Trade mark / Logo= The word "ALPS" superimposed on a mountain peak logo. Miura Toy Co. / Miura Shoji Co., Ltd.Tokyo, Japan. Japan. The TOM logo was placed alongside to prevent these replicas being mistaken for originals. Japan. Genryusai Seiya was a bronze caster producing very high quality Okimono including figural sculptures but also of all sorts of animals, both domestic and highly exotic thanks to the opening of a Zoo in Tokyo! Kusama / Kusama Shoten. -Trade mark / Logo= Globe projection within the upper part of a rectangle. Japan. Nippon Kougei. Bandai / Bandai-Ya Inc. / Bandai Inc. / Bandai Co. Ltd.Kikuyabashi, Taito-ku,Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. It is a certainty that any signed piece will be far more desirable than the same piece unsigned, but the issue is far more complex than that. It was never envisaged that these boxes would be separated from the treasures within and thus the items themselves were not signed. Junior Toy Co. Ltd. / Suda Kinzuku / J Toy. The company name "Asahi Toy" enclosed within a semi oval formed from parts of the letters A, T and Y (1948-55). Also the company name "DAISHIN" superimposed over four diamonds arranged so as to form a larger diamond. Japan. Trade mark / Logo= Three overlapping circles arranged in a line horizontally. Founded in 1948 as Miyazawa Sangyo. KS. Japan. . Trade mark / Logo = The letters "SSN" within an oval. Kuramochi / Kuramochi & Co., Ltd / Kuramochi Shoten.
The interior is lined with ebonised wood finish. Sanshin / Sanshin Toys Co. Ltd.Tokyo, Japan. Trade mark / Logo = The word Hoku in a diamond. Decorated by Jissei after a design by Yoshisada. I can't help any further if this is Japanese silverplate. Japanese porcelain marks are a useful resource for collectors and dealers of Japanese ceramics, as they can provide valuable information about the maker, place of manufacture, and period of production. Trade mark / Logo = Running bull in profile. Japan. A quality mark contains information about metal content that appears on an article. One place to investigate with regard to the buckle is whether it was made for a military uniform. A good pair of Japanese bronze usubata, Meiji period, the petal shape top cast in low relief with swimming carp and one with lily pads, each with an apron of manji, the slender supports with hawks upon a branch over a writhing dragon base, the underside of the support with signature, 28cm high, 23.5cm . The name Kutani became known outside the area only from middle or end of . Trade mark / Logo = The letters "A" and "N". Trade mark / Logo = Dolphin in profile motif (sometimes within a circle). Trade mark / Logo = Thecompany name"Tohnan" with the intitial T enlarged, stylised and partially superimposed on acircle. During the last part of the Edo period (1603-1868), translucent porcelain production began.
Antique Toy Maker Logos - - Antique Toys for Sale In these cases, shops will examine your bullions hallmark and claim that it is faked, even if it is completely authentic. The most ornate form also includes the company name "Tsukuda". The OKIMONO measures 4 1/2" long, 1 1/8" tall and 4 1/8" wide. It now produces anime character figurines. [No information]. Sato / Sato Gangu Seisakusho. The frog is done in high relief and the leaves are done by carving into the bronze.
Anyone know something about Japanese gold hallmarks? Nearly all of the makers, large or small, of high quality or otherwise produced works that were both signed and unsigned. This mark can be found on the left side of the receiver at the end of the rifle serial number. Japan. General advice is to buy from reliable trustworthy sources who will stand by all attributions, signatures and condition reports until such time as the collector is totally confident in his own judgement and knowledge. The history of fine metalwork in Japan goes back many hundreds of years and whilst it is impossible to recount the full story in these few words, a brief summary is useful in seeing how this art form evolved. Trade mark / Logo = The letters "KKK" within a diamond. Japan. However, to the untrained eye they can be confusing and nearly impossible to interpret. It is commonly referenced by collectors and dealers as the Fulper "ink mark.". Trade mark / Logo= The letters SH within a diamond. There is a nominal fee for this service, and it is usually considered the bare minimum hallmarking expectation for proving inspection. Trade mark / Logo= The letters "MT" (M superimposed on a T in a diamond or circle). Mark used c. 1910 to 1915 by Fulper Pottery Co. Brand name for angle-head wrenches: Red, green and black were used most years. Hiro.
