Can I get your number, and maybe we can chat? I say sure, never expecting to hear from her again, and leave her my number. As I still had about 10 minutes to spare, I drove around the parking lot to make sure I had the right address. 3. open up my own winery making cranberry wine. IT SOUNDS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Thats legit, and I drafted up a Letter of Resignation, which included the language This is without malice. I didnt have the heart to tell the agent why I quit, something I regret to this day. OMG thanks for this website!!!!!!!!! There seems to be a way to make money but you have to be highly deceptive and cut-throat, oh, and pretty desperate to make money in MLM. I gave them my information, and even the information from one of my credit cards (which Im afraid that they will still use even though Ive already called & told them to shred/dispose of the information!). He kept repeating that they are teaching people how to use their money, but without really saying anything else. Then he went on to say how my experience and entrepreneurial nature would be a great fit to run one of the offices. She said that if, following the interview, she liked what she saw, the business opportunity would be discussed further. One VP stated he made $21,000 last month. If anyone can reply below this with advice Id really appreciate it He also has my first middle and last name, DOB, email and phone number. Yes There are 76 helpful reviews 76 No There are 37 unhelpful reviews 37. Primerica Reviews - Legit or Scam? - Reviewopedia I started to feel a bit angry as I realized that John wasnt really interested in teaching me, he just wanted to get any recruits in that he could. Such a shame. wow I was suppose to have a interview with a person from pfs investments . WHEW!! They are in fact the Primerica guys, lecturing the invited people to pay them $90 to own a business license and the usual multi-level marketing stuff. life insurance pyramid scheme companies. I go back into the bar and ask the bartender if a half-blind bartender named Mariah works there. Me too! It was odd that the individual wouldnt tell me what the position was and that it wasnt sales. This, by the way, was part of her voice message. Hey guys, so I went through the exact same thing, someone on one of my social media had publicized a post saying anyone 18 and over looking for a.job, my company is hiring. I was interested so I messaged the person and I asked what company and what position, she briefly told me it was a financial services company and that was it. My contact and I talked a bit, and she escorted me to the door, and I went on my way to run some errands that I had intended to do earlier that day. I said ok and never went back. Many of them, have a question mark still attached, which makes me wonder if any resolutions were achieved in those cases. No legitimate employer is secretive about the position before you come in for an interview. You would be an independent contractor, so they dont care what your age or appearance is. He actually asked my associates, first, if I was a good manager, and then introduced himself to me. . I enter the building with a standard Primerica logo, inside its completely empty with only her and no receptionist. they called me yesterday afternoon while I was at one of my jobs. I wanted to light their office on fire (when everyone left of course) thats how frustrated I was. It was located on the northwest side of Chicago (also where the Primerica location is) in a building that was practically empty and only had a few rooms/offices one the 1st floor and a basement which is where we met and discussed this foolishness. Real estate agents and brokers are not in the business of recruiting. I was in a group with a few other people who agreed to sign on as well. Glad I dug in deeper. I gave him my phone number and when I asked him for a business card he said he did not have one and went on to talk about how he makes 3-4k a weekyeeeaaaah. Just got off the phone with one of them, It took me like 5 minutes to realize who they were again. Comprehensive training, licensing and certification program. This place is a joke, dont waste your time or money on them. Now here I am, I think Ill be cancelling my interview for tomorrow. The Ultimate Road Trip. Its EXACTLY as described. Tony Thanks for your concern. Indeed, I was invited and liked. Kool-aid anyone? They focus heavily on helping the middle class with financial products. I am bewildered that a casual lunch chat turned into an application, job interview, explanation of the job (in that order), and finally my being hired. I also am one of the many that got called out of the blue for posting my resume online. Reed Slatkin - $593 million. I was an Amway distributer years ago. Hey Alex, this isnt the first time and wont be the last time a crooked company has rung the NYSE closing bell. Term insurance gets expensive if you have to buy it each year, and investing in mutual funds is OK if you can ride out a bear market. Now, the warning flags were popping up like crazy! I didnt want to wright to much, sadly it got away from me. I had really lost interest by the time he had gotten to the bottom of the first page. I feel so bad and my heart bleeds how mich i lied to the community and friends and sold them something they dont stand for . I just got a call from them today 3:19pm 6/14/16 for a job interviewim ill and cant work right now and its sad to see this is still going on in 2016but im happy for this site to help spread the newsthe caller left a message i did not answer i looked them up