The last four words of the above paragraph are very apt. From your LoS the first 8 years are handled by Venus followed by a 20 year period handled by Mercury. Part Of Fortune In The Houses & Signs This is amplified for you if the part of fortune is in your 12th house or if it is conjunct, sextile, or trine your Jupiter or placements. These considerations are part of what Project Hindsight are calling the System of Hermes. This can come via traveling or continual education in a more traditional sense. Benefic planets traditionally areVenusand Jupiter. In traditional astrology, the part of fortune is calculated by the intersecting lines of our top three placements in the birth chart: the sun, moon, and rising sign. Everything in your life needs to bring concrete results. Because your Sun is above the horizon your chart is diurnal, the diurnal light is the Sun, and his triplicity rulers are Venus, Mars and the Moon. For instance, if you havePart of Fortunein Virgo, you would look at where Mercury is in your chart for more information on improving your situation. Because a complete delineation is necessary to accurately predict what non changeable fates are waiting for you, where and when, I can only show you how to integrate it within the context of your natal chart; it will be up to you to do the work. As you have your chart/natal data posted I am able to demonstrate how the Lot of Fortune is basically read within the context of your chart. Because your LoF is in the 12th the LoS acts as opportunity bringer. Furthermore, Saturn is opposite to your Sun/Mercury combustion in your 10th house. Public recognition is usually very important with the Part of Fortune here. Would love to know if there is any significance. Part of Fortune is calculated by starting with the degree of the ascendant, minus the degree of the sun, plus the degree of the moon. This is especially important because Mars is the triplicity ruler of the sect light, your LoS and the exaltation planet of your LoF and Venus. All rights reserved. Your nativity is nocturnal with the Moon in Pisces and the triplicity ruler is therefore Mars. The Part of Fortune placement signifies prosperity in ones life. Through the fourth house, you are aware of the needs of others. Part of Fortune The timing of events is done by adding up the ascensional times of the planets concerned, and the appropriate directions. The most important thing about the Part of Fortune in 10th house is to learn to set goals the right way. This signifies that while Saturn in your chart has the ability to act and an appropriate energy level to perform, you may not hang around long enough to get the rewards you sometimes deserve. The formula for the Part of Fortune depends on the position of the Sun in the birth chart. Leaning into what your moon sign needs emotionally and physically. However, because of her dignity she is able to rise above it and bring some fortune to your 4th and 5th house activities. With half the solar system in Pisces (plus Pisces ruler Jupiter) you are quite spiritually evolved, and like I said, you are nobody's fool (well maybe your own, lol). When you put yourself out there and go after your goals, you often find that good luck comes to you. Although i have had some hard lessons compared to people i know in my subjective experience. Ascendant conjunct Mars conjunct Sirius: On the Ascendant and with Mars combined, Sirius can be quite dangerous, pushing ahead with too much ambition is then seen, resulting in dangers by injuries or attempts on the natives life. Using the 0 through 360 degrees system, the sun is at 139, the moon is at 220, and the ascendant or rising sign is at 190. There are four angles in astrology: the ascendant, the descendant, the IC and the Midheaven. How to Interpret the Part of Fortune His dreams often give him answers. Additionally, you become an unstoppable force when you pay attention to your physical health through nutrition and exercise. Some parts of you are visible only to your loved ones, while some parts of you are public. Midheaven (MC) involvement. Part of Fortune conjunct Midheaven? Long-term aspects in synastry: the big Respecting yourself and defining your personal goals, which are integral to your inner being, will give you your greatest fulfillment and will serve as a guide to those around you. Solar Return The difference in a nocturnal (night time) chart is that the degrees are measured from the Moon to the Sun, instead of the Sun to the Moon. This first consideration is the planets relationship to the LoF houses. If your sun sign is in the lower hemisphere of your chart, in houses 1 through 6, you have a night chart.. To connect with her and learn more about astrology, you can email her at, or follow her Instagram @elisabetham. However, to the best of my knowledge I have not heard that they cannot be used, and in fact I am pretty sure they were. We use the 360 full circle degrees, so for example, someone with the sun in 19 Leo, moon in 20 Virgo, and 10 Libra rising would have a day chart because their Leo sun is in the 11th house (using the whole sign house system). When you say yours is in house 12, is your twelfth house sign the same as your ascending sign, the sign before or the sign after it? The third of these considerations is what quadruplicity Saturn is in. It is very hard to say anything other than the basics without seeing it within the context of your