anteriorly, Origin: Fascia of facial muscles near mouth Insertion: Skin of lips Action: Closes lips, Origin: Frontal and maxilla on medial margin of orbit Insertion: Skin of eyelid Action: Closes eyelid, Origin: Zygomatic arch Insertion: Angle and ramus of mandible Action: Closes mandible, Origin: Temporal fossa Insertion: coronoid process and ramus of mandible Action: Closes mandible, Origin: Sternum, clavicle Insertion: Mastoid process of temporal Action: Abducts, rotates, and flexes head, Origin: Ribs 1-8 Insertion: Vertebral border and inferior angle of scapula Action: Abducts scapula (moves scapula away from spinal column), Origin: Bottom of rib cage, Crest of pubis, symphysis pubis Insertion: xiphoid process, Origin: Ribs 5-12 Insertion: Linea alba, iliac crest, pubis Action: Compresses abdominal wall, laterally rotates trunk, Origin: Inguinal ligament, iliac crest Insertion: Linea alba, ribs 10-12 Action: Compresses abdominal wall, laterally rotates trunk, Origin: the inner surface of the 7th to 12th costal cartilages, the thoracolumbar fascia, the iliac crest horizontally, and the inguinal ligament Insertion: linea alba Action: support for the abdominal wall, directly on top of the sciatic nerve It acts as an abductor of the shoulder, and inserts onto the superior facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus. It is innervated by the median nerve, which passes between its two heads to enter the forearm. It acts to extend the wrist, fixes writs during clenching fist, and when it acts with flexor carpi ulnaris it contributes to ulnar deviation of the wrist. Click to Rate "Hated It" . It inserts into the lateral surfaces of the middle phalanges of the 2nd to 5th digits. posterior muscles - gluteus maximus muscle (the largest muscle in the body) and the hamstrings group, which consists of the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus muscles. Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation whether youre a doctor, physiotherapist or yoga teacher, knowing the functions of a given muscle is very important. Bsc Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics. There are numerous muscles in this compartment. When they contract bilaterally, the head flexes or extends. (Superior part: Anterior surface of superior angle. Tongue muscles can be extrinsic or intrinsic. They'll teach you everything you need to know about attachments, innervations and functions. Conventionally, a muscle origin describes the attachment of a muscle on the more stable bone. Let's take a look at an example. This muscle primary retracts the scapula, elevates the medial border, and also stabilizes the scapula against the thoracic wall. Most anatomy courses will require that you at least know the name and location of the major muscles, though some anatomy courses will also require you to know the function (or action), the insertion and origin, and so on. Teres major:This muscle arises from the posterior surface of the inferior scapular angle and inserts onto the medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus. The insertion is usually distal, or further away, while the origin is proximal, or closer to the body, relative to the insertion. At the end of this video, you will be able to: 20 chapters | Upper limb muscles and movements: want to learn more about it? The Cardiovascular System: The Heart, Chapter 20. Most anatomy courses will require that you at least know the name and location of the major muscles, though some anatomy courses will also require you to know the function (or action), the insertion and origin, and so on. By looking at all of the upper limbs components separately we can appreciate and compartmentalize the information, then later view the upper limb as a whole and understand how all of its parts work in unison. It acts as an abductor of the shoulder, and inserts onto the superior facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus. Intrinsic muscles of the hand (mnemonic) - Radiopaedia Conversely, you can say the elbow is proximal to the wrist. The second way to describe a muscle's action is based on the joint, or the articulation. The muscle inserts onto the anterior lateral surface of the body of the radius. Curated learning paths created by our anatomy experts, 1000s of high quality anatomy illustrations and articles. Iliococcygeus is a thin sheet of muscle that traverses the pelvic canal from the tendinous arch of the levator ani to the midline iliococcygeal raphe where it joins with the muscle of the other side and connects with the superior surface of the sacrum and coccyx. insertion: ribs, A big sheet This compartment is posterior in anatomical position. All the intrinsic muscles of hand are supplied by the deep . Due to these attachments, contraction and muscle shortening of the biceps flexes the forearm. The geniohyoid depresses the mandible in addition to raising and pulling the hyoid bone anteriorly. In addition, both muscles working together are the flexors of the head. It is the chief medial rotator of the shoulder and modulates the movement of the deltoid. Facial muscles are different in that they create facial movements and expressions by pulling on the skinno bone movements are involved. Muscles always pull. Muscles are either axial muscles or appendicular. The iliocostalis group includes the iliocostalis cervicis, associated