craigslist el paso cars by owner

clear reset $ - $ $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $123k avg: $160. title status: clean texas choose the site nearest you: abilene; amarillo; austin; beaumont / port arthur title status: clean fees, lien fees, or any other fees that may be imposed by a governmental agency in connection with the sale and In fact, when I learned that Lexus was going to also retire this very reliable 8 cyclinder and offer twin turbo v-6s, we bought a second one. Favorite feature has to be the camel leather seatsan impressive update from the MB-Tex. drive: rwd Seems quite solid and reliable. refresh results with search filters open search menu. Craigslist Cars For Sale By Owner - What is the best way to search for a car on Craigslist? The exhaust was too raspy for my taste. By clicking here, you authorize and its sellers/partners to contact you by text/calls which may include marketing and be by autodialer. paint color: blue As close to handling like the sports car I had when your. Cars by Price in El Paso, TX. - Cars for Sale by Owner in EL Paso, TX - go through a rigorous multi-point inspection. I have noticed no issues with the power train. Thank you! Roof, grill and rims painted black. roswell cars & trucks - by owner - craigslist. title status: clean You must enable JavaScript to use craigslist. for sale. tucson > N. The most American vehicular on the planet. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Ive eyeballed 16+ Miatas for years and finally found a 21 Grand Touring with 2k miles on it and bought it. las cruces rvs - by owner - craigslist. You must enable JavaScript to use craigslist. transmission: automatic. El Paso Classifieds - Search Craigslist for El Paso, TX Classified Ads with modern comforts and enhancements. el paso > (11 mi), El Paso, TX Auto trans. (0 mi) Outstanding handling and great pick up. Calls may be prerecorded. price by owner type model year condition fuel + cars & trucks - by owner. Not the most technologically advanced but that is what I was looking for, keep it simple! Avoid scams, deal locally Aesthetically, it is a beautiful car. price. cars & trucks. I have had my used car for 3 years now and is still running great! post. use map. dallas cars & trucks - by owner - craigslist. Any vehicle that has been stolen from its owner and then found. refresh results with search filters open search menu san antonio. Did not spend $9300 for Perf Package, Magnaride or exhaust since I was not going to track this car. fuel: gas odometer: 100000 craigslist | texas Or driving an armored tank! Do get the B&O stereo. transmission: automatic. transmission: manual. Listed 7 days ago, Anthony, TX search titles only has image posted today hide duplicates. You also agree to our Privacy Notice. searching. (2) 2016 Kenworth T680 10-Speed Transmission (1 of them is brand new) One of the trucks have APU (not working currently) Cummins ISX on both Asking price $54,500. fuel: gas Email me price drops and new listings for these results. It doesnt pretend to be anything but 100% American. odometer: 47900 In an out in very timely fashion. Listed 15 days ago, El Paso, TX These vehicles were listed by owners and dealers, and probably some others are listed at auction. transmission: manual Craigslist el paso car parts. She must be use to driving a CUBE car. Beware wiring (e.g. Use our tools to contact the dealership to schedule Todo el sistema electrico en la cabina en buenas condiciones. 2023-03-03 11:45, condition: good Western Union), cashier checks, money orders, shipping. price by owner type model year condition fuel +. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. clear reset $ - $ $0 $20k $40k $75k avg: $27,103. Beware wiring (e.g. Avoid scams, deal locally roswell. san luis obispo cars & trucks - by owner - craigslist el paso cars & trucks - by owner "cars" - craigslist. (0 mi) Plus. TrueCar has over 641,921 listings nationwide, updated daily. transmission: automatic I have driven this car hard through the twisties and cruised it 500 miles with no reservations. (28 mi), El Paso, TX type: truck. Avoid scams, deal locally Buy your next car from home, pressure free. CL. Posted I am 64, so way past the age where I wish to impress anyone with a road racer. And the FINANCE MANAGER was SO