Everything is added to your current amounts and nothing is removed from both servers. Unlocked with $kt. $togglesnipe 2: (full restriction) Any character rolled can't be sniped for 8 seconds. 10/10 would trap people in my basement again. If this is not the case, a player can only receive a free gift once every 12 hours; any additional gift will consume their claim. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. $fnsl: Find a note in your Soulmate list. Multiplayer game, answer a few random questions or rebus.
How To Change Profile & Character Images in Mudae - Alphr $wishsort: automatically sort your wishlist by alphabetical order. $likeclear: clear your list after confirmation. $qw/$qw2/$qd/$qd2/$qa/$qa2 are used to view your list. To change your favorite character, use the $fm [character name] command. Make sure you go through the permission that you are going to authorize, also you can update this permission from the bot setting in discord.
Mudae (@Mudaebot) / Twitter Keep reading to learn how to change the character profile image using the Mudae bot. Define the number of different characters you can roll in each roulette (by disabling the less popular characters) for your whole server. If you are one of them and do not have the bot on your server then wait no more, invite the bot to your server from the invite link mentioned below (this post is not sponsored lol xD). Event badges are also transferred with this command. $profilearrange: ($pa) Arrange the order of the categories on your profile. $unrestrict
to remove a restricted command for a role (undo). given certain keywords. $profile serv: Your profile from another server. Additionally, all available slash commands may be viewed by typing /. How to Use Mudae Bot Discord [ Mudae bot commands Guide ] Randomly divorce half of the harem of someone. Read more $ima $ for multiple series. $resetalias2: (admin) Reset all $alias2 for a user's characters OR unclaimed characters. Displays key information, rewards, and commands. Decrease (or increase if server premium) the number of rolls for the whole server. Top 6 Easy Mudae Bot Guides On Discord - Washington Independent $togglesnipe 3: (wish restriction 1) When someone rolls a WISHED character, this character can't be sniped for 8 seconds EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (AND the roller), $togglesnipe 4: (wish restriction 2) When someone rolls a WISHED character, this character can't be sniped for 8 seconds EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (the roller CAN'T claim this character either, except if they wished for it), $togglesnipe 5: (combined restriction 1) Any character rolled can't be sniped for 8 second(s) EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (AND the roller), $togglesnipe 6: (combined restriction 2) Any character rolled can't be sniped for 8 second(s) EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (the roller CAN'T claim this wish except if they wished for it). All Mudae Bot Commands List [ Comandos Mudae ]. $channelrestrict: (admin) Restrict some commands so they can only be used in the current channel. $topservyt: ($tsyt) Server ladder for users with the highest amount of keys. $rdmperso: Random character from animecharactersdatabase.com. $settimer: (admin) Change the number of seconds during which you can claim a character. The List that is mentioned below is well maintained and documented by the Mudae Bot Team. Step 2 - Now, you can select in which server you want to add Mudae Bot and after selecting click on continue. $togglelikerank: (admin) Toggle character ranking by number of likes. $h This is the last of the three basic commands available in Mudae Bot. Can be used by non-premium to increase the interval. $top: Top 1000 characters. Each character has ample description along with descriptions. React with before 30s. $kakerareact: (admin) Customize the kakera rolls emojis. 4. You can also specify a bundle of commands. Use $noun, $adverb, $adject, $vrb in your sentences to add a random word. $vs: Add a customized sentence when the character wins. cookierun. You can easily invite the Mudae bot from its official website. Mudae, one of the most popular Discord entertainment bots, is used by over 3 million users. $renameclaim: Change your claim message. 8. $randomimg: Randomize images during your rolls. After users suggest new pictures, the bot reacts to the command, thus permitting the poll to happen. $setclaim: (admin + server premium I/II) Change the claim interval (up to one per hour). Example: $mm for $mymarry. To add another role, use the command again. $togglelikerank: (MOD) Disable like ranks for your server. To remove, use $ni $ users can change a spoiler alias for characters they own. Using the $setpermission addimg charowner method, you can allow others in your server to add custom images for their own characters using the $ai method. $kakerareward: Kakera badges detailed rewards. The most helpful command. If you want to change your profile picture with your collected characters, you must first perform the following commands. $topserv lastclaim: ($ts lc) Date of the last claim for each user. $autorelease: Release all doubles from rarity 1, 2, 3 for new tries. This command needs the confirmation of the owner of the receiving server and is globally limited to one use per premium month. Your current data will still be available on other channels. $restore: (admin) Restore a character from the restorelist. Then, imagine the story $mudanime: Random phrases inspired by known animes. crashed my car driving and claiming waifus but it was worth it. This bot is well known for its game in which you must capture waifus and husbandos f. $vote: Help Mudae to entertain mankind and get a free rolls reset. $quotimage: Random quote followed by a random image. This article is a stub. If you believe some characters should have better pictures available and you already have some in mind, you can submit them to the Mudae server. $build : ($b) Choose a perk and build a floor for the kakera tower. $setrare: (admin) Change the spawn rarity of owned characters. Text in the fashion of speech bubbles and other forms of talking are not allowed. Use one of the syntaxes below to change how the bot answers when using a command disabled by $channelrestrict, $channeldeny, $restrict or $deny. List of Commands | Mudae Wiki | Fandom $customcd , $cdspe1 , $cdspe2 . Find notes written using the $note command. How to Submit a Character Picture to the Mudae World. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Add a custom image for an existing character. Change the instance of this channel, creating a second server in your server. Mudae. Visible nipples or areola through clothing (or otherwise) are also not allowed. The bot has a large fan base, with over 80,000 manga, anime, and video game characters. As explained before, when you start rolling the waifus and husbandos to marry, you can roll only 10 characters. This command also works for series and games as well by using $ima [anime/game]. Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of custom images. $togglekakerasnipe 1: (partial restriction) Kakera rolled from $mk can't be sniped for 8 seconds. Information about kakeraloots rewards and commands. So this command should be used if you are only interested in collecting waifus for your collection. Official twitter account for Mudae discord bot Ranked #1 on https://t.co/nqWzChhTMk If you have any issues/question join the Mudae support server: https://t.co/lnhNhhd63H Note: If you are using any other bot on your server, make sure it has the feature for finding an . (Not soulkeys). Change the embed color for characters that have at least one key. Mudae offers hundreds of commands ranging from original multiplayer games to random anime quotes. This command can be overridden with individual users' $limroul. How to add Mudae bot on your discord server? maybe not for the dude i hit. $togglekakerarolls: (admin) Display or not the kakera value during rolls. Use any $perstogglereact to remove the message appearing for each roll. This will disable those commands for ALL the channels BUT this one. Your email address will not be published. $mmf: (harem option) Your characters ready for the fight. $togglesilent: (owner) Change how the bot answers to disabled commands. $toggleclaimrolls: enable/disable the display of claim ranks during the rolls, $togglelikerolls: enable/disable the display of like ranks during the rolls, $togglekakerarolls: enable/disable the display of kakera during the rolls, To remove some characters from the list, use $serverenable , To specify a character when a series shares the same name, use $sdc or $sec, $serverdisablelist ($sdl): see the current list. $resetalias unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server, $resetalias2 unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server, $resetimg unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server, $fullresetalias: reset all aliases to the default value. $limroul: (mode 2) Disable the less popular characters. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'exploringbits_com-leader-1','ezslot_20',141,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-exploringbits_com-leader-1-0');Step 1: To add a Mudae bot you have to first invite the Mudae bot on your discord server. Your server settings will be automatically transferred at the creation of the new instance. $toggleclaimrank: (MOD) Disable claim ranks for your server. Also, there is Bongo Bot, where you can claim waifu and husbandos and along with that play music on your discord server. How to get a Mudae bot in Discord - Quora $togglekakerasnipe: $togglesnipe for kakera. For multiple characters, separate them with a $. $randomimg 2: Images are only random for your rolls of UNCLAIMED characters. Basic x20 images (1 character) $10. $randomimg gif 2: INSTEAD of displaying a random image, a random gif is displayed if there is any. $pr serv 435763044120002561, $colorpr: Change the embed color (side line) of your $pr. The bot is beloved for its roulette game with over 80,000 manga, anime, and video game characters from . Characters disabled from your rolls ($disable, $togglewestern) are indicated with . Change the embed color (side line) of your like list. You can roll up to 10 at a time ($kl 10). Standard x40 images (2 characters) $15. $randomimg cust 1: Custom images are never displayed when you roll. From there, you can use the search bar in the top-right corner to find the command you need. A higher number means already claimed characters will spawn less often. This is the second of the three basic commands. Now that Mudae is part of your server, you can type the desired commands in the text box at the bottom of your page. To claim any other character, the user has to manually add any emoji. Also, you can roll specifically anime ($ha) or game ($hg) male characters to marry to. Use $disabledel ($dd) to autodelete your $disable message. $setfooter: Display name/series under the image during your rolls. You can also add a second number to modify the 8 second default value. Use $setpermission kakerarefund charowner to allow users to refund themselves. It stands for husbando. This will change the base value for the $kakeratower floors. In Gamemode 1, it will show your overlap limit at the top; in Gamemode 2, it will show your pool limits (which are reached using $limroul). To add another premium tier later in the month, you have to upgrade to a higher . All characters are from existing animes, manga, comics or video games. Pictures are used for each character in Mudae. How do I get a