nyc dot traffic standard drawings

RED LIGHT CAMERA CONDUIT IS LOCATED IN YOUR PROPOSED WORK AREA. MeetingsRegular coordination meetings allow decision makers to share information and to discuss project difficulties and constraints. Some of the requirements include but are not limited to: Expansion JointsExpansion joints must be placed at 20-foot intervals, expansion joint filler material must be placed to the full depth of the sidewalk, and all expansion joints must be recessed and sealed. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Lower Manhattan (south of Canal Street) Kew Gardens, NY 11424 or Tax I.D. MUST COORDINATE WITH RESIDENT ENGINEER NYSDOT MR.WONG AT 718-499-7075 PRIOR TO WORK. They shall not be in a stand alone subset. This chapter describes the different types of permits that are issued by the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT), the one-time permittee registration process, the application procedure for each permit type, and special circumstances and procedures. Street Opening, Building Operations/Construction Activity, Sidewalk Construction, and Canopy Permits are reviewed and stipulated by OCMC staff. View more information and instructions for obtaining a revocable consent. The concrete base must be restored at the same grade as the existing base; at no time may it be brought up to the asphalt course unless authorized by NYC DOT. Staten Island, NY 10301 PHONE # 718-422-8700 FAX # 718-422-8710. View more information on how to respond to Sidewalk Violations. Street Opening Permits are generally taken out by entities that need access to subsurface infrastructure, including utility companies and contractors, such as licensed master plumbers. If all information is satisfactory the applicant is approved and the system auto-generates an email which is sent to the applicant with the EAN. 42 Broadway MUST COMPLY WITH DEP NOISE REQUIREMENTS. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN, ALL TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SIGNS, CHANNELIZING DEVICES, FENCING AND MARKINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED, INSTALLED, MAINTAINED AND REMOVED BY THE PERMITTEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT VERSION OF PART 6 OF THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS (MUTCD). OCMC will release the hold after it reviews the proposed work and adds the permit stipulations. BACKFILL OR PLATE BEFORE PROCEEDING. Canopy permits are not transferable from person to person or from the location of original issue. MUST MAINTAIN 1 SOUTHBOUND AND 2 NORTH BOUND LANES AFTER ESTABLISHED WORK ZONE IS SET UP. WORK INCLUDES: CURB/SIDEWALK REPAIR AS NEEDED; ROADWAY MILLING/REPAIR AND RESURFACING; REMOVAL OF CENTER MEDIAN; RESETTING UTILITY OPENING; REMOVAL/REINSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS INCLUDING CONDUIT; INSTALLATION OF PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND PARKING SIGNAGE. Questions regarding permit registration can be directed to the central Permit Office. Re-Dig (RED) hold In cases where an inspection has revealed a failed restoration and permittees have been told to redo the entire restoration, a RED hold will be placed. CNRRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #6 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORAITON REQ'MENTS. The ASHO in each borough releases Capital Project In-House (CPI) holds and Street Arterial Maintenance (SAM) holds. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Click here for a list of current construction embargoes. (212) 839-8857 NJDOT Engineering Department of Transportation Engineering The Engineering area contains most of the reference material needed to design and construct a Capital Program project. PERMITTEE IS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN PLAN APPROVAL FROM DOT/PERMIT MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING REVIEW AT 212-839-9666, NYC ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 19-142, WORKERS ON EXCAVATIONS: A PERSON TO WHOM A PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED, TO USE OR OPEN A STREET, SHALL BE REQUIRED, BEFORE SUCH PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED, TO AGREE THAT NONE BUT COMPETENT WORKERS, SKILLED IN THE WORK REQUIRED OF THEM, SHALL BE EMPLOYED THEREON, (CONT. MUST MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS AS SET FORTH IN RTE 9A RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT REPAIR DETAILS FOR REPLACEMENT OF 50 YEARS CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALK DATED 9/7/2001. If the applicant does not accept the permit stipulations, he or she can request a review with