NICE; and PATIENT as well.. A PROUD OWNER of a BEAUTIFUL NEW RAV 4. Hoy Fox went out of their way to get me just the right car (Camry), just the right color, options, and dealt with me fairly on the price. craigslist provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, services, local community, and events Tiene mas de 100,000 millas. We average close to 19 mpg in town and 26 mpg on the highway on regular. El Paso, TX 2013 FORD EXPEDITION EL. refresh results with search filters open search menu. transmission: automatic Listed 15 days ago, warranty, clean history, inspected, certified pre-owned car, 2008 Lamborghini Gallardo Base - 39,000 mi, El Paso, TX type: other. TrueCar does not broker, sell, or lease motor vehicles. Thanks to Florencio Lopez "Flo" who assisted me in completing my purchase. Very good customer service the process was easy got a great deal the manager was very courteous and went all out to get me the best deal this is my second car Ive bought from rightdrive and I would definitely recommend it too others great job guys five stars all the way, Best and most fun car Ive ever owned! paint color: blue But overall it is well behaved. Ice tends to collect in the door handles inner hoops and may need to be chipped away. Now THAT's what I call great customer service! Beware wiring (e.g. The gears shift smooth, and the power is more than adequate. bronx. (10 mi), Deming, NM and any applicable fees. refresh results with search filters open search menu. dallas. What a wonderful, professional, and positive journey!!!! size: full-size Got me the right car for my me and my family at the right price. cars & trucks - by owner, do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. Judge for yourself- but the critical reviews of others simply not justified in my opinion. post id: 7595262562. El motor esta malo, transmission en buenas condiciones. albuquerque > cylinders: 4 cylinders odometer rolled over I have a 2012 Nissan Altima like new, clean title with 130k miles. Gregory listened to what I was looking for and showed me several choices. post. phoenix cars & trucks - by owner "project" - craigslist cars & trucks. She was very efficient and thorough. The manual gear box is tight and shifts cleanly. Without requiring anything of me as far as money, just a handshake, they ordered in the color I wanted with the equipment I was looking for and it arrived just yesterday. financing of the vehicle. (0 mi) ***1972 Dodge Dart Swinger*** immaculate interior! - $13,500 (El Paso) Had been looking to add a third fun car reminiscent of the late 60's Corvette/firebird/Mustangs that I had owned BUT . - price. Me cambie de ciudad y no puedo arreglarla. So far, I'm extremely happy. 2011 GMC Acadia - cars & trucks - by owner - vehicle automotive sale Buy your used car online with TrueCar+. saving. The stock rims are 7 wide and the aftermarket are 8 wide: more traction on the road. The GL450 is a roomy vehicle with a usable 3rd row that quickly folds away flush into the floor for spacious cargo room. transmission: automatic Acceleration isn't what it used to be with the larger twin turbo V-8, but it's still very respectable. cars & trucks - by owner - craigslist Thank you Federico ?? Avoid scams, deal locally No accidents reported, 1 Owner, Fleet use. las cruces rvs - by owner - craigslist . Home Values By City. . refresh results with search filters open search menu. The Salesman, finance manager and all the staff were very courteous and attentive to all my vehicle needs. I'm looking forward to this car as it's my first Mercedes, a departure from our Audi and BMW stable of cars we own and have owned in the past. 97 Jeep Cherokee - cars & trucks - by owner - vehicle automotive sale account. The ride of this car is not up to 1960s luxury car standards (Lincoln or Cadillac), nor is the noise isolation. 2023-02-08 21:17, condition: excellent a virtual appointment! And the sales department is very knowledgable about the different models and options. 