what to say to someone waiting for medical results

Find out whether you have risk factors for heart disease. - Jayden Hayes. Frustration refers to the feeling of having your purpose or action blocked. Sending you a note to let you know that I am thinking of you. I | For example, if you test negative for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), you may assume you don't have it. 2014;31(5):592-597. doi:10.1093%2Ffampra%2Fcmu041. Most Gracious God, thank you for your mercy which endures forever. 6 Ways to Stay Calm While Waiting for Test Results | STD - STDcheck.com With chronic illness, follow-ups are often necessary to monitor the illness or see if a treatment is working. 2) Schedule Worry Time. Were told that at this present moment, it is the focus at the heart of the meditation/mindfulness movement that promises to end mental anguish. When we're more aware of what's going on around us and inside us, it also helps us notice signs of stress and anxiety and helps us deal with them better. How Do You Get Rid Of Hiccups In 5 Seconds? 15 Effective Prayers for Guilty Conscience. Your email address will not be published. But there are ways to cope. Psalm 56:3 NIV When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. You should pray miracle prayers for healing for a divine intervention concerning whatever the doctors have discovered through your tests. K | Get better and get back to your amazing self soon! If this is something you or a loved one is experiencing, consider . Even if you have had surgery in the past, 'I know how you feel' isn't the best phrase to use in your conversation with someone about to go to surgery. Give them an idea of what to do after the results are out. That might feel like a waste of your time and money. Here are 10 powerful prayers for medical tests. May they discover what is really going on with my health. If youre facing a possible life-changing diagnosis, the waiting can be especially stressful. However, if you are not sure of the diagnosis, some information can be confusing and upsetting. A third reason why waiting is hard is because as people we dont like to wait. Marley Hall is a writer and fact checker who is certified in clinical and translational research. Lord Jesus, Im grateful for your mercy and grace in my life. Be kind to yourself and don't blame yourself for having your feelings. We have strong faith in you. You may cry for no reason and not feel like doing much of anything. Offer to spend time with them and keep them busy. It can divinely turn around the outcome of any medical test when waiting for the result. Lord, I ask that you give me peace during this waiting time. In fact, the helplessness that loved ones often experience can magnify your feelings even further. Sometimes the uncertainty leaves you seemingly without an anchor. Can stress affect your blood test results? Precious Holy Spirit, I declare that this test result I am currently expecting will not be an introduction to ill health in my life. ~Psalm 94:19. In Jesus name, I reject every evil manipulation regarding my health. An acquaintance is waiting for the results of tests for cancer - Quora Remind your friend to take slow, deep breaths and breathe with them. So make a 10-minute appointment with yourself and let yourself worry away. By Mary Kugler, RN Engage in Relaxing and Joyful Activities Feelings of stress and anxiety while waiting for the test results can make you become restless and fidget with objects around you. If youre stuck in a hospital waiting room, it can be tempting to indulge in junk food from the vending machine, but a healthy diet can lower anxiety levels. But now youre at work, and its still difficult to be productive when the results are looming in the back of your head. 2. You can also discuss side effects and dosage changes that may be needed. Please surround me with your grace today as I await favorable test results. A 2013 US study found that Googling symptoms can trigger worries about medical bills, job loss and disability before a diagnosis is even made. Hence, every believer can lay claim to divine healing at any point in time and have it. 6. . Assist me in being patient and calm during this period of waiting. they changed their minds and began to say that he was a god. J | Words Of Encouragement For Exams - Myilibrary.org. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Diagnose diseases and conditions such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, anemia (uh-NEE-me-eh), and coronary heart disease. How long does it take to get the test results? How to Not Freak Out When Waiting for Test Results | Elemental - Medium Fill out this form to share your experience. If the office says they can't deliver results by phone because it violates HIPAA privacy laws, they're wrong. I pray that my results will be normal so I can glorify you with a healthy body. Entrust your prayer intentions to our network of monasteries. - Unknown. Indian J Med Res. Tell your story to us, no matter how big or small. I hate it when my favorite people get hurt. I miss having you around. Scanxiety . Mainly so that God will imbue them with the wisdom and grace they need to do the right thing. By Trisha Torrey Abba Father, peradventure, it turns out unfavorable; I ask that you take me toward the path of healing. Then I will either wait for him or forget him." Paulo Coelho, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept #1. T | 8 Ways To Support Someone Dealing With A Health Crisis Ask your healthcare provider about how test results will be delivered. Waiting For Test Results: What NOT To Say! - Kirsten and co Summary. Getting test results may prompt new questions, which you can ask at this appointment. Ask them to count backwards slowly from 100. 