the PM. In some cases, approval from the LPC (if the vault is in an historic district) or the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) (if the vault is near a subway or tunnel entrance) is required. LOCAL AND EMERGENCY ACCESS MUST BE PROVIDED FROM EACH END OF THE BLOCK AT THE INTERSECTIONS WITH USE OF FLAGGERS AND SIGNAGE. IF RENEWED OR REISSUED, THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BE PLACED ON HOLD. The applicant will be able to pick up the permit from the Permit Office in the borough in which the canopy is located upon payment of the appropriate fee. SPECIFICATIONS. HIQA Central Office Click here for a copy of the Instructions for Permittee Registration Application. These policies and the Manual's presentation of permit procedures are designed to deliver higher quality street surfaces, fewer transportation capacity reductions and a more efficient construction environment to the people and businesses of New York City. Street Opening Permits are designated as the "01" permit series, meaning all permits in this category begin with "01." New York State Code of Rules and Regulations, Laws of New York(use this webpage to search for the below laws), Administrative Code of the City of New York, Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), NYC Department of Design and Construction, NYC Department of Environmental Protection, NYC Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Downtown Brooklyn Traffic Calming Study (NYC DOT: 2004), Project Development & Design Guide (Massachusetts Highway Department: 2006) [PDF], San Francisco Better Streets PlanDraft for Public Review (City and County of San Francisco: June 2008), Smart Transportation Guidebook: Planning and Designing Highways and Streets that Support Sustainable and Livable Communities (New Jersey DOT/Pennsylvania DOT: 2008) [PDF], Parks, Plants, and People: Beautifying the Urban Landscape (Lynden B. Miller: 2009), Trees in the Urban Landscape: Site Assessment, Design, and Installation (Nina L. Bassuk and Peter J. Trowbridge: 2004), Permeable Interlocking Concrete Paver (PICP), Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (Title 6), New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR), New York State Historic Preservation Act, Section 14.09, New York State Department of Transportation (Title 17), A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 7th edition, A Guide for Achieving Flexibility in Highway Design, Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities, Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, 4th edition, BIKESAFE: Bicycle Countermeasure Selection System, PEDSAFE: Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System, Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access, Public Involvement Techniques for Transportation DecisionMaking, MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices), Roadside Best Management Practices that Benefit Pollinators, Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach, The Design and Safety of Pedestrian Facilities, Accessible Public RightsofWay: Planning and Designing for Alterations, The Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities, National Menu of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater Management, Active Design Guidelines: Promoting Physical Activity and Health in Design, High Performance Infrastructure Guidelines: Best Practices for the Public RightofWay, Standards for Green Infrastructure (DEP: 2017), ProcedureGoverning Limited Survey for Green Infrastructure, Procedure Governing Limited Geotechnical Investigation for Right-of-Way Green Infrastructure Practices, PlaNYC Sustainable Stormwater Management Plan, Specifications for Traffic Signals and Intelligent Transportation Systems Construction and Equipment, Instructions for Filing Plans and Guidelines for the Design of Sidewalks, Curbs, Roadways and Other Infrastructure Components, Select Bus Service Design Guidelines: Update, El-Space Toolkit: Strategies for Reclaiming Sites Beneath Elevated Transportation Infrastructure, Version 1.0, Park Design for the 21st Century: High Performance Landscape Guidelines, Native Planting Species Guide for New York City, Inclusive Design Guidelines: New York City, New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual, San Francisco Better Streets PlanDraft for Public Review, Smart Transportation Guidebook: Planning and Designing Highways and Streets that Support Sustainable and Livable Communities, New York State Environmental Conservation Law (ECL), New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL), Department of Citywide Administrative Services (Chapter 35), Department