natal chart. These things are for the most part stated by the house and sign the LoF ascendant occupied at birth in the natal chart. If you check back into your chart you should see between the ages of 1-12 where Jupiters ingress/direction/transit/station through the cadent signs has links to events in your life during his time lord period. Trying to define ones future by relying upon secondary progressions, solar arcs and transits is a somewhat crude modern invention when compared to the finer astrological techniques. conj Mercury? This is done according to the table below. Because the nodes have many different meanings to different astrologers it can be an area of much debate, for this reason I do not delineate them publicly. In your chart its partner the LoS is in the house of good fortune which is more favourably placed if using the whole sign system. These are common synastry aspects for soulmates in astrology. This is amplified for you if the part of fortune is in your 2nd or 7th house or if it is conjunct, sextile, or trine your Venus placement. Although I have not looked closely at your rx combust Mercury it would suggest that more often than not you know the answers to some things without knowing how or why (evolved). He is generally unaware of his good fortune. In a day chart with the Sun above the horizon in house 7-12, you can calculate the Part of Fortune as the ascendant + Moon Sun. Thanks a lot Bob! Would love to know if there is any significance. The reason why you are not too worried about money is Jupiter is in and ruling the 2nd so I would not say you came from a poor background as Jupiter is conjunct the Moon in the 2nd indicates money in the family. My progressed PoF is also conjunct my natal PoF. The rest is nonsense because they are referring to the LoF and trying to connect it with things it has no signification over. Part of Fortune However, you must stay open to the needs of others and their emotions, without letting yourself be carried away by them. It is preferable to have ones LoF angular, in the sign of a benefic and aspected by its lord from a favourable position. I have my midheaven and part of fortune in Pisces in the 10th house. From a health perspective, this can suggest an inherited health condition or someone in your family that requires health treatment. This is amplified for you if the part of fortune is in your 10th or 11th house or if it is conjunct, sextile, or trine your Uranus or Saturn placements. People often say progressed or progressions when they are in fact referring to Secondary Progressions, this can cause confusion because when the ancients referred to progressed they were actually referring to varying methods of directions. Again, like pisceanfool, your LoF is not as well connected as one might like it to be, neither is its lord (ruler) favourably situated. Heliacal rising, sect and aspects complete the investigation but I am pressed for time; I may add the other conditions at a later date. The Part of Fortune represents the place in your horoscope where this balance between the Sun, Moon and Ascendant can be expressed most easily. I think Mr Zoller used the placidus house system in his book Arabic Parts, the Lost Key though I am not sure he still would given the discoveries since that book was published. Looking at my 10th Fortuna House I have Jupiter right on the MC but I also have Mars and Saturn. Saturn is the ruling planet of your LoF and he is in your 4th house and retrograde. You will take this into account as you guide the people around you, even if this involves solving problems about what is right and wrong, because you have inherited a strong sense of morality, religiosity, and discipline in your childhood. If your part of fortune is in Sagittarius, success comes when you explore and seek the bigger truths of the world and the universe). This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. It is often associated with your career and professional goals, but there is much more to it. Your LoS is at 5Lib30 and its ruler Venus is in a much better condition, as well as being a natural benefic. Long-term aspects in synastry: the big Could you comment on my PoF? One final note is if the LoF ascendant falls in Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces it is ruled by a benefic planet, and because of this a certain amount of luck, help or opportunities will come their way. Second, determine the ruling planet of the sign of the Part of Fortune, and This is amplified for you if the part of fortune is in your 10th house or if it is conjunct, sextile, or trine your Saturn placement. Materially, it gives a strong inclination to achieve some financial security; you will often notice that when you have your pockets full it will give you a kind of emotional happiness. This is not just because you may have calculated differently, but more because I do not want to mislead you by anything I say. However, the LoF is not totally without power to produce some good but we need to determine this from the lord of fortune and the position and condition of the benefic/malefic planets. In either case, this will assist you greatly in your endeavors. Inquisitiveness is part of your very soul for your entire lifetime, if you can learn to balance logic with your depth of feelings you will benefit greatly from a cosmic viewpoint. Lot or Part of Fortune As a general rule you can consider the LoF as