Japanese Bronzes & Metal Works - Traditional - Oriental Treasure Box [This message has been edited by FredZ (edited 09-09-2004). Aerozon is a trade mark made up from 'air' and 'ozone'. Tomiyama, E.T. Trade mark / Logo = The letter K within two partial diamonds, arranged concentrically. Mitsuwa / Mitsuwa Toy / Mitsuwa Gangu Co., Ltd.Japan. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Pottery & Porcelain Marks. Trade mark / Logo =Two two leaf plants or saplings side by side. Tokyo, Japan. IRCO. There is also a central dot.
Japan-japanese-doll-makers-marks Doll Reference 48.
PDF Trademarks on Base-Metal Tableware - Society for Historical Archaeology The down strokes of the T's being interlaced with a central diamond shape. [No information]. The name was changed to Miyazawa Mokei Co. in 1951. Height 12.6 cm Trade mark / Logo= The letters "KTS" within threeconcentriccircles. The hallmarks look like they were hand-carved from wood. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Trade mark / Logo = The letters "KK.Y" within a diamond. However, since there are many Assay Offices throughout the world, it is important for verification purposes to know which one has recognized the item. The A positioned above theT so thatthe cross-stroke of the Aalso forms the cross-stroke of the T. The mark is found on a series of toy 'pop-pop' (candle powered) boats. Trade mark / Logo = The letter "K" over three radiating lines andwithin a partial circle. Hallmarks are applied with a hammer and punch, a process that leaves sharp edges and spurs of metal. Trade mark / Logo = The word Hoku in a diamond. In February 1947, the General Headquarters, administrative arm of the American occupying forces, ordered all products made for export to be marked "Occupied Japan" or "Made in Occupied Japan.". Japan. Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo, Japan. Japan. Some volumes do exist but are scarce, in Japanese, and out of most's price range. Also a stylised version of the word "Epoch". The central section of the logo forms a tortoise motif. Japan. Japan. Some exceptionally fine artist signed work emanated from this manufacturer. Japan. Other Silver Hallmarks for Metal Content. See examples on eBay , Fukumoto Eitar () Hirado porcelain marked Hirado-san Fukumoto-z Produced in Hirado by Fukumoto. Under construction - Visit my blog for more complete version with lots of example toys. Unsigned. Pure gold (24K) is extremely soft, and jewelry made from it is dented easily; thus, it was often mixed with another metal or alloy, to give the gold more strength. 'SSN Oval Mark'. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite . JAPANESE MEIJI PERIOD BLK LACQUER W/ GILDED FLOWERS/BRANCHES . Artist name Shusetsu See examples on eBay , Kazan Satsuma pottery signed Kazan ; Taish period See examples on eBay , Ken or Qian underglaze blue mark in Chinese zhuanshu seal script, generally assumed to stand for emperor Qianlong () See examples on eBay , Kinkozan studio satsuma pottery Kinkozan Zo See examples on eBay , Kinkozan another version of the satsuma mark above that simply reads Kinkozan . Finally and needless to say damage has a very dramatic effect on value. These markings indicate how much gold is present out of 24 karats vs. other metals alloyed together. Tomiyama / Tomy. The lines forming the diamond are extended where they intersect. However, the threshold weight varies by individual metal type. Trade mark / Logo = The letters"K.S" within a diamond shape with concave sides formed from four overlapping sword shapes. Trade mark / Logo = The letters "KK" within a diamond. Start at the top right hand corner and read down. Kawahachi Shoten / Kawahachi Toy Co. Ltd.Japan. The lines forming the diamond are extended where they intersect. Also, at times makers co-operated by fulfilling commissions and orders for one another in which case that may be the reason for items to remain unsigned. Shinkosha / Shinkosha Co. Ltd.Japan. Japan. Maruya Toys / Maruya Co., Ltd.Japan. Harina / Harina Gangu. Osaka, Japan. Tokyo, Japan. Trade mark / Logo= The letters DSK within a diamond. Produced many cloth covered tin toys. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Japan. These vary widely by country, so it is important to do independent research from trusted sources if you come across an imported bullion that has an unusual Standard Mark. Trademark / Logo = Rectangular 'plaque' containing the name "SHOYO" superimposed on an inverted black triangle with white border. After 1814, English law repealed the . Table 2 lists a number of word marks used as brand names or informal trademarks, with notes indicating the particular use. I have a vintage Japan mark not seen here and would love to know more info. Copyright | Site Powered by The Antique Marketing CompanyPrivacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Cookies Policy, Japanese Bronze, the highly collected miniature carvings from 17th, 18th and 19th Century Japan were originally and primarily very simple functional objects that evolved over time to the level of truly superb works of art produced by master carvers. Trade mark / Logo= 1. Early 20th century, Meiji Taish period See examples on eBay , Fuki-Chosun mark (wealth, nobility, longevity, and youth) wish for good fortune and long life found on Imari porcelain. . The words "Your Best Maker" surround the upper part of the circle. Hasegawa / Hasegawa Gangu Seisakusho. Founded 1724 - to present. Trade mark / Logo = The letters "A" and "N". Please enjoy the photos of the markings and the historical photos of toy makers from American Flyer, to Z (or Y and Yonezawa in this case).