1967 Ford Mustang cpe - cars & trucks - by owner - vehicle drive: rwd TrueCar has over 647,886 listings nationwide, updated daily. account. No accidents reported, 1 Owner, Personal use. cylinders: 6 cylinders ramp! You must enable JavaScript to use craigslist. Cars For Sale By Owner For Sale in El Paso, TX - CarGurus Tiene We've detected that JavaScript is not enabled in your browser. Posted Listed 26 days ago, El Paso, TX No accidents reported, 1 Owner, Fleet use. Love this vehicle. Listed today, El Paso, TX fuel: gas Western Union), cashier checks, money orders, shipping. Front seating is sufficient, not spectacular thoughI've take a few 700 plus mile trips and I'm happy with the comfort level, just wish the front seat bases could tilt a little higher in the front. The only services I have ever required however are regular maintenance due to quality of the Toyota line. We get 18-22 miles per gallon from a reliable motor which will should last hundreds of thousands of dollars. el paso cars & trucks - by owner - craigslist (0 mi) Listed 11 days ago, Most and Least EV-Friendly Places to Live in America. All rights reserved. refresh results with search filters open search menu. They do not represent a financing offer or a guarantee of credit from the seller. writing. odometer: 7900 Cars For Sale By Owner for Sale in Colorado Springs, CO Search Used Search New By Car By Body Style By Price ZIP Filter Results 137 listings Vehicle price See monthly payment > $2,000 - $500,000 Include listings without available pricing Mileage Any Years Min to Max Distance from me Radius Color Black (30) Blue (16) Gold (2) Gray (22) Green (5) Email me new car listings and price drops matching this search: Let us know and we can send you better matches. I'm not new to the Mercedes brand, as this is my 4th. Posted The biggest advantage and worth the trade-off is the much improved fuel economy. No accidents reported, 1 Owner, Fleet use. refresh the page. no hidden. for sale. price by owner type . do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers . Certified cars are manufacturer warrantied and typically 2021 Chevrolet Colorado Z71 como nueva solo 8k millas rebuilt bolsas buenas ninguna luz ningn detalle 25.977 sper precio. The seats are heated but at this price, they should also be ventilated/cooled. No accidents reported, 1 Owner, Personal use. He presented the vehicle inside a nice looking garage keeping us from the heat. - Great Service! amarillo. Cars by Price in El Paso, TX. no favorites. Me cambie de ciudad y no puedo arreglarla. This dealership offers CL. By clicking "Subscribe" you agree to Everyone at this dealership was very helpful and attentive. Cheap Used Cars in El Paso, TX, Starting at $850 - Autopten It happened a second time until I backed out very slowly over the puddle. Jeep Cherokee 97 Trabajando excelente Llantas suspensin 4 meses de uso A/c Muy limpia Ttulo limpio 4x4 Estndar 5300$$ o mejor oferta. I looked at Camaro ZL1 (too rough) Corvette (Nice but seat headrest hit me wrong) Jaguar F Type R ( would have bought this but again seat hit me wrong) Nissan Z (Too delayed and $20K markup on $40K car!!!) Tesla Prices Are Falling Fast Three Times Faster Than the Market Average, The Used Car To Avoid Buying Right Now In Every State, Tesla Leads the Charge as Used Car Prices Finally Begin to Tumble, Cars for Sale by Owner in Albuquerque, NM, Cars for Sale by Owner in Colorado Springs, CO, Cars for Sale by Owner in Grand Junction, CO, Cars for Sale by Owner in San Antonio, TX, Cars for Sale by Owner in Fort Collins, CO, Cars for Sale by Owner in Oklahoma City, OK, 12 cars for sale found, starting at $8,400, Average price for Cars by Owner EL Paso, TX: $35,732. El Paso TX For Sale by Owner (FSBO) - 23 Homes | Zillow You must enable JavaScript to use craigslist. and TrueCar, Inc. All rights reserved. I haven't had it long enough for reliability, but from what I've read it's decent. Cheap Cars For Sale in El Paso, TX There are 43 vehicles listed Inventory Page 1 of 3 There are 43 cars in El Paso, TX for sale at low prices starting at $850 only. no hidden. The driver safety features have already prevented a couple of potential accidents, but are overly sensitive at times. all of your guys are amazing. Cars For Sale By Owner For Sale in Colorado Springs, CO - CarGurus A little more power might have been nice but it not designed, nor do I want, a rocket. CL. Excellent Price $1,337 off avg. for sale. He will go above and beyond to get you what you want and need! Western Union), cashier checks, money orders, shipping. I rented a car like this and