a kind of lunar connection, not like the Moon but like a kind of possible good we click point. In traditional astrology, the part of fortune placement was considered a significant aspect of the natal chart. In my Placidus house system chart the Part of Fortune is conjunct to my Midheaven at 11Aquarius. After twelve years Jupiter hands over the reigns to the ruler of the next zodiac sign, this in your case is Capricorn. Through the fourth house, you are aware of the needs of others. The LoF in Aquarius suggests a kind if inner emotional detachment where you can sometimes react to people in a cold and unsympathetic manner; likewise the same would be received from others at times. This consideration defines what happens to the significations initiated by Saturn; fixed is stable and long lasting, mutable indicates the actions would not be followed through to a completion, and cardinal indicate that what is started is later broken off. Printable Worksheet 2 Balance of Elements, Printable Worksheet 3 Balance of Qualities. Part of Fortune conjunct Midheaven This is partly where you get some social hesitancy from (inherited). An emphasized tenth house can also indicate living in the public eye and an important role in society. It opposes my Venus, the Moon and South Node. Youre welcome. If your part of fortune is in Cancer, success comes through family and home. If your LoF is angular it will be very active and it states that beneficial opportunities will be mostly seen when transiting planets and/or time lords are moving through the angles in your natal chart. What I can do is give you one or two significations and an appropriate method for you to do it yourself, I do not like to tell fortunes because I believe it is possible to adapt or change the way we react to a certain situations which means we are continuously remoulding our changeable moira (fate). A similar thing can be said about your LoS, though the timings and house activities would be different. Jupiter in your chart is out of sect which means he finds it difficult to produce or attract benefits that directly come back to you personally. Responding to your third point, Part of Fortune is a bit of a misleading name because its really more of a personality point. Part of Fortune Well, for a few reasons. If your part of fortune is in Virgo, monetary success comes when you create a strict schedule and routine and stick to it. Yoi, your LoF is in the 7th which is an angular sign and therefore there will be a lot of significance between its condition and your life when its ruler is a chronocrator of the general times. this post hasn't been active for a while- but i was wondering about part of fortune aspects in synastry. Your LoS being in the 2nd (natal) house is not the best place for it though it can eventually be profitable for you. The manner of calculating the LoF is based upon the horizon. Often referred to as the house of career, the tenth house governs your role in the world: your occupation, professional path, public reputation, your role in your community. You gain a great sense of integrity to understand and respond to lifes experiences. the ruler of the sign where the Part of Fortune is placed and its condition in the birth chart, aspects to the Part of Fortune, especially planets conjunct it, transiting or progressed planets that come into contact with the Part of Fortune. The Midheaven is one of the most significant points in your natal chart. Only a full and frank delineation is capable of showing what is truly important to a native and how well he/she might do in the important areas. WebThe Part of Fortune is computed in the following manner: Day Births: Fortune = Ascendant + Moon - Sun Night Births: Fortune = Ascendant + Sun - Moon These formulae should be interpreted as in this way: compute the longitudes of the Ascendant, Moon and Sun as measured from 0 degrees of Aries. Alot of numerology/astrology says i am here to be of service and i have always felt that way. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. It really is an integral astrology placement because it is calculated using the biggest three signs in your chart. Prosperity in old age or through savings, investments or pensions, death will be famous and known to all. WebReturn Midheaven conjunct Natal Venus (Strength: 6.30 ) With the Return Midheaven conjunct your Natal Venus, others are likely to view you in terms of your outward appearance and your material possessions. The Part of Fortune placement signifies prosperity in ones life. The other reason is that the main emphasis in modern astrology is on our big three (sun, moon, and rising signs). There is an Arabian part for just about everything. And would love to know what you guys think about it. You find joy in working towards your goals and turning dreams into reality. Virgo is not a good sign for Jupiter. In my earlier posts I have made other relevant remarks about it you may want to check. And it's stuck with the two malefics, Mars and Saturn as well so I guess that fortune will not be so great. Part of Fortune in 10th House Is that correct? Make sure to take care of your public image. In a nighttime chart, the Part of Fortune equation is: the degree of your Ascendant + Sun - Moon. I will give a brief account of what it represents and how it works, but first a note. Solar Return Keep reading to learn more about the Part of Fortune in 10th house in astrology! If