apex legends command line arguments 2021

Changes the language of the game strings and menu, e.g. However, the fps must exceeed the refreshrate. Generally, people use Origin or Steam Client to launch Apex legends. This is a rare but legitimate troubleshooting and at times the solution. +fps_max (Your preferred number) Limit FPS to the given number. apex Commands | Salesforce CLI Command Reference | Salesforce Developers This is required to have your shortcut run Apex as admin. Step 1: At first close Apex Legends even if it's opened with the Launcher Step 2: Now go to your Game Library and right-click on Apex Legends Step 3: Choose Properties from the pop-up menu Step 4: In the Properties window, navigate to the GENERAL tab Step 5: Now click on the SET LAUNCH OPTIONS button in Steam This section is more of a placeholder, as to understand the main setup you need to read the other sections like "Why RTSS and low frametimes" and "Variable Refresh Rate Tech". If you're GPU bottlenecked, then capping with RTSS under your average FPS doesn't really have an effect on input lag. Apex Legends: +fps_max 0 or +fps_max unlimited causes crashes 6 Feb 2019 Feb 2021 2Solid 4y Hey guys, I've been trying to uncap my frames in Apex Legends. Find the Easy Anti-Cheat program. Close all your extra software if you want to maximize your performance while gaming. I haven't tested Windows 11 yet, but it seems to give the same performance. I read somewhere that it was fixed with Season 9 but as I tried to increase from 180 up to 235fps it still gets terrible above 189 so afaik it's still a thing. Honestly these changes put a smile on my face that hasn't been there since Worlds Edge dropped. Go to your Game Library. Starts the benchmark test from the command line, Optionally output the individual frame times from the benchmark, Specifies the number of iterations to run the benchmark for, Specifies an individual benchmark scene test should be done, and which test should be, Disable audio processing for graphics benchmark purposes. Configure Best Apex Legends Settings. Choose Advanced Launch Options. Visual stability is very overlooked. This setup actually works for most games. The fps caps in this guide assume your fps exceeds those caps. How to fix Apex Legends lag: 4-step guide Get a reliable VPN. With this guide, you can be assured you have the proper settings applied and the only "problems" is your hardware and maybe slow internet. APEX LEGENDS: Dramatically increase performance / FPS - YouTube Look at this comparison for Apex's ingame framerate limit using fps_max set to 180 versus RTSS set to 180: https://i.imgur.com/zbISaed.png The green line at the bottom shows the frametime graphs, Everyone who is interested in input lag, latency, g-sync and the likes should be looking at BattleNonsense's videos about all of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msOWcvoIC8M. When you apply this command with the value 1, it forces the preload and improves the games performance. Top 4 Ways to Fix Minecraft Problem Moving Error Code 5, 10 Fixes For RuneScape 'Error Loading the Game Configuration From the Website', 4 Ways to Fix Missing File Privileges Steam Error on Windows 10. Here we have jotted down a list of all working Apex Legends commands to use on Steam or Origin. You can use these launch options for the Origin launcher as well, but these are mainly for steam users. What is the command line argument for borderless - Electronic Arts Turned it off the moment I got my new pc. Limit 3-5 fps under your monitor's max refreshrate. However, a few commands are no longer supported to alter the game settings. Run Steam / Origin as Admin. This is a significant different goal. On Windows 7 set this to Performance Mode. A good example is how Battle Nonsense has proven that exceeding your monitors refresh rate in hopes to attain lower input latency often increases input latency instead. Most players aim for around 60 FPS as a standard in Apex Legends. On the web, you can find several configuration files to replace yours and boost the fps. TL;DR: Keep V-Sync "Off" ingame, keep V-Sync "On" in NVCP. Reflex doesn't work properly, there's the microstutter, they use wrong names for their V-Sync options, their V-sync options don't even do what they say they do.. the list goes on. 5) Copy and paste the following command in Command line arguments and click Save. A fair number of pros from various games have also tried gsync and gotten off it after not too much time, the lack of tearing is very nice though. Definitely, set the fps cap to something your PC can reliably handle. Type "+fps_max unlimited" under Command line arguments (Origin) or Launch Options (Steam) Best Apex Legends graphics settings for low-end hardware The easiest way to get higher FPS is to turn everything to the lowest possible quality settings, but targeting enemies is more obscure. You do this by finding the r5apex.exe in your game folder and right-clicking > Properties > then check "Run this program as administrator". EA's ever-popular Apex Legends is the latest title to add NVIDIA Reflex, an in-game option that reduces system latency for millions of GeForce