now I am looking to purchase one, I have no idea what the person was speaking about not be able to see the light? Accutite Before And After Eyes. Comfortable in the city and on long road trips. (22 mi), El Paso, TX account. Average savings of $4,832; Save up to $8,407 below estimated market price; Price of Cars for Sale by Owner in EL Paso, TX by Distance. miles from location. clear reset $ - $ $0 $10k $20k $149k . (81 mi), Las Cruces, NM no hidden. Craigslist El Paso Cars By Dealer - CARYB This is the location where I bought my current Honda CR-V, and the only place I will take my CR-V for service if needed. CL. post. Distance from El Paso, TX Average Price Deals Listings; 50 miles. She made sure I got discounts as applicable and had the courtesy shuttle give me a ride to and fro. type: truck. I am very satisfied with my recent purchase at Hoy Fox. It accelerates fine for my driving style. We bought our 2017, AWD 3.7L Select 3 years ago, an off lease car with 31,000 miles on it and we now have just shy of 50,000 miles on it. no hidden. I swapped the original rims and tires out for some Konig rims and Continental all-season tires. price by owner type model year condition fuel + cars & trucks - by owner. Its very good on gas only a 4 cylinder. El Paso, TX 104K miles $8,000 2017 Hyundai elantra SE Sedan 4D El Paso, TX 80K miles $3,995 2005 Ford ranger XLT Pickup 2D 6 ft El Paso, TX 130K miles $15,500 1972 Chevrolet blazer El Paso, TX $1,850 1970 Plymouth gran fury El Paso, TX 100K miles $5,500 2006 Infiniti G35 Sunland Park, NM 132K miles $2,000 1980 Chevrolet wqgon El Paso, TX 100K miles It was short and simple. - (2) Kenworth T680 - cars & trucks - by owner - vehicle automotive sale Great cars, great deals, amazing staff, very easy process, great financing options, I will buy every car I own from this family run business. cars & trucks. odometer: 67542 67' Mustang coupe Clean little pony car, 289/Reb. roswell. size: mid-size My car was picked up, the service was complete and it was returned washed. I wish it were another color than white, and the backup camera could be better at night. 2023 CarGurus, Inc., All Rights Reserved. It is on a frame so it will not ride like a plush luxury vehicle but it rides and handles very well. Western Union), cashier checks, money orders, shipping. 2011 gmc acadia. cars & trucks . Once you're ready to narrow down your search results, go ahead and filter by price, mileage, transmission, trim, days on lot, drivetrain, color, engine, options, and deal ratings. VIN 2C4RC1L7XMR587719. (16 mi) CarGurus handles the verification of the buyer, seller, and payment so you are guaranteed a seamless and safe transaction. Be the first to know when there's a price drop or update for this car. car with very little surface rust. I would highly recommend this dealership and their team of expertise to all. phoenix cars & trucks - by owner "project" - craigslist. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers no favorites. There isnt anything really needing done to this car; it is a fantastic ride out of the box. We are your source for new and used cars in the el paso, tx area. Contact the dealership with We looked and looked . and Found Something! 2020 Chrysler Voyager. no hidden . (7 mi), El Paso, TX cars & trucks - by owner, do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. We value your privacy. If you need a car new or used don't hesitate and just "Go with the Flo!" SF bay area cars & trucks - by owner - craigslist Get email alerts for price drops and new listings matching this search. I really love the sound of the stock exhaust. Christopher Marin is the person to go to. fuel: gas - account. Beware wiring (e.g. bronx cars & trucks - craigslist A few minor gripes about a car I still like: There's no interior light in the hatch area, which makes it difficult to see in the dark. - Nevertheless, you wont be disappointed. Average price for Cars by Owner EL Paso, TX: $35,732; 3 deals found. The features it has are the important ones, at least to me. - cars & trucks. las cruces rvs - by owner - craigslist paint color: blue odometer: 997000 - cars & trucks - by owner I have never had so much fun buying a car! DRIVES LIKE A DREAM! . El Paso, TX Sponsored 2020 Ram 1500. I was able to make my oil change and tire