of Consumer Affairs (Chapter 64), Department of Design and Construction (Chapter 55), Department of Environmental Protection (Chapter 57), Department of Parks and Recreation (Chapter 21), Department of Small Business Services (Chapter 56), Department of Transportation (Chapter 71), Franchises, Revocable Consents, and Concessions (Chapter 14), Landmarks Preservation Commission (Chapter 74), Public Design Commission/Art Commission (Chapter 37), Contracts, Purchases and Franchises (Title 6), Environmental Protection and Utilities (Title 24), Department of Citywide Administrative Services (Title 55), Department of Environmental Protection (Title 15), Rules Governing the Construction of Private Sewers, Rules Governing the Use of the Water Supply, Department of Parks and Recreation (Title 56), Department of Small Business Services (Title 66), Franchise and Concession Review Committee (Title 12), Landmarks Preservation Commission (Title 63), Public Design Commission/Art Commission (Title 57), Rules of the City of New York (Title 43 and 62), U.S. Traffic Calming Manual (American Planning Association & American Society of Civil Engineers: 2009), Under the Elevated: Reclaiming Space, Connecting Communities (DOT and Design Trust for Public Space: 2015). The citys Climate Resiliency Design Guidelines[PDF] provide guidance on height. Payment of the waiver request fee, as specified in the Highway Rules, Section 2-03, does not guarantee that approval to work during the embargo period will be granted. THE VMS BOARD MUST STATE THE STREET TO BE CLOSED AND THE DATES AND TIMES OF SUCH CLOSURE. It draws from a wide range of resources and experience to present a coherent set of choices for street design. CTDOT_Traffic . A scale of one to five $ symbols is used rather than specific monetary amounts because actual costs are subject to change. Office hours: Applications accepted, only from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM; To request release of a RED hold, the applicant must contact the HIQA borough office in the borough in which the proposed work is to be performed. The permittee must attach a copy of the original permit to the application when requesting a re-issuance and all applicable reviews and fees will apply. Brooklyn, NY 11202 All applicable fees will apply. APPLICANT INFORMATION (SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP). If all information is satisfactory, EAU will fax or call the applicant with an EAN, which must be available at the work site and presented to any governmental employee upon request. Included are topics about Policy, Procedures, Specifications and Design Standards (Manuals, Guidelines, and Computer Aided Design and Drafting drawings). To request release of a CON hold, the applicant must contact the HIQA borough office in the borough in which the proposed work is to be performed to arrange for an inspector to visit the work site prior to the start of the work. ODTRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH#10 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. Note: All distances indicate measurements from nearest edge of any object to closest edge of vault. Brooklyn, NY 11211 RESTORATION OF ROADWAY WHICH HAS RED COLORED BUS LANE MARKING MUST BE RESTORED AS FOLLOWS: FOUR COATS OF TERACOTTA #103856 RIDE-A-WAY COATING MATER'L MFG'D BY INTERGRATED PAVING CONCEPTS INC OR EQUIVALENT. A Certificate of Insurance may be provided as proof of insurance coverage only if accompanied by a certification form by the insurance broker or insurance company attesting to the accuracy of the coverage described on the certificate. ALL MITIGATIONS INCLUDING: VARIABLE MESSAGE BOARDS, NYPD INTERSECTION TRAFFIC AGENTS, CONSTRUCTION, PARKING, AND BUS STOP SIGNAGE MUST IN PLACE AND MAINTAINED FOR THE LIFE OF THE PROJECT. FULL WIDTH OF SIDEWALK SHALL BE OPENED TO PEDESTRIANS WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED EXCEPT FOR CONCRETE CURING WHEN THAT PORTION OF THE SIDEWALK MAY REMAIN CLOSED PROVIDED ALL OTHER STIPULATIONS ON THIS PERMIT ARE COMPLIED WITH. Long Island City, NY 11101 DOB approval is also required. USE OF METERED,AUTHORIZED PARKING AND NO STANDING ZONES IS PROHIBITED. OCCUPY 12 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY; FULL WIDTH OF ROADWAY RESTORED TO TRAFFIC WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED. WHEN APPLICABLE, NYCT OR PRIVATE BUS COMPANIES MUST ALSO BE NOTIFIED. RESTORE ALL TRAVEL LANES WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED CONTRACTOR MAY CONTAIN A MAXIMUM OF 25 LINEAR FEET, 8 FEET ADJACENT TO THE CURB DURING NON-WORK HOURS. CONTAINER SHALL NOT BE STORED OR PLACED WITHIN: (I) "NO