and ended up here.thank you all for your helpful info! Goodness gracious thank you for the comments, almost went to an interview. Multi-level marketing is a scheme by which people who are in first make money from those who come later. But I guess well see what they do to me and all of my information. Hence, the dance around questions began. With a one-time fee of $99 and a monthly fee of $25, you can make more than your startup cost in less than a month. Got a free dinner out of it, but I never did anything with it and didnt give them any money. Theres so many good jobs out there- dont go this route. Primerica is a legitimate multi-level marketing company based in America. I would seriously consider investing in the company since, realistically, their pitch is great for the uninitiated and their motivational tactics (weekly motivational conference calls and meetings at fancy/lavish venues) work on those that take what they pitch at face value. 24 hours later he still hadnt responded. End of story. The woman who did the phone interview was very nice but once I got off I didnt even recall what the job was really about and realized she set me up in a few days for an in person group interview. Immediately they sit down and start talking about investing in life insurance for our kids (whom are all under the age of 5, and was around at the time) Talking about prices and growth , im interested, fail! Just like most of these posts, they said they werent looking for people who have college degrees or serious career experience. I guess I get to add to the list, I received a missed call, I dont check my messages usually and I typically just google the number and see what comes up and then once something pops up I call or dont call this time nothing came up so I called. I also just had the same call and scheduled interview for friday. Once the new recruits, the professional-looking man and a scared-looking, awkward young guy who looked about 20 and was wearing ripped jeans and left on a bicycle, had left, John was photocopying the paperwork to put in the mailbag for tomorrow. In fact, given his air of desperation in hard-booking like that, the evidence appeared to point to the contrary. No, the only logical answer is that they somehow benefit from this revolving door. Very glad I googled this company and found this blog. Google what youd like but do you really think Google, a company who makes money by sponsors is more accurate than the companies that investigate for the NYSE? Grant cardone once said if you dont have haters, your not working hard enough. Great article, thanks for the extensive information. I wasnt expecting this friend would come with another person I do not know and have never met. None thats who! The Pyramid Scheme Aspect of Primerica Financial Services No, regular companies that are set up with levels of management (such as Walmart) are NOT pyramid schemes. You can get a reasonable life insurance plan as a AAA member and should deal with a real bank or well known investment firm with your money, people! We both said yeah and he gave us his wifes number and took our numbers down. He took me into his office, well his office with like 3 other employers who probably shared it, there was like 4 desks and we sat in a tiny corner desk. Surely a man that professional-looking would be deterred by someone as inexperienced as me in the room, I rationalized to myself. When I started asking for e-mails and more information about the company. He explained I would get $100 back plus $200 after training.He then told me as part of the application part he needed my debit card now so he can turn in the application as soon as possible, but i told him not to charge anything yet. Is Primerica a Pyramid Scheme? - Learn To Grow Wealth Online Ive very good internet skills. PYRAMID SCHEME. I received a call earlier from a rep, or whatever. Fact remains if you had joined the Primerica team and never reached any level of success you were probably not even trying and waiting for something to be given to you. Another flyer announces two meetings. About 20 minutes later I received a phone at my job stating his name was David. For sure I am not going. The interview was over after he scheduled a home visit to talk to my parent and im cancelling that appointment because Im 95% sure im being scammed. I got the appointment with out know the many of the company, when I got there the girl asked to fill out a form with what I wanted as my career how much money I wanted to make ect, If the only business positions are in Georgia, what do they expect people to believe they would be doing where they live? I do wonder if some above posters simply arent aware of either the licensure fees part of several industries and/or of the time and effort required to build a client base in any commissioned sales position? Its legal, yes..but a scam in every sense of the word, that relies on cult mentality. I first indicated, I was not interested in selling financial products and not sure I wanted to apply. Its too bad that a few bad experiences have been compiled in one area and deterred people from seeing if this career was really for them. Hope this helps and good luck to those who have gone forth with this and now have regrets and for those who saw the light before it was too late . I want to get out of there now. In Primerica, the goal is to recruit. They really helped me make up my mind. Also they said they would need to talk to my parents, remember Im a student in school so maybe it might of been valid for parental consent, but to me this was bit fishy as this may have been a