rotation appointment online and signed up for valet service. By accessing this website, you agree to the TrueCar Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. cars & trucks. **Nissan Altima clean title** - cars & trucks - by owner - vehicle Pleasant as always, effective, comforting as to location, just a good place to take my car for regular servicing. las cruces tools - by owner - craigslist GREAT DEALERSHIP! Havent had a car as much fin to drive since my Triumph. cars & trucks - by owner post account Posted 28 minutes ago 1967 Ford Mustang cpe - $19,900 (Es El Paso) craigslist - Map data OpenStreetMap 1967 ford mustang condition: good cylinders: 8 cylinders drive: rwd fuel: gas odometer: 67542 odometer rolled over paint color: blue size: mid-size title status: clean transmission: automatic type: coupe Similarly, ice can collect around the folded mirrors and should be removed before starting the car. Our Vehicle Test Team has awarded the ${make} ${model} Posted cars & trucks - by owner post account Posted 21 days ago ***1972 Dodge Dart Swinger*** - $13,500 (El Paso) craigslist - Map data OpenStreetMap 1972 Dodge Dart Swinger condition: like new cylinders: 6 cylinders drive: rwd fuel: gas odometer: 66000 paint color: white size: full-size title status: clean transmission: automatic type: coupe It's very good on gas only a 4 cylinder. SF bay area . 669 Great Deals out of 1694 listings starting at $3,500, 920 Great Deals out of 2327 listings starting at $2,999, 1075 Great Deals out of 2625 listings starting at $2,999, 11 Great Deals out of 57 listings starting at $17,922, 22 Great Deals out of 95 listings starting at $17,922, 656 Great Deals out of 1667 listings starting at $3,500, 976 Great Deals out of 2450 listings starting at $2,999, 1075 Great Deals out of 2629 listings starting at $2,999, 11 Great Deals out of 39 listings starting at $18,786, 968 Great Deals out of 2358 listings starting at $2,999, 1088 Great Deals out of 2652 listings starting at $2,999, 43 Great Deals out of 502 listings starting at $12,099, 29 Great Deals out of 315 listings starting at $6,886, 46 Great Deals out of 292 listings starting at $17,011, 50 Great Deals out of 264 listings starting at $8,888, 86 Great Deals out of 240 listings starting at $9,195, 33 Great Deals out of 214 listings starting at $17,995, 29 Great Deals out of 213 listings starting at $18,999, 31 Great Deals out of 198 listings starting at $29,999, 29 Great Deals out of 195 listings starting at $7,995, 18 Great Deals out of 184 listings starting at $16,516, 36 Great Deals out of 162 listings starting at $12,995, 54 Great Deals out of 153 listings starting at $18,780. cars & trucks - by owner, do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. search titles only has image posted today hide duplicates. All told $500 out of pocket in repairs. Listed 16 days ago, El Paso, TX albuquerque cars & trucks - by owner - craigslist use map. By clicking "Start Tracking" you agree to for sale. cars & trucks . I bought it primarily for the utility and active safety features and mostly have not been disappointed. With 6 CD Shaker Stereo and Leather interior in Pristine Condition with only 2 Owners, let us know. (0 mi) Arroyo grande $25 2004 Mercedes SLK 32 AMG Kompressor cylinders: 8 cylinders el paso cars & trucks - by owner "cars" - craigslist el paso > fuel: gas - If left out during winter, ice can collect at the back of the trunk lid where it meets the glass and it must be removed if the trunk is to be opened. Recently purchased a 2014 Ram 1500. The service team at Hoy Fox Toyota has always been very helpful. post. See more photos. I grew up with those 60s and 70s American luxury cars and I drove them as a teenager (my parents and grandparents cars). cars & trucks. Limpia y bonita. 2018 Chrysler 300S AWD Chrysler Warranty 100k miles/3/22/24 Posted amarillo. east TX cars & trucks - by owner - craigslist It is an extremely fun, nimble, and reliable car. Inside is well taken care of. list price. That would be to go to whatever state you are in and search in the By Owner section only. Excellent customer service, honest personnel that went out of their way to help me. size: full-size 2023-03-01 17:12, condition: good cars & trucks. You can get more information about this car from your couch through