STOPPING","NO PARKING ANYTIME" OR "AUTHORIZED PARKING" AREAS. Staten Island, NY 10301 APPLICANT SHALL NOT PLACE CONTAINER IN A WAY THAT CONFLICTS WITH OTHER PERMITTED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ON THE SAME BLOCK. NYC DOT is working to enhance the coordination of major planned work that impacts the streets with utility companies and other entities that perform street excavations. If no changes are required, the permit will be released. Any corrective action required by the CAR must be performed within 30 daysof the issuance of the CAR. Street excavations must be performed in accordance with Section 2-11 (e) of the Highway Rules. Bronx, NY 10461 22 Reade Street, 6th Fl. Office hours: 8:30 AM-3:30 PM. Brooklyn The following section provides information on some issues that may delay the issuance of a permit or that may lead to the revocation of a permit. DURING CLOSURE SCA MUST SUPERVISE FLAGERS AT EACH INTERSECTION APPROCHING THE WALKWAY CLOSURE DIRECTING PEDESTRIAN TO OPPOSITE SIDEWALK VIA CROSSWALK. The Street Works Manual is a tool intended to increase the performance of both city government and the private sector in this regard. Notes: 1. ALL WORK TO MEET OR EXCEED NYC DOT STANDARDS. Most vault work also requires plan approval and a permit from DOB. Permit windows at the central Permit Office. For New York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC) capital projects, a CPO hold can only be released by DDC. In-person applications for non-emergency work, including work on all streets in Manhattan and on all critical streets in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx; all work to be performed for sewer and water system construction; and all capital project work, all utility work, all crane requests, and all full closures of sidewalks and roadways must be submitted to the central Permit Office in Manhattan. "Backfill" refers to the bottom layer of the restoration. Upon completion of this action, the hold(s) will be released. Attn: Forestry From a block party, which opens a single block to community activities for a day, to Summer Streets, which dedicates over 7 miles of streets to pedestrians, runners, and cyclists, programming reminds New Yorkers that streets are public space, and should support active, healthy, and sustainable lifestyles. Fax: 718-596-2609, Central Office Brooklyn, NY 11211 A longer-term resurfacing schedule that forecasts several months of anticipated work is distributed during borough-level monthly utility coordination meetings (seeSection 2.3 Key Principles for Effective Notice and Coordination of Planned Street Work). Contact information pertaining to the release of holds by NYC DOT can be found in Appendix C, NYC DOT Contact Information. Concretemust be poured and finished in accordance with NYC DOT Standard Highway Specifications. A list of construction embargoes under way at any given time can be found on the Construction Embargoes page on NYC DOT's website or at the borough Permit Offices. Download about 619 . 280 Broadway, 3rd Floor FOR DRILLING OPERATION MAY WORK 7AM-6PM MONDAY - FRIDAY IN CURB LANE AND PART OF SIDEWALK. PERMITTEE SHALL NOT DISRUPT OR DAMAGE SENSORS INSTALLED WITHIN THE PARKING_LN. Who has exhibited a pattern of disregard for the rules or orders of NYC DOT or the terms or conditions of permits issued by NYC DOT or for other applicable law. TO FRI. OTHER TIMES OCCUPY 11 FEET ADJACENT TO SOUTH CURB ONLY. The violation provides a property owner 75 daysto make repairs (see the Sidewalk Repairs section above for further details). THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR 12"BEYOND FURTHEST CUT TO CURB LINE FOR ALL CUTS AS AGREED TO W ITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. This category of permits applies to any repairs, replacements or new sidewalk installations. FIRE/EMERGENCY ACCESS/EVACUATION POINTS FOR ALL BUILDINGS CANNOT BE ENCROACHED. All of these signs are metal and include the agency name and sign code. Building Operations/Construction Activity Permits apply to construction activities that take place within the street and are generally associated with construction work adjacent to the street. DOT Street Lighting's, Permeable Interlocking Concrete Paver (PICP), Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. Other requirements may apply to the movement of cranes within city limits, such as daily or annual over-dimensional travel permit(s) as issued by NYC DOT. The form must be completed and faxed to EAU, which will confirm that the applicant's insurance is current. Other requirements may apply to the movement of cranes within city limits, such as daily or annual