[animate / We talk about a breeding programme with the last individuals of the species. How is that possible? Neil and Alice discuss our perception of time, What will the cities of the future look like, and will we enjoy living in them? One of the most common grammatical errors involves mixing up its and its. How to check your apostrophes are correct - BBC Bitesize An electronic device under your skin?! Why do we associate motorcycles with men? Focus on the process more than the outcome. 13 ways to motivate a teenager. Alice and Neil talk about their preferences, Alice and Neil discuss circadian rhythms the so-called body clock that influences an organism's daily cycle of changes, Sophie and Neil discuss why the last pharaoh of Egypt still fascinates people today, Why do we fear animals that pose no threat to us? Contractions are combinations of two other words in informal writing. Should the difficult language of Shakespeare be 'translated' into plain English? The possessive case shows ownership. Neil and Alice discuss knights in shining armour, Is retirement the end of everything or just a door for new opportunities? They both have PhDs. We dont use apostrophes to form plurals except in the case of letters, numbers, and symbols. Three ways teenagers are misrepresented in society - The It is often used for linking together different concepts. You may also see apostrophes when a writer is describing plural lowercase letters or numbers. : "The students' team" There would also likely be more context before or after the sentence to explain which two groups are the subjects. Just like the person a character is speaking to, the letter replaced by an apostrophe isnt there. New apps are transforming the way people order food from home, Listen to civil rights activist, Tarana Burke, who coined the phrase. teenagers RobAnd cognitive tasks are mental processes that require active thought and consideration, such as planning and making decisions. Tired teens may benefit from a 30- to 45-minute nap before dinner. Texting teenagers tend not to bother with the formal precision of wont and cant. The lessons, graphics, parent emails, volunteer emails, meetings, events its all thought out and gives us so many options so that we can choose the pieces that work best for our ministry. It's been described as the world's largest and most democratic classical music festival. We believe teachers should support each students study to encourage their students aspirations! You can also visit our website at bbclearningenglish.com. Apostrophe Now that weve covered the basics of singular and plural nouns, lets consider how we go about showing ownership of those nouns. Neil and Sophie discuss Mark Zuckerberg and what it takes to be a modern-day philanthropist. If necessary, from the team of girls and boys. How do lost cats and dogs find their way home? teen MTPD: Two teenagers arrested, one had gun | DC News Now A few apostrophe examples below: I am Im : Im planning to write a book someday. You are Youre : Youre going to have a lot of fun with your new puppy. She is Shes : Shes always on time. It is Its: I cant believe its snowing again. Do not Dont: I dont like anchovies. He would Hed: Hed like to go fishing in Alaska. Can jellyfish help us solve our problems? There are various synonyms for student that you can use, depending on context. What part of our body have scientists discovered can heal and help us? Constantly exposed to new ideas, social situations, and people, teenagers work to develop their personalities and interests during this time of great change. Should we all pay for supermarket plastic bags? Street food: Why is it becoming so popular? Sophie and Neil discuss love at first sight, What is loneliness and why do we feel it? Are food allergies on the increase and if so, why? 31-year-old woman who gave birth to 13-year-olds child wont get In two of the above examples, we can use an apostrophe either before or after the s, which can easily cause confusion. What is doomscrolling and why are we attracted to bad news? Listen to a discussion whilst learning some housing-related vocabulary. Going to a party where you don't know anyone? Is it plausible for constructed languages to be used to affect thought and control or mold people towards desired outcomes? Sam and Rob find out. Include other punctuation only if it is part of the title or subtitle.. If I were expressing this idea I would write "the mixed team", "the children's under 15 team" or something of the sort. Its (no apostrophe) shows possession, and its (with an apostrophe) is a contraction for it is. Parents have the right to ask questions and expect that they will be answered truthfully. Are artificial lights and late night TV ruining our sleep? We discuss how extreme weather events are affecting our mental health. There are rare exceptions to this rule, such as pluralizing letters of the alphabet. Recently she was a guest on the BBC Radio programme, The Life Scientific. Rabbits: cuddly friends or cunning tricksters? Lights! NeilYes, Im sure that would work! FOUNTAIN, Colo. (TCD) -- A 31-year-old woman who had sex with a 13-year-old and later became pregnant with his child pleaded guilty to a related charge and will not spend any additional time in jail. 03/03/2023 4:34 pm PST. Listen to Rob and Neil's advice and learn some related vocabulary, We use computers for everything nowadays. (Ex. NeilI'll have the answer later in the programme. Whos is a contraction of who is orwho has. Neil and Rob talk about the animal symbol of Easter in literature and in the real world. Neil and Sophie discuss Mars, the fourth rock from the Sun. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Winston Churchills death. In this sentence you are telling someone that you will be going to Alice's house and Bob's house, but are. How sharks have become an endangered species. Teenagers brains are still developing in areas that control behaviour, which could mean that you cant blame them for acting the way they do. Why does seeing someone yawn make you yawn? To clarify apostrophe use, we can turn the sentence around and create an of phrase (source): The table below demonstrates the different ways we can use apostrophes to indicate possession. Are they like us? We live in a richer world. And, if there are many students with many papers for the teacher to grade, then we will use the plural possessive to show that the papers belong to more than one student. Words that end in -y preceded by a vowel simply add -s to make a plural. Should I write each "team's", "teams" or "team" captain? The thing I struggle with is, if we replace "groups of girls" by say "John" which is (I think) grammaritally equivalent, then we have no apostrophe on that part? RobNo, thats right. Fitness and Your 13 ), If there is a singular apostrophe after boys, then that automatically implies that there is one team that the boys and girls share, making it The girls and boys' team . ncdu: What's going on with this second size column? About 37,000 tourists are expected to visit Antarctica this season. However, American English stretches this definition to include those who are studying at school (source). An example