Vintage Metal Toy Submarine 108 Nautilus - Japan w/ Hallmarks - See Look up "Kaiun! The Hallmark often found on Japanese silver is called "jungin", meaning "pure silver". Trade mark / Logo = The letters "T.T" in a diamond. Those metals weighing less than the following amount will, in most cases, not carry a hallmark: There are many common scams committed against those who dont have a very strong grasp of precious metals hallmarks. Fukuda / Fukuda Seisakusho. Tomuro Press Seisakusho.
Antique Gold Markings | LoveToKnow Trade mark / Logo= HAJI in an oval. Trade mark / Logo = -[Adding link to trade mark soon], RS. Meiji Taish period See examples on eBay , Fuku mark (happiness or good fortune) found on Kutani porcelain and pottery. Tokyo, Japan. This is a lie, and you must never allow your precious metals to be given over to them. Trade mark / Logo = the word "GAKKEN" within a large letter "G" or withina rectangular box. Trade mark / Logo = The letters " Dott G.R." They believe it should be bright and shiny and set about it with abrasives and polishes of various natures! Trade mark / Logo=The letter 'H' within a circle, the word 'TOY' superimposed on the cross stroke of the H. Haji Toys / Mansei Gangu / ManseiToy Co. Ltd.Japan. Meiji Taish period See examples on eBay , Genroku Tominaga Genroku (1859-1920), founder of Genroku-yaki in Ureshino, Saga prefecture. Trade mark / Logo = The word Marubishi on a motto scroll which is superimposed on three concentric circles. Iwaya Corporation / Iwaya Seisakusho. Tokyo, Japan. Japan. Japanese 20th century bronze OKIMONO of a ram. Meiho / Meiho Shoji. The 1776-1976 Silver Dollar was created as a special celebration coin in honor of the bicentennial. Trade mark / Logo= The letters "SN" in a diamond. I have no idea about these things. In ancient times, silver was extracted from local lead, a wasteful and toxic undertaking. There are some variations in the appearance, presentation, and regulation of hallmarks according to metal type. Trade mark / Logo = The letter "M" with a semicircular ring of stars above. [No information]. Japan. Trade mark / Logo = A pseudo heraldic mark, the letter "S" within a shield with the word "Sanyo", within a motto scroll, superimposed. The central "A" being slightly larger. The alphanumeric "A1" in place of eyes. . Appearance of Kinkozan studio mark can vary greatly based on the decorator and quality of the piece. A sponsor's or maker's mark. Early 20th century. Trade mark /Logo= The letter N in a triangle with a diamond shaped notch (shaded in)at the apex. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'preciousmetalinfo_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_12',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-preciousmetalinfo_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); The art of hallmarking began in the Middle Ages as a primitive form of consumer protection. Some comprised highly skilled masters with just a few pupils through to far larger operations. Vertices removed. Japan. Ichida Co., Ltd.Japan. The wabi-sabi aesthetic in Japan prizes a certain rough-hewn workmanship, but that's not the feeling I'm getting from this buckle. Japan. Output from both periods can vary in quality from the very finest pieces destined for the wealthy connoisseur through to superb middle range pieces and on to a lower quality product destined for more of a mass export market. Chop mark on bottom of heron. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Japan. The rabbit is finely done. Fashion, Accessories & Textiles Marks. The best way to judge quality is to handle as much material as possible, visit museums, sales and exhibitions and study any reference book available. Issued by Microsoft's ASP.NET Application, this cookie stores session data during a user's website visit.