over-dimensional travel permit(s) as issued by NYC DOT. The canopy maintenance permit is from the "07" Canopy Permit series; the specific permit type to be applied for depends on the land use to which the canopy is being attached. OCMC imposes construction embargoes* for significant special events including the New York City Marathon, parades, high profile projects and for the winter holiday season. DOT is also testing solar-powered lighting at select locations in flood-prone areas. The applicant may be required to address the circumstances of a hold before a permit is released. CPO holds will typically be released by DDC if the proposed work does not interfere with its schedule. NYC DOT issues permits for two types of vaults: building vaults and transformer vaults. Street lights and signals at corners must be sited so that they do not obstruct pedestrian ramps, ensuring sufficient access to the sidewalk for all pedestrians, including those using mobility devices. THIS STIP VOIDS ANY/ALL OTHER CONFLICTING STIPS ON THIS PERMIT UNLESS ACCOMPANIED WITH VARIANCE STIP VAR001. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Brooklyn, NY 11215 Thousands of miles of utility pipes, cables and other equipment are beneath the streets of New York City. The permit to maintain the canopy will remain on hold until after the canopy is installed and inspected. Click here for a completed. Outlined below are the basic procedures in applying for a Sidewalk Repair Permit by mail: The New York City 1400 Williamsbridge Road, 1st floor In calendar year 2018 NYC DOT processed more than 700,000 construction permits. DOTs lighting-levels and uniformity guidelines are based on those established by the IES Roadway Lighting standard RP-8-14 (or more stringent where needed). Fax: (718) 298-7075, Staten Island (part-time office) Any foundation material not meeting specifications must be removed. Who has been found liable by a court or in a proceeding before the ECB of a violation of a rule or order of NYC DOT or the terms or conditions of a permit issued by NYC DOT or other applicable law, which violation caused an imminent peril to life or property. All other inquiries: (718) 222-7207 STLRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #3 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. Designers and contractors should refer to the specifications listed below with special attention to the Construction & Material Specifications; Highway Lighting, Traffic Control, and Intelligent Transportation . THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CURB TO CURB RESTORATION AS AGREED TO WITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. FULL SIDEWALK CLOSURE WITH WALKWAY IN ROADWAY, WEEKDAY NIGHTS 7PM TO 6AM AND FRI NIGHT 7PM THRU MON 6AM. There are two categories of HIQA holds: Holds for Specific Permit Type or Unique Street Treatment and Holds that May Be Placed on the Permittee. (V) THE AREA CREATED BY EXTENDING THE BUILDING LINE TO THE CURB (THE"CORNER") OR THE AREA TEN FEET FROM EITHER SIDE OF THE CORNER (THE"CORNER QUADRANT"). (See Chapter 4, Section 4.5 Street Construction Inspections and Enforcement regarding the circumstances in which summonses/NOVs may be issued.). The Office of Permit Management (Permit Office) provides extensive customer support for all applicants, registers permittees, receives and reviews for accuracy and completeness permit application submitted in person,and also reviews appropriate fees for both online and in-person applications. InspectionsAll work performed in the street is subject to inspection by the HIQA unit. Re-issued permits will not apply retroactively and are subject to new permit stipulations. Transverse SlopeSidewalks must be laid to pitch from the building line toward the curb. NYC DOT project locations, protected streets, and other maps are available online at the Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications (DoITT) NYCityMap website and the DOTMap portal. Following issuance of the Emergency Street Opening Permit Number, the permittee must submit an application for a regular Street Opening Permit within two business days (Highway Rules, Section 2-11(g)). NO WORK CAN OCCUR WITHIN 2 BLOCKS OF AN ACTIVELY OPERATING NYCDDC SITE. Bureau of Permit Management and Construction Control State Standard Drawings | FHWA - Transportation Orders, given orally or in writing, may be issued by the Commissioner to cease and desist work or to perform remedial action. The Third Edition of the Street Design Manual renews the Manuals status as a living document and reinforces its role as a critical resource for those working on projects in New York Citys public