64. Nor do they want your overly optimistic, if well-intentioned, prognosis, stressed Rachel Soper Sanders, who suffers from chronic pain after a serious car accident. God Is Working in Your Waiting | Desiring God I hate it when my favorite people get hurt. You know, the good kind of stranger. Specifically, blood tests can help doctors: Evaluate how well organssuch as the kidneys, liver, thyroid, and heartare working. A note to remind you that I love youand I hate that youre sick. It might be natural to offer to help by saying, Let me know if you need anything at all. However, that can put a person dealing with an illness in an awkward position of having to think of a way for you to assist them, said Nick Arquette, founder and CEO of Walk With Sally, a nonprofit that provides services to families impacted by cancer. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. It was dj vu all over again, including the numbness in my toes a sure sign that my brain was calling on all blood cells. Everyone will deal with their illness or condition differently. What to Say to Someone Who Is about to Go to Surgery: 11 Comforting Dont Stop planning for the future, including what youre going to have for dinner. You are always in my thoughts and prayers you mean so much to me. I ask that you give my doctors what they need to know through my blood sample. But, on the bright side, here are some of the lovely things I've heard in the past few weeks, all of which would be AWESOME things to say to someone who is anxiously waiting for test results: "YOU WILL BE FINE." "Call me if you need ANYTHING." "I think we need to fill up that empty wine glass of yours stat!" "Can I do anything for you?" Everlasting God, I surrender my anxiety to you and ask that you overwhelm me with your love. Please show the doctors what they need to see and give them the ability to fix my bones in the proper position so that I will be relieved of this pain. 10 Ways to Reduce Anxiety While Waiting for Imaging Test Results. Y | Instead, may the x-ray only reveal fully functioning organs, just as you perfectly created them. If you're tested during or after your appointment, ask: You can then contact your insurance provider to get a clearer understanding of their policies. "Never rush in love for it never runs out. Gracious Lord, may no fluid be found in my body or anything out of place so that I will not need any medication. You're the bravest person I know, and you will get through this. If you're taking medications for chronic conditions, regular in-person appointments can help you stick to the treatment regimen. Give me the courage to go through all the required stages, procedures, and entire processes. Whatsoever illness is hiding in my body, turn it around in my favor and return full movement back in my bones. 2). Perhaps most importantly, they celebrated my strength, which helped me maintain it.. Its human nature to focus on yourself, Winawer said. "There is actually something happening while nothing is happening. 29 Memes That Might Make You Laugh If You've Waited for Test Results Matthew 15:22-29 tells us healing is the childrens bread. How do you comfort someone waiting for their results? I reject every conspiracy of darkness to make me shed bitter tears concerning my health in the name of Jesus Christ. Worrying is part of our survival mechanism, clinical hypnotherapist Dr Tracie OKeefe says. 6. None of the above scenarios are funny, but sometimes our community finds the humor in it all. Psalms 84:11 NIV For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. Sometimes this frustration can erupt. Father God, I come before you asking for good results for the urinalysis I had undergone. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Merciful God, I pray that each image will successfully show my insides just as you created them. It may be better to wait until a diagnosis is made before looking for more information. In some cases, testing once or twice a year may be enough. When you follow your own agenda doing the things that are most important to you personally and professionally thats when you feel on top of things, energised and can be more present in the moment., To receive life-changing news is similar to grief, psychologist Julie Scheiner says. James 1:5 NIV If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. It was as if the movie of my life had been kicked out of freeze frame and I was back in the flow. You won't know whether you're fine or the results were somehow lost or not properly communicated to you. Time