way for them to start getting business off me. But you dont actually own anything, many times not even the right to take your customers with you if you leave the MLM. I wasnt aware I had even received the job, so I just agreed and figured I could back out later. I tried to be professional and somewhat upbeat but also clear I despised working there. He specifically mentioned that he was looking for a qualified office manager and that my resume looked like I was very well qualified. Lesson learned. Good luck to you all on your future endeavors. Reading this gave me something to do for a little while this morning and appreciate the honesty. But still a very nice person . Then she texted me and asked to meet her this week for coffee. I texted my friend and asked him what was $99 needed for, and he replied it was for my background check and two tests I would need to take before I got my license. B . I went with desperately expecting to land a job . Oh Boy. Of course, now looking back and seeing it for what it was, I see why he wanted to hide behind secrecy. My friend at the time asked if I wanted to join an informational session with Primerica and see if it was something I would be interested in. I too have an interview scheduled for tomorrow. They particularly seem to prey on unemployed, with a get rich pitch. Again why have they not been charged if they are doing something illegal? I pasted a smile on my face and said of course, hes expecting you, he just stepped out for a few minutes though inside I was fuming. I seem to have ulterior motives? Needless to say I found this thread and wont be putting anymore thought or effort into it. MAIN ADDRESS. I focused on a plaque over Johns head as he bragged about his familys last vacation, noting his highest attained income splayed across it in huge numbers. So we exchanged numbers and that was that. If I could teach that to others, that would be cool right? Because who wouldnt want to make money a % off ur recruits even when your not there to make the deal.We scheduled another appt. I went there with an opened mind. Glad I saw this! Later I learned that they do whatever it takes to lure someone out, then rely on the hyped-up emotions stirred up by the Opportunity Night presentation to get them to sign the agreement and pay to join. Also, Tracey thank you for your continued service on informing the public about MLM businesses. The address to the building was messaged after the call. He asked us over 50 questions, where do you want to move? As far as heightened prices if this is the case how is it that their clients save money on the services? What Is Multi-Level Marketing? - Forbes Advisor So, I just said to him, actually there are 3 of them (including Curtis and a lady with a hair cover) that I will decide first and will give them a call within 24 hrs. You are not your own boss if you have to hand over your personal contacts to your Primerica rep and get no pay for having to attend their training and info sessions. When she gave me speech about how they help people save money and so on, then she said are you ready to sign up for the classes? He went on to make about six more calls, each leaving me a little more tense than the last. I got a call from somebody in Primerica named Curtis. It was a group interview. It is not a traditional job. Come to find out the husband was the one who was really pushing me to join the business after I had TOLD them I wasnt interested in anything besides getting my finances together and I would contact them if I wanted to buy insurance or whatever. No one hands you a silver platter without some work. The scheme is called a "pyramid" because at each level, the number of investors increases. I did. All in cahoots. I checked my watch. I am now on the A-TEAM, she says, a daring-do group of financial managers that will change the world. My Primerica Regional Vice President (RVP) well call John offered to teach me how to call them, to build my team. The crazy part it that this PYRAMIDS are legal. She set up an interview for me tomorrow and told me to dress in business attire. Financial investments 6. What a waste of one hour, these scammers will not be at my house nor will I have contact with them again. But again, Im still chewing on this and your thoughts on these matters are appreciated. Pyramid schemes, on the other hand, need you to pay a fee and/or purchase products and services in order to participate and earn income. Be careful and good luck to all other job seekers out there! I know a couple that have reached their $100k status and are so proud of themselves, except they have no money and do nothing. They do use a multi-level marketing business model but they are definitely not a pyramid scheme. I emailed them and set up an interview for tomorrow. Your financial situation is unique and the products and services we review may not be right for your circumstances. People do real research before you blow an opportunity and not this Google cap where anyone can post anything on it. I just advise that people dont get that education from Primerica or any other MLM. When I walked in Spanish music was playing and the office was empty even in the so called Vice Presidents office its was empty and had fake plaques and stuff every where. I am a young college student interested in Investment Banking and was told by an ex-financial advisor at a prestigious firm who attempted to act as my mentor to join. Absolutely disgraceful that there are companies like this out there. Went here, not knowing what it was about. If I had a little more information I wouldve researched the company, but