right-of-way. One tool highlighted in this chapter is DOTMap, a data sharing initiative that allows for better coordination of planned street reconstruction and resurfacing activities with other street excavation work. ALL WORK OPERATIONS MUST BE RESTRICTED WITHIN 11 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION. All CGL insurance policies must contain the following cancellation clause: In the event of expiration or cancellation of any such policy, the company will give the Permit Office at least 30 days' written notice prior to such expiration or cancellation. Applicants may provide complete copies of insurance policies instead of certificates of insurance. WORK MAY OCCUR 24 HOURS A DAY, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. An EAN is required for each utility access cover opening at a location, provided that the work is performed around the clock until the emergency is eliminated, at which time the EAN expires. This list is provided as a reference tool, for informational purposes only, and is not an exhaustive list. Applications for most permit types can be submitted to the Manhattan Central Permit Office. An Occupancy of Roadway Permit is required for closing all or part of one or more lanes of roadway and/or during blasting operations. A Full Closure Review (FCR) hold is triggered when a street is closed for 90 days. 2 HOURS BEFORE UNTIL 2 HOURS AFTER ALL YANKEE HOME GAMES ALL MOVEMENTS INTO AND OUT OF THE SITE ARE RESTRICTED ALONG EXTERIOR STREET. If the work is more than 100 feet away from the bridge structure, applicants must send a certification by e-mail stating so. Traffic Engineering Standard Drawings Standard Sheets. See Section 3.4 Canopy Authorization and Permits for more information. 165 Cadman Plaza East The second permit for canopy maintenance is automatically placed on a. SEND RESPONSES TO NYCDOT DIV. All other times: (718) 433-3447, The Bronx and North Queens (north of the Long Island Expressway) A statement that the canopy design and construction conforms to NYC DOT Standard Details of Construction. WHEN THE LANDSCAPE IS WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF ANY OTHER JURISDICTION SUCH AS PRIVATE PROPERTY, STATE, FEDERAL ETC., IT IS THE PERMITTEES RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE THE PROPERTY OWNER AND OBTAIN THE WRITTEN APPROVAL. IN AREAS WHERE A FENCE/BARRICADE USAGE IS PERMITTED THE FENCE/BARRICADE CANNOT OBSTRUCT, RESTRICT OR COMPROMISE THE SIGHT LINES OF PERDESTRIAN/VEHICULAR INTERFACE. Adjoining Existing and New SidewalksJunctions and transitions between new and existing sidewalks must conform to specifications. DOT Street Lighting's Standard Drawings Book [PDF] includes Standard drawings for elements in the lighting catalogue. (718) 391-1110 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside the City) It also provides cross-references to useful online forms and tools. Five types are relevant to the citys street lights: I, II, III, IV, and V. Standard Street Light: Standard pole (Octagonal) with LED Cobra Head luminaire. Files: DIGITALLY SIGNED PDF FILES. ONE LANE MAY REMAIN CLOSED, FOR CONCRETE CURING ONLY, FOR A MAXIMUM OF 48 CONSECUTIVE HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY IF WEEKDAY WORK HOURS ARE GRANTED, OR FROM 12:01AM SATURDAY THROUGH 6AM MONDAY IF WEEKEND OR NIGHTLY (7 NIGHTS) WORK HOURS ARE GRANTED. 16 Court Street, 15th floor NYCityMap is the city's web-based interactive mapping application. Brooklyn For hearings, Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. To request authorization for the installation of a canopy, an applicant must initiate the process at the HIQA office in the borough where the proposed canopy will be located. For questions, Mon-Fri 8:30 AM until 5:00 PM. MAINTAIN ONE 11 FOOT LANE FOR THRU TRAFFIC 9 AM TO 2 PM AND 3:30 PM TO 6 PM MON. CONTRACTORS SHALL NOTIFY POLICE, FIRE, EMS, COMMUNITY BOARDS, AND ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. VERMEER CUT OF TRENCH. Staten Island number as provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Chapter 2 describes processes and tools to enhance advance planning and coordination of street work between NYC DOT's own capital resurfacing and reconstruction programs and the street infrastructure work of other stakeholders, especially those that perform a large number of street excavations. A PORTION OF THE SIDEWALK MAY REMAIN CLOSED OFF FOR CONCRETE CURING DURING POLE INSTALLATION PROVIDED A MINIMUM 5-FOOT CLEAR PATH FOR PEDESTRIANS IS MAINTAINED ON THE SIDEWALK AT ALL TIMES. THIS PERMIT INCLUDES ALL WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF TREE PITS/STORM WATER CATCHMENTS.