with the cervical region; the iliocostalis thoracis, associated with the thoracic region; and the iliocostalis lumborum, associated with the lumbar region. Due to these attachments, the triceps is stretched during forearm flexing. Learning anatomy is a massive undertaking, and we're here to help you pass with flying colours. The muscles discussed below are essential to everyday life and advanced movements such as writing. There are a number of other joints in the region which all move in unison in order to generate a stable movement. Thats why wecreated muscle anatomy charts; your condensed, no-nonsense, easy to understand learning solution. The common extensor origin is the lateral epicondyle. The suprahyoid muscles raise the hyoid bone, the floor of the mouth, and the larynx during deglutition. Dimitrios Mytilinaios MD, PhD 2023 Axial muscles originate on the axial skeleton (the bones in the head, neck, and core of the body), whereas appendicular muscles originate on the bones that make up the bodys limbs. All our four muscle chart ebooks are also available with the Latin terminology. 11.4 Axial Muscles of the Head Neck and Back - Anatomy & Physiology Hypothenar eminence:It consists of the flexor digiti minimi brevis, the abductor digiti minimi brevis, and the opponens digiti minimi. Anatomy & Physiology by Lindsay M. Biga, Sierra Dawson, Amy Harwell, Robin Hopkins, Joel Kaufmann, Mike LeMaster, Philip Matern, Katie Morrison-Graham, Devon Quick & Jon Runyeon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Teres minor:This muscle arises from the lateral border of the scapula and inserts onto the greater tubercle of the humerus. Tearing most commonly occurs in the tendon of supraspinatus. Deltoid muscle:This muscle is named due to its Greek delta letter shape (triangular) appearance. 1 / 24. In most cases, one end of the muscle is fixed in its position, while the other end moves during contraction. It is caused by proximal interphalangeal joint flexion, and distal interphalangeal joint extension. Author: This website helped me pass! Find it on your own body if you can. Anatomy, Shoulder and Upper Limb, Hand Muscles However, it prevents the humeral head from slipping downwards. For example, one could say the wrist is distal to the elbow. This muscle chart eBook covers the following regions: This eBook contains high-quality illustrations and validated information about each muscle. There's a lot to learn about the anatomy of the upper limb muscles. The scapula has no direct bony attachments to the thorax, so it is held in place and stabilized through muscular attachment. The extrinsic muscles move the whole tongue in different directions, whereas the intrinsic muscles allow the tongue to change its shape (such as, curling the tongue in a loop or flattening it). Muscles involved in chewing must be able to exert enough pressure to bite through and then chew food before it is swallowed (Figure 11.4.4 and Table 11.4). The humeroulnar head arises from the medial epicondyle and the radial head arises from the superior anterior surface of the radial shaft. Hamstring Anatomy Mnemonics - Origin, Insertion, Innervation & Action The medial head is supplied by the ulnar nerve, and the lateral head by the anterior interosseous branch. It passes anteriorly and around the thoracic cage as if wrapping. An easy way to remember this little fact is to keep in mind the following mnemonic. Franchesca Druggan BA, MSc The segmental muscles include the interspinales and intertransversarii. Due to its course it has a "serrated" or "saw-toothed" appearance. It inserts onto the deltoid tuberosity, which is a roughened elevated patch found on the lateral surface of the humerus. A. Muscles of the Head and Neck. Finally, a reliable source (and good looking too!). This mnemonic recalls the four intrinsic muscles of the hand innervated by the median nerve, whereas all the other intrinsic muscles are ulnar nerve: F: flexor pollicis brevis. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance, Lindsay M. Biga, Sierra Dawson, Amy Harwell, Robin Hopkins, Joel Kaufmann, Mike LeMaster, Philip Matern, Katie Morrison-Graham, Devon Quick & Jon Runyeon, Next: 11.5 Axial muscles of the abdominal wall and thorax, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, Moves eyes up and toward nose; rotates eyes from 1 oclock to 3 oclock, Common tendinous ring (ring attaches to optic foramen), Moves eyes down and toward nose; rotates eyes from 6 oclock to 3 oclock, Moves eyes up and away from nose; rotates eyeball from 12 oclock to 9 oclock, Surface of eyeball between inferior rectus and lateral rectus, Moves eyes down and away from nose; rotates eyeball from 6 oclock to 9 oclock, Suface of eyeball between superior rectus and lateral rectus, Maxilla arch; zygomatic arch (for masseter), Closes mouth; pulls lower jaw in under upper jaw, Superior (elevates); posterior (retracts), Opens mouth; pushes lower jaw out under upper jaw; moves lower jaw side-to-side, Inferior (depresses); posterior (protracts); lateral (abducts); medial (adducts), Closes mouth; pushes lower jaw out under upper jaw; moves lower jaw side-to-side, Superior (elevates); posterior (protracts); lateral (abducts); medial (adducts), Draws tongue to one side; depresses midline of tongue or protrudes tongue, Elevates root of tongue; closes oral cavity from pharynx.