Marusan / Marusan Shoten Ltd. Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. Vintage Japanese Komei Mixed Metal Cigarette Case. The C forming a box around the T. Tsukuda Co., Ltd. / Tsukudaya Co., Ltd.Tokyo, Japan. The hand-painted antique teapot was made in 1780 by Niderviller.
1900-1940 Antique Japanese Plates for sale | eBay Shimazaki Toy / Shimazaki Gangu. In 1867 the Foreign Mark was added. 1928) Kutani porcelain with sqaure mark on a blue-green background that reads ; 20th century, Hikojiro Imura Dai Nippon Imura Zo See examples on eBay , Hododa Satsuma pottery mark Satsuma Hododa where is simplified ; Meiji period See examples on eBay , Hododa iron red Satsuma mark Hotoda Zo See examples on eBay , Ichizan Satsuma pottery marked Ichizan and with Shimazu clan mon above. The era you'll want to Google is the "Edo" era. With three of the star's points shaded. Founded unknown - closed 1983. Each half of the diamond contains a smaller diamond. Trademark / Logo = -[Adding link to trademark soon]. PayPal sets this cookie to enable secure transactions through PayPal. Many of us spend countless hours studying and practicing a skill that we may only partly use in our work. This is an important distinction that may first-time buyers are not informed of. The vase measures 9 1/2" tall by 7 3/8" in dia.. Japanese early 20th century Period bronze USUBATA.
Silver hallmarks - Wikipedia Metal Stamps. It does not store any personal data. Founded1950 - to present. By contrast, the silver symbol on the Standard Mark is a plain oval, and platinum is a trapezoid in the shape of a house. Japan. There is considerable confusion about the meaning of quality marks . The letters "ATC" on the sack of a Santa Claus motif (1955 on). Download Silver Hallmarks - Maker Marks and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. The photos and companies are displayed alphabetically and from top to bottom. Oxidisation of the surface of the metal is often encountered. Japan. Therefore, hallmarking is generally done before the piece goes for its final polishing. Tokyo, Japan. Fuji and a river used since the foundation of the company in 1894 and throughout the 20th century. Trade Marks on the bottom are S. K. There are also two Pat numbers. Japan. These talented artists were frequently commissioned by the Imperial Household, the Government and exclusive privately owned outlets such as the Ozeki Company. There are three (3) common hallmarks that are not mandated by law, making them strictly voluntary. DIA. $9.99. Tatsuya / Tatsuya Shoten. Japanese Meiji Period bronze heron OKIMONO by master metal artist Okazaki Sessei (1854-1921). Taish period See examples on eBay , Imaemon Imaizumi Imaemon Nabeshima (Iro-Nabeshima) porcelain marked Imaemon (); produced since mid-17th century, Edo period until present day (Imaizumi Imaemon XIV) See examples on eBay , Imura alternative mark that reads Nippon Yokohama Imura Sei See examples on eBay , Ishiguro Koko Sumida Gawa pottery with underglaze impressed mark inside a double gourd; sometimes incorrectly translated as Ban-ni; early 20th century See examples on eBay , Kaburaki Kutani Kaburagi Sei founded by Jisuke Kaburaki in 1822 (Kanazawa) See examples on eBay , Kachoken Kutani porcelain marked with nine-character iron red mark (Great Japan Kutani, Made by Kachoken) often appears on works by Haruna Shigeharu (1847-1914); Meiji period See examples on eBay , Kaizan stylized Satsuma pottery mark on black background inside a double gold border. Ishizuka / Ishizuka Seisakusho. ], Certainly to the purist collector, many Japanese traditional crafts plummeted in the latter 19th century. You'll likely want to do a little homework first. Report suspicious behavior such as this to local authorities. [No information]. Gold hallmarking is a purity certification of the precious metal. This makes their interpretation much easier than it was before. There are also many kinds of hallmarks and, in turn, many