character added to my manewaake list? It allows you to learn more about a command, or look for a command you don't know. Find Mudae Bot stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Picture credits: TechBGM Created by Saya, the Mudae bot is a high-quality, multi-purpose entertainment bot that supports Discord, the social networking platform designed to create communities. The support community will help you from other people in the community and whenever you are stuck then you have someone to ask. $pokerank leg (or shiny or beast) for the legendaries/shinies/beasts. Make and customize your own collection bound to the Discord server you are playing on: compete with your friends to get the best unique collection! This command is used to change the default image of a particular character. Be used in an official context by the vtuber in question. on a sign, chalkboard, sound effect text, etc.). Add -- in front of a text to exclude it from the search. Add a custom character for your server (1000 max). During your rolls, you can change which images appear for you using $randomimg. Make and customize your own collection bound to the Discord server you are playing on: compete with your friends to get the best unique collection! $thanos: (admin) Randomly divorce half of a user harem. You can set a new image by using the command $changeimg ($c). To change your harem picture in Mudae, go to your settings tab and click on the "Harem" option. $fnp $ to also search by character name. $bitesthedust requiem: Divorce all the characters of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to their owner. $imq! $cleankakera everyone: refund all badges and remove all kakera to all players. Change which image appears first for that character. Among other fun things, you can change your characters profile images to keep your collection dynamic. Nothing is removed from both servers. New slash command variants may be missing from this page, and still need to be added for many commands. The probability to spawn a kakera under a claimed character depends on how many claimed characters you spawn on average, so often this command won't help you to get a lot more of kakera reactions. This command stands for my marry. $togglesilent 2: When using a disabled command, the bot won't send a message nor react. $pokeduel @User: Starts a pokduel (useless random game). With no further ado, Lets start with our Mudae Bot Commands List. Heres how. On selecting the discord server in which you want to add the Mudae bot it will ask you to authorize the required permissions to the bot. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Anime. Use $tsv id to display user IDs. Congratulations you have successfully added the Mudae bot on your discord server !! $personalrare: Change the spawn rarity of owned characters. $randomimg gif 1: Gifs are never displayed when you roll. $fne $ to also search by tag. When images are hosted on Imgur, submitters ultimately have control over the image, and may choose to delete the image from their account at a later date. Use $channelallow to enable them again (undo). Regardless of how many characters you collect, one will be denoted as your favorite and displayed in your profile. This will show all the characters of that series that are in the Mudae bot. Mudae - Discord Bots $rollsleft 1: The message 2 ROLLS LEFT appears just above the image. Note: the character is also placed at the first position of your harem (you can change the position afterwards). Divorce all the characters of everyone in your server. In this mini tutorial for the Mudae Game, I will be talking about and showing how to add custom characters to the game. $mk: (premium) Force spawn a kakera (1 to 3 per hour). $join: Link to join Mudae on her server and get more infos. Disable/enable series with real people for your rolls. 6. Example: $mmwr only displays your waifus (flag w) and how they are ranked (flag r). List of available bundles: This will disable those commands for this channel. Divorce half of the harem of everyone in your server. The commands above include two types of characters: game and animanga.Add the letter g to just roll game characters ($wg) or a for animanga. There are more than 450+ commands in Mudae both related to customization, moderation, utility, etc. I will create and send the 40 custom images, you can send specific artworks! If you want to play with more characters then you can check this bot also. $randomimg 0: (default value) Images appearing during your rolls are not random. $give: Gift the mentioned player (limited). $m This is one of the three basic commands in Mudae bot. But it does not end there. Second instances ($channelinstance) can't be set to the default mode for regular servers. $patreon: Help Mudae to improve its features. A user can only claim a single character in a certain amount of time after which they have to wait for the cooldown to finish to claim again. How To Change The Default Image In A WordPress Gallery, How To Create Interactive Infographics Using Venngage, How To Save A Canvas Image To An SQL Database, How To Determine If A Transformation Is Fair Use, How To Change The Icon Of A Chrome Shortcut, How To Save Images As Pictures In PowerPoint, How Image Size Affects File Size And Quality, How To Save A Background Image For A Website, How To Change Your Profile Photo On A Samsung Galaxy, How To Save Images To Google Cloud Storage Using Google Cloud Functions. Join the Mudae bot support community to make full use of the Mudae bot. In order to claim a character, you just have to react to that character with an emoji. This command is for a fresh start on a new server. mudae GitHub Topics GitHub Friday, February 24 2023 Breaking News 5. Submitting new pictures is done using the Muda-02, a private bot specific tothe Mudae server.