there wasnt even a specific name, Im not sure why I didnt consider it a scam at the time. The MLM company has all the power and they just sit there and watch the money roll in while their distributors lose. The caller introduced himself as the vice-president of a Hudson based company and told me that he had found my resume online and that he is looking to expand his company and is interested in adding some people to his team. Is Primerica A Scam? The Naked Truth! - | Affiliate Marketing For Leaders He set me up with an interview with the lead, and when I went in, it was really no interview at all. In Primerica, the game is recruiting into infinity. I will not be invited back even though the host is consider me a friend and wants me to be on her team (her words). You broke ass people who work in corporate America all work under a boss. And no-load mutual funds through Vanguard or Fidelity beat the high expense ratios and sales charges of the ones Primerica offers. They sold me on it, and even managed to sell me on signing up for their life insurance. They explained how everything worked and it all seemed to be on the up-and-up. Its all true. I then told him Im not interested. Ive been self-employed all my life and, just like real estate, if you dont work, you dont get paid. Funny thing is, the first 20 times I heard this same spiel I was envious of his life and attracted to the lifestyle he proclaimed was not only possible, but a given if one followed his leadership. Keep them going with promises of big fat contact lists. I entered the room the woman on the phone had told me to go, there were about 20 other people in there with a presenter holding an iPad on his hand. When I sat down with the guy, it felt less like an interview and more like a sales pitch like you guys said. Now, though, I felt different. When called at home, I got a vague assurance that I would be a good fit. I thought everyone wanted/needed our products and opportunity. However, BBB does not verify the accuracy of information provided by third parties, and does not guarantee the accuracy of any information in Business Profiles. He asked if we knew anyone looking for a job part-time or full-time. You would think that this would be BEYOND retirement for people who are setting themselves up with residual income. Red flags went up immediately obviously he was looking for someone for sales (ugh), and though he wanted to meet immediately he also invited me to a presentation he was giving that evening so I could get a better understanding of what he was about. They have my info and I am Right before the presentation I actually heard ex boss whisper to the young sales man, I thought that this would be somelow hanging fruit for you and nods to me. I looked back to John, who had now moved on to the hard close part of the presentation. All MLMs eventually reach a saturation point where the bottom tiers are almost literally competing for scraps because the word gets out about the nature of their business model and they become shunned by most prospective recruits. Hes spending more time getting me to do all this than he did explaining the actual job.. Given my lack of experience, I was not sure if this was normal or not. Thank you so much for sharing the information! During our brief phone chat, she asked if I knew Primerica and I told her that I hadnt. I told him thats respectable and that Id let him know once I had a more sound judgement of my availability. This is where it got a bit fishy. I assumed that would have ended the conversation. Would they use it if I dont show back up? ), In walked this boy of maybe 18 in a new 3-piece suit and tie. In any event, I told him I was not interested and he hung up. They had the chairs so close together, Im sitting next to strangers and our knees and arms are touching, so Im uncomfortable next to some guy. I wonder if the experiences shared here are indicative of the company as a whole or just unchecked human behavior that isnt managed from senior corporate leadership. It is simply bait to make a [possibly desperate] job seeker to show up for a potential job that doesnt exist. I have another so called meeting tonight with him. Young people of united states and canada please pass this pages along to your friends . She gave me her name and phone number, but it wasnt after she left that I realised she never said what kind of business at all. I figured that was the end of it, but she kept calling for a week after. Each year, millions of people work hard in MLMs and do exactly as theyre taught, and they still lose money. I received a call from a woman named Mary stating that someone referred me to her and asked if I was still looking for a job. But like all of these MLM businesses, its not set up for money to be made through only selling the product. Im an extremely brutally honest person, so when he asked what was on my mind i told him the truth. I shook my head, frustrated again, starting to wonder how long it would take til I would really succeed at this. Thank goodness I didnt fall for that crap. Each of these new members usually pay an entrance fee, which is used to pay the people above them. I am suppose to have an interview tomorrow as well. The interview ended there. Multi-level marketing is not a business. I walk around the corner and watch her drive off, then quickly whip out my phone and Google PRIMERICA. I barely spoke and Im on the good side of the manager. It amazes me that people still think they can get away with taking advantage of good people that just want to work. Isnt it a blatant cheating? I think not! You have to