gamers. Supported values are american (for American English),french, german, italian, spanish, portuguese, polish, russian, korean, chinese, chinesesimp, japanese, mexican (for Mexican Spanish). If you don't want to look into it more, the main setup does indeed improve the experience overall vs not setting the game up at all. We want high fps- but with low and stable frametimes. Makes my sens feel floaty. Consider buying a more powerful CPU if you hit 99% a lot. I highly recommend you look into the Alt setup if you have the time, especially as people run tons of apps together with the game these days. That's life. Your game will deliver high performance with this command. I suggest you either cap fps at 190 in RTSS or in steam/origin launch options using +fps_max 190 instead of Unlimited. Then visit the Game Library. Go to Game Library. Left click Apex Legends in the My Game library > Settings > Game Properties > Advanced Launch Options Command line arguments: -high +fps_max Unlimited !!! I guess this is 'ghosting' and the monitor settings don't really have a sweet spot for the monitor latency. Apex Legends Lag Fix: 11 methods - VPNpro You can copy it here.This file is found in C:\Users\DooDooHead\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\Local. Turn Hardware Accelerated GPU-Scheduling "OFF"This may cause stutters as your CPU tries to send and offload its work to the GPU. If your 144Hz monitor caps Apex at 138 fps but your cap in RTSS is 141, change cap in RTSS to 138. Update all device drivers (e.g. Before you go through the list of commands, you must know how to use them to change the game settings. Generally, using the adaptive resolution to gain fps is a poor choice because it lowers automatically your resolution but also forces anti-aliasing, which is very expensive. Select Ultimate Performance, if you do not see it, then follow the next steps. I personally do not use this command line. They don't know the microstutter is no more. -dev Animations wont be there anymore but can cause issues in performance. ), Start settings a minimum but dont save it. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. Your email address will not be published. This Apex Legends launch option was used to skip the intro video. On monitors without G-Sync or Freesync, Fast Sync is a good compromise of input lag and tearing, as it lowers input lag and eliminates tearing. Paste this inside the Run box: "%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\local" (without the Quotation marks) Open up the Videoconfig.txt with Wordpad or Notepad++. I have tried to collect every performance boost, fps increase information in this thread, I hope this helps others as much as it has helped me. Apex Legends | Useful Launch Options for Steam - Gamer Tag Zero When active, G-Sync eliminates the input lag that would normally come from only using V-Sync. I'm not the best apex player, but I'm likely one of the best at setting up your pc to run apex / games flawlessly. So they wont work anymore irrespective of how much flexibility your Steam Client provides. Hopefully this helps and that it's easy to read and comprehend. Change it to your own resolution and set the file as Read Only. Entering this command in Steam or Launch will show you the frame per second rate while playing the game. Nvidia Reflex will cap fps greatly under the max refresh rate, automatically. Step 1 - Downloading the additional language files Browse to the game in your library G-Sync only works within your monitor's refreshrate. . You can copy it here.This file is found in C:\Users\DooDooHead\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\Local. Got specific Suggestions? Here are. He now brings his knowledge and skillset to BlogsDNA as a Technical Content Writer. Your email address will not be published. Only works if. How to increase FPS in Apex Legends: videoconfig, settings, launch Right Click My Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Advanced Tab > Settings for Performance > Select: Adjust for best performance. Ignores settings inside any .cfg files until this parameter is removed. Go to your Game Library and right-click on Apex Legends Click the 'Game Properties' option on Origin. Click Advanced Launch Options and you can insert commands now. Enable G-Sync in the NVCP.Freesync is compatible with G-Sync now, so we will just call it all G-Sync. 8 Best Ways to Fix Chrome Not Loading Pages. That is all we are sharing in this guide for useful commands or launch options for Apex Legends. This extra comment to look further into V-Sync and "Adaptive" is a great way to show you how V-Sync in one game can work drastically different from another. It's slightly different from the main setup. Your email address will not be published. No game usually requires admin and it can often mess up other things. Navigate to the Advanced Launch Options (Origin)/General. V-Sync can actually work very differently from game to game, and sometimes devs add other optimizations alongside it. Using your native resolution is desirable for a better view, but if you badly need a performance boost, decreasing the resolution will greatly improve your fps.