ways of identifying them. Aoki Industries Ltd. / Aoki Shokai. The OKIMONO measures 10 1/4" wide, 7" deep and 7 1/8" tall. Trade mark / Logo = The company name "Sakai" within a diamond shape with concave sides formed from what looks like four swords. Yanoman Shoten / Y.M. All made of gold. Co./Eiichiro Tomiyama Co.Tokyo, Japan. You see, there are lots of secrets the experts won't tell you. It is my contention however that a few better things are always preferable to a high volume of lesser items! Japan. Trade mark / Logo= The letters SSS in frontof a three peaked mountain symbol, the right hand peak being larger. Essentially, this mark indicates the make of the bullion. New Arrivals; Japanese Bronze Japanese Bronze, the highly collected miniature carvings from 17th, 18th and 19th Century Japan were originally and primarily very simple functional objects that evolved over time to the level of truly superb works of art produced by master carvers. Trade mark / Logo= The letters "MS, the "S" within a larger "M", with cherub figure above. Japan. Japan. una selezione fotografica di marchi e punzoni dell'argento d'epoca e moderno (anche con il punzone dell'argentiere) e altro ancora . Trade mark / Logo= The letters SH within a diamond. Suzuki & Edwards Co. Ltd.Japan. Sometimes referred to as the town mark, the Assay Mark indicates which Assay Office approved of the item. But if you are confused by the tiny engravings on your bullion, know that youre not alone. Marumiya. Return to Cathy's Made in Occupied Japan Page Trade mark / Logo = The letters"MM" in a diamond. Trade mark / Logo = The letters "TET" within a circle, the final T being expanded in size. The Japanese Artist Red Seal or Chop. Driven purely by potential financial gain some items can carry spurious marks added at any time since their manufacture. A date letter mark depicts the year that the article was tested and approved by the Assay Office. Trade mark / Logo = The letters "Y.M" within an irregular hexagon. Japan has produced a great number of outstanding grindcore bands over the years, but only one of them is called Bathtub Shitter. The outer circle is formed into an inverted v-shaped notch at the base. [No information]. Trade mark / Logo = The letters "Y" and "A" within a circle. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". However it is worth noting that a large workforce did not necessarily mean a lower quality although it is fair to say that demand had to be met across a whole spectrum of price ranges. . Brand. Trade mark / Logo = A diamond bisected by a central vertical bar. Maybe the signature and full description is beautifully written on the custom made storage box (tomobako) that was supplied with all good pieces. [n.b. Nakayama / Nakayama Gangu Seisakusho. Kamiya / Kamiya Seisakusho. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.
Jewelry Identification | Antique Jewelry University The effect could be truly stunning. [No information]. Trade mark / Logo = -[Adding link to trade mark soon]. Trade mark / Logo = The letters"MKK" in a diamond. Trade mark / Logo = not known.Iwaya Corporation / Iwaya Seisakusho. Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. Okyasu. Trademarks on Base-Metal Tableware - Society for Historical Archaeology Japan.
Look For Your Mark - Kovels Further information. The A positioned within the arch formed by the first part of the N. . Stainless steel is a steel that contains at least 10 percent chromium. Trade mark / Logo = Thecompany name"Tohnan" with the intitial T enlarged, stylised and partially superimposed on acircle. Late Meiji - early Taisho. Another theory is that the quality of the work speaks for itself and therefore the maker did not need to make his mark on it it was obvious who made it. There are some variations in the appearance, presentation, and regulation of hallmarks according to metal type. DIA =first part of the English word diamond, Daiya meaning diamond in Japanese.