your part of fortune is in Leo, success comes when you place yourself on center stage and fully express yourself no matter the emotion or circumstance. The person with his Part of Fortune in the twelfth house is treated well by health-care professionals. There are four angles in astrology: the ascendant, the descendant, the IC and the Midheaven. So by understanding these, we already know the essence of what our part of fortune placement means. One of the main problems is that most if not all natal chart house systems can be made to fit a persons life with a little imagination. Schmidt says the trigons act like a wind helping one towards his destiny. When you are 27 you will enter a Venus period for 8 years. It really is an integral astrology placement because it is calculated using the biggest three signs in your chart. This is a little tricky to explain because so many conditions interact with the planets and angles, malefics can have their effect reversed (please see answer to pisceanfool below this answer to you). Read on to learn how to find your part of fortune and what it means. Suppose you are following the rules of your big three: Expressing yourself through the lens of your sun sign. Conjunctions (or a bundle of other aspects) to MC; 10th house overlays; and/or MC rulers making significant aspects to the others chart, Ascendant conjunct Mars conjunct Sirius: On the Ascendant and with Mars combined, Sirius can be quite dangerous, pushing ahead with too much ambition is then seen, resulting in dangers by injuries or attempts on the natives life. Part of Fortune The Lot of Fortune is measured from the Sun to the Moon in a diurnal chart, and the Moon to the Sun in a nocturnal chart. You are quite correct with the calculations of your LoF as being at 11Aqu59 which in the whole sign house system is in the 9th. WebJupiter transits conjunct Part of Fortune!This fortunate transit occurs once in the twelve-year cycle of Jupiter and should bring a period of good luck, financial gain, personal contentment, and a harmonious social life. If you found this article helpful, maybe you want to save it for later. The angles are a crucial part of the natal chart. [6] Part of Fortune conjunct Antares: Before I can say anything I need to be sure the method you used to create your LoF is compatible with my remarks about it. When you say yours is opposite Venus and the Moon, because neither Venus nor the Moon are inherently malefic in nature the worst they normally bring would be overindulgence on your part. Therefore, if Mars makes a trine to the LoF he must be in a succeedent house, and not as strong as an angular Jupiter. The Lots can be used in synastry but they would need to be delineated natally first. Part Of Fortune In The Houses & Signs The physical stress is shown by your LoF ruler Saturn being in aversion (inconjunct) to the lot itself. WebSince your Part of Fortune is in the tenth house of your birth chart, the fourth house is the opposite house. Because Saturn is your current lord of fortune his movement through the fixed signs will highlight his activity and relationship to your chart. I have my midheaven and part of fortune in Pisces in the 10th house. Because your LoF is in the 6th it will have something to say about your health through the significations of Mars. Kramer is clearly referring to the LoF as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, it is not. Would love to know if there is any significance. First a note about what you think is your LoF based upon the calculations at It is now time to see how these times can be mapped out according to your life. There are other conditions which determine whether the action initiated is good or bad for the native, or whether the malefics have been changed to benefics, or whether the planet has any joy by natal house. After Mercurys period comes a period of 25 years handled by the Moon. Second is whether or not he is making a phasis. You are using an out of date browser. Mine is in H12 in Pisces. Read on to learn how to find your part of fortune and what it means. The good news is that he is not in a hopeless condition; you are young enough to be able to reinforce his positive attributes and make a brighter future. The second of these three conditions is lunar application which has to do with how long the effects of a particular action may last; applying would be long lasting, separating would mean moderately lasting or separated meaning of even shorter duration. It is the close aspect to the Sun that interests me most. I went to the website. You want to be accepted by others and by those in positions of authority, which is not easy, because you must develop great maturity, see the world without illusions, and maintain perseverance and continuous effort. For this reason the ancients defaulted to the LoS for fortunate or favourable times as is clearly demonstrated in pisceanfools chart above. First on the list here is whether he has any connection to the natal ascendant, which in your case is yes by dexter sextile. There are 30 degrees of each sign, so if we are using whole sign houses (which is most straightforward when calculating the part of fortune), then: When we look at the part of fortune placement, we also want to see where your Part of Fortune placements ruler is in your chart. In plain English Saturn can affect the sign he is in, and the signs containing the Sun and Jupiter.