have an insurance license to work. If you have a 6, 63, and 7 series. I would STAY AWAY from Primerica. I tell her my mom had me when she was 18 and I grew up poor. So when I flat out asked for a job description, he said that the company was branching out from neighboring Moncton, and because of this they would require an office manager. Were 30 mins in this interview, hes asked me for $124, 3 people i have to refer who will also pay $124, my credit card info, 25 phone numbers to also call and sell insurance too, and then called my parents for a home meeting. Contrary to rumors out there, Primerica is not a pyramid scheme. Coincidentally, that same company has had the worst passing rates, by far, of all insurance trainers in the entire country, for the last 10+ years; Enter your User ID and click Sign On. This did not yet trigger any alarms for me as I had interviewed with a couple construction companies on that edge of town as well in similar accomodations. I dug and dug until I found which is the new recruit site. He said Financial Services then when I asked what kind of company he states the details will be discussed during the interview. Are you saying that all the people who commented on this thread that they participated in a fake job interview like this are lying? The woman who spoke with me on the phone came to the front and asked for me. Look into those; and if the person you are dealing with only goes to the one service and being a rep,, find another Primerica person to help you. The problem is that he had been doing this for so long, he has no other value in the marketplace. It has been at least 15 years. New faces=new prospects=new recruits=new sales. She goes to the bathroom and I quickly text my girlfriend to come and rescue me. The first 20 minutes started normal. It is a shame that there are companies out there who still make money off these scams. I find it odd that a company that hypes fancy cars, unlimited incomes, and financial independence has a sales force where 99% earned less (and way less) than $50k during any single BEST 12 months, BEFORE EXPENSES. I never identified the gender of my child (which is a boy, by the way). I ran a department in a communications company that was ultimately relocated. Its not the money, but once I left and processed everything it seems they pressure you to sign up and recruit other people. One can only hope they were having a dinner party in the back and not a Donner Party If this company asks you to come in for an interview, bear in mind they are only after your money. I ended up getting out of it last minute once I found this blog I had to SEARCH HARD to find out that she worked for Primerica, it pretty much boiled down to me searching the address she gave me and finding that its registered to Primerica. In addition they needed close contacts, many may know as the warm market. (Even then that is to be seen) They clearly have a lot of red flags, and I dont think businesses should be allowed to run like that. After all of this fiasco, they have become very distant friends and I FINALLY own pretty successful and growing business now from my own hard work. They say that you can get a refund if you are no longer interested. It was nice how they fooled some people but I was ready to go after 5 minutes, it reminded me too much of cutco knives sales pitch. One of them asked out of the blue, how i like my job. * Isnt it true that a lot of consumers arent sophisticated when it comes to insurance, which is why there are so many scam artist out there taking advantage of them? Many new agents are brought into insurance sales through Primerica's recruiting effort. PFS Investments insights Based on 23 survey responses What people like Supportive environment Clear sense of purpose Time and location flexibility Primerica Financial services Pays really well. I nodded my head in agreement and the interview was over within seconds. I personally am more of a tech guy, dealing with machines and stuff. I am considering doing Primerica, but I am first doing my due dilligence. Just WRONG Disgusted!!! Primerica is a brokerage not a MLM. So me and my friend were at the store when a guy randomly came up to us to talk about his wifes company. In order to be on the NYSE, you have to be vetted. He asked me to go for a job interview somewhere in a Manhattan building. The whole conversation was geared towards selling me on deceptively common-sense information about what I assume to be much more complex financial decisions I have a friend who works for an insurance company, and given how much time hes spent studying for his degrees the claim that, in a few months and for $99, I could sell my friends and family (and then random strangers after that) on insurance was certainly too good to be true. And this place is playing with peoples hope?! They allow an objective summary of the facts. I thought I would be the one filling out my own application. I just wanted to voice my opinion. Life insurance is a service, and just like any other service, someone can come along and provide the same service for less money. It is really not an insurance company, it is a distribution company that relies on a pyramid to fund the upper class there. He had a misdemeanor when he was younger and it affected him getting the position- so he said. My friend convinced me to join, asking to partner up with me since he couldnt get through the door. It would be too painful to add up all the hours, dollars, and gas I had so far invested into this business. So how did my interview go? I asked her DO I NEED TO PAY ANYTHING TODAY, she said yes $140.