A Brief History of Jewellery Hallmarking - The Bench See examples on eBay , Tashiro Monzaemon (1816-1900) underglaze blue mark Dai Nippon Hichzan Shinpo z See examples on eBay , Toritei iron red mark on Awata ware Satsuma pottery that reads Toritei Zo Made by Toritei; Meiji Period See examples on eBay , Uchida Kutani porcelain marked Kutani Uchita Sei , Uchida Satsuma pottery marked in gold on black background Uchida Taish period See examples on eBay , Uzu-fuku (also uzufuku or uzu-huku) mark found on Kakiemon and other Arita porcelain examples. From 1904 the carat value of gold was also shown and for silver the decimal value of the standard was used. Trade mark / Logo= The letter "K" in a diamond. At its most basic, we can usually easily identify the . Japan. Trade mark / Logo = The letters "KK" within an oval, the bottom and top of the letters being joined to each other and the outside oval by horizontal lines. Japan. Trade mark / Logo = The letters "IRCO" on 3d effect black block effect background. Trade mark / Logo= The letter Y inside a larger letter M shape. Japan. It would explain how the buckle would have likely been finely finished as you suggest but over the many decades it wore down where friction occurred such as at the bar and where the strap or cloth would weave through? Trade mark / Logo= The word "DAIYA" in a diamond. Shop online. Symbols and Oriental Signatures. [No information]. They are used to signify the purity of the metal, and to guarantee the fineness of the material. Throughout this time, many individual schools developed across Japan often with unique and instantly recognisable styles and subject matter. Tokyo, Japan. The K is distorted. We regularly update this page. The k stands for karat, and the number is the percentage of that metal found in the jewelry. Porcelain and ceramics 1948-present day. Tohnan. These are very small and hard to photograph. By learning to identify and interpret these marks, it is possible to gain valuable insights into the history and provenance of a piece and to make informed decisions about its value.Last updated: March 2023, Aoki Brothers Aoki Kyodai-Shokai Arita porcelain marked in underglaze blue See examples on eBay , Banko pottery impressed oval seal mark that reads Banko. Many truly top quality works are unsigned. Inakita / Inakita Shokai / Inakita Co., Ltd.Japan. Ichimura /IchimuraShoten /Ichimura & Co., Ltd.No. Daito / Daito Co., Ltd.Tokyo, Japan. Founded 1924 -to present. Many counterfeit bullions are sold on online exchanges, and many are in increments so low that they do not legally require hallmarking.
[Japanese > English] Help with Japanese metal manufacturing marks or For one, you can ensure the legitimacy of an item by only buying and selling on trusted exchanges. Koa / Koa Kinzoku/ Koa Metal. The H and the C arranged so as to be under the cross stroke of the T. The whole group distorted so as to be wider at the base. [No information]. [No information]. Trade mark / Logo =The letter "H" within a six pointed star, within a circle. Taico.
Hallmark with 6-digit code must for gold jewellery, artefacts from Click a picture to see a larger view.
Symbols and Oriental - Artists' Signatures MARKS AND HALLMARKS OF SILVER - SilverCollection Traditionally, picture engravings such as a womans head or the body of a lion were included on sterling silver marks and certain gold pieces.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'preciousmetalinfo_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_13',616,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-preciousmetalinfo_com-narrow-sky-1-0'); Lastly, commemorative marks are used to draw attention to significant world events that occur around the time of engraving.
Japanese Bronzes & Metal Works - Traditional - Oriental Treasure Box 1900-1940 Antique Japanese Boxes for sale | eBay Reign marks on rare Chinese porcelain: an expert guide to dynastic Many buyers, veterans and first-timers alike, are thrown off by the inscriptions. Yonezawa Toys Co., Ltd. / Yonezawa Gangu. See examples on eBay , Chozan Satsuma pottery marked in gold on black background Kyoto Chozan (alternative reading Kyoto Asayama); Meiji period See examples on eBay , Daikichi kiln underglaze blue rectangular seven-character mark that reads Mino nokuni Daikichi gama z Mino province, Made by Daikichi kiln See examples on eBay , Fukagawa Koransha orchid symbol (koransha meaning orchid style) used since 1870s (Meiji period) until today See examples on eBay , Fukagawa Seiji mark depicting Mt. Early Japanese bronze are thought to have mostly been the work of carvers serving primarily the numerous shrines and temples across Japan. Gakken /Gakushu Kenkyusha /Gakken Toy Hobby Co., Ltd. Japan. Mizuno / Nihon Alps Mizuno Seisakusho. Japan. Nandemo Kanteidan" on YouTube. Tokyo, Japan. Trade mark / Logo = Multiple.
Made in Occupied Japan Makers' Marks - The 4 C's Thank you 2/27/20. This makes me think it's much older. Japan. Trade mark / Logo= Circle within circle to form a ring, the words Kanto Toys arranged around the ring. Japan. Set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin, this cookie is used to record the user consent for the cookies in the "Advertisement" category .