of words where an apostrophe works as a contraction is shes, its, and lets. Tapper asks Bill Maher about the best weed he's ever smoked. Tapper asks Bill Maher about the best weed he's ever smoked. "Alice's house and Bob's house", but it's shorter the first way. But, if the same room belongs to two or more students, then we will use the plural possessive. Apostrophes | Definition, Guide, Rules & Examples, Possessive apostrophes with singular nouns. If it's a co-ed team, you could write girls-and-boys team.). Before we find out more, lets have our question. For example: Simon's car. I cant decide what options to take Teenagers are expected to make a lot of big life-decisions about their studies and careers. When to Use an Apostrophe Do you leave your work until the last minute? Neil and Alice discuss what kind of book people like to be seen reading. Examples: Webteenage: [adjective] of, being, or relating to people in their teens. Teens who experiment with drugs and other substances put their health and safety at risk. What excuse can she give for teenagers who dont get their homework done in time? The presupposition of the sentence is that there is a group of girls and and a group of boy's, and then the phrase is talking about a team made up of those two groups. The original example is similarly noted here as being compound possession vs separate possession, that is, two owners of the same thing or two owners of two instances of a thing. RobOh, I was a nightmare. Have you finished marking your students work? Fountain Police Department officers arrested Andrea Serrano on July 5, 2022, after learning she had a sexual The author then also give a counterexample where the object possessed (religious beliefs, in her example) are of the same type, but different instances. According to the UN, one third of the food we grow ends up in the rubbish bin - how can we stop this? The term apostrophe is a big word for such a little punctuation mark and it doesnt initially come from grammar. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Each refers to all members of a group individually. Would the sentence be confusing without an apostrophe? This answer looks like it has merit: can you add some authoritative references to back it up, so others can be confident in its correctness? Physical activity guidelines for teens recommend that they get 1 hour or more of moderate to strong physical activity daily. A Swahili name meaning faith, its very common among black women with over 214 million babies having been named Imani. It's as complicated as getting the right flavour in your cup. One minute a teen seems interested in a new sport, topic in school, or type of music, only to completely shift gears the next. NeilOur brains, apparently. Expectations: Whether it is real or not, teenagers' perceptions are that they are expected to be successful or good at everything. What can chickens teach us about organisation? It should be clear from this table what the meanings are of students vs. students and when to use each of them. We talk about Mozart, Jimi Hendrix and teach you vocabulary. Find out what's new, Why do we buy so much food and not eat it all? Do you like to impress people with a classic book in your hands? I added too many as to the Happy Birthday sign. You would say "houses" in most cases. Echoed here, referencing The Chicago Manual of Style. We talk about being a saver in a consumer culture and discuss the meaning of 'thrift' through history. You need to understand if you are using possessive forms because apostrophes have two other uses that could be confusing. This is the only situation where apostrophes can show plurals, and its only to prevent confusion though some style guides, including APA style, do not advise using apostrophes in this way. NeilSo an adolescent might be responsible for adolescent behaviour in his or her adolescence. How generous are you? (Ed.). Sirens, mermaids, mami wata we talk about different representations of these intriguing water creatures. A toast to the vocabulary you'll learn here! Each of the students has a special place in my heart. teenagers' or teenager's apostrophe A popular job at this time of year is playing the part of Santa. Neil and Rob talk about vigorous exercise and whether adults take enough of it! teens Alice and Neil discuss how this Asian leaf conquered the world. But in the general meaning, yes. Life as a Teenager Here is Professor Blakemore again. To understand that context, consider the examples below. . There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, and we sometimes need to double the final letter for certain words ending in -z or -s before adding the -es, as we show below. The former US First Lady and her mission to inspire women. I have two down votes for this topic but I cant see where or when I gave any Answer or made any Comment. Listen to Rob and Neils conversation and learn some new vocabulary. Yes! Apostrophes look like single quotation marks, but theyre used alone rather than in pairs. Possessive plurals and plurals' possessives We talk about an extreme environment which is stranger than fiction, We talk about an art that started with ancient Greek philosophers. Jack is used to seeing a report full of As. Can today's animals evolve quickly enough to survive a changing climate? Euler: A baby on his lap, a cat on his back thats how he wrote his immortal works (origin?). However, contractions are informal and are usually not appropriate to use in academic writing. The big question with these is where to put the Possessive pronouns (e.g., mine, yours, hers, his, our, their,its)indicate that something belongs to someone or something. A policeman, a pilot, a chef - what's our fascination with uniforms? Getting good grades and performing well in extracurriculars is important, but theres more to life than that. This programme delves inside the teenage brain, hears from an expert and teaches some useful vocabulary along the way to stretch your own brain! When using each as a determiner for a sentences subject, we always follow it with a singular noun and a singular verb, as we demonstrate below. They also teach some related vocabulary. Would you all but give up eating meat to save the environment? Deep convictions and a sense of humour - we talk about a man who helped end apartheid in South Africa. The price of vaccines has escalated and some poor countries are struggling to prevent children from catching certain life-threatening diseases, says Medecins Sans Frontieres. It's perfectly fine to use apostrophes with both animate and inanimate nouns to form possessives: My brother's dog is a Labrador. ), Is there a sentence that could be formed using. Surf in South Africa, skateboarding in Afghanistan are making poor children more assertive. Capital letters and apostrophes | LearnEnglish Neil and Finn discuss the future of our jobs. Can the two biggest polluters work together? Libra, Bitcoin would you invest in digital money? Listen to find out! Writing a memorable song isn't easy. At least not directly. No, because its is a possessive modifier and pronoun, not a possessive noun. Clean up your English by listening to this discussion.