is not a thing that passes it's a sea on which you float.. In the victorious name of Jesus, I pray, Amen. Lord Jesus, may the x-ray be clear and easy to read and understand. Choose the people you spend time with carefully. Ask God for the courage to go through the rigorous procedures involved with medical tests. In such cases, the medical professional has no right to withhold them from you or require you to pay for a visit in order to get them. And so now I wait for the results. In other words, pitch in by taking an everyday task off their to-do list, like doing the laundry, making sure the bills are paid and mailed off or having dinner ready for the family. Also, try to be comfortable with silence: Dont try to fill blank space with chatter about yourself, she said. Mark 4:40 NIV He said to them, Why are you so afraid? Lord I thank you for your strength, your love and your peace, all glory belongs to you, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Winawer suggested. . 'That may be through reading, listening to music, meditation or confiding in a friend.' You may feel tense and your mind may be troubled with how this diagnosis may affect you and your loved ones. When you're waiting for medical test results or a potential diagnosis for yourself or your baby, time seems to come to a grinding halt. Read our, Typical Emotions You May Experience When Waiting for a Medical Diagnosis, How Anticipatory Grief Differs From Grief After Death, What to Say When Someone Is Diagnosed With Cancer, The 5 Emotional Stages of People with Cancer, Help Your Child With Autism Manage Emotions, Best Ways to Support a Partner During Menopause, What Can You Expect During End Stage Lung Cancer, How to Disclose Your HIV Status to Someone You're Dating, How to Explain Your Cancer Diagnosis to Loved Ones, Stress effects on the body: Nervous system. Youve made it through the work day. Also, guide the doctors and show them the right action to take. Sitting in silence may just be what the other person needs. Get better and get back to your amazing self soon! Also, provide my doctors with all the information they need to resolve every issue I complained about finally. Fill my heart with your peace that surpasses all understanding. However, sometimes a face-to-face visit is warranted. Reneging on a promise to the big I am is bad karma. Do Realize that all of our planning, cancer or no cancer, is based on the assumption that we're going to be around in the future. Waiting for an appointment, a procedure, or a consultation may give you the feeling of hurry up and wait.. When a friend or loved one is facing a serious health scare, one of the best ways to be truly supportive is to eliminate the burden of making the ask, he said. That includes things like cholesterol tests, mammograms, or Pap smears. God uses waiting to change us." Whatever the tests outcome, we will pray it to God together. Trish is the Cancer Editor at The Mighty. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. I ask that you make the findings of my biopsy tests conclusive and nothing to worry about. First, you have the right to see the results of every test you undergo. We spoke with people on both sides of the diagnosis doctors, psychologists and people who have been through their own health scares for their best advice on how you can help make a difficult time a little easier. May your divine presence be with me as always and bless me with good results in this routine procedure. .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Sophia Swinford - @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.css-1xovt06 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-1xovt06 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 07/02/18. After all, it may not feel "safe" to release your frustration with the clinic where you are receiving care (you might want to be seen as a "nice patient"), so you may finally let it go when your spouse forgets to pick up milk at the grocery store. Uncertainty is not easy to handle and some are more difficult to handle than others. You may feel shocked, scared, concerned or uncertain on behalf of your loved one, said Anne Moyer, an associate professor of psychology at Stony Brook University. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. But many people begin to check out after the first couple of days or weeks, despite the fact that the person continues to deal with their disease or diagnosis. Photo: Yulia Reznikov/Getty Images. Why Do I Need an Appointment to Get My Medical Test Results? "Waiting is not the problem, worry is," said Paula H. Finestone, PhD, a clinical psychologist at Fox Chase Cancer Center. How do you help a cancer patient emotionally? What to Say to Someone With Cancer. They're an easy way to view detailed test results as soon as theyre available. Anxiety is a normal response to the feeling of being threatened. This anger is often directed at the medical system that is making you wait for your diagnosis. The irony is, I just wrote a post on how to help an anxious child at the doctor's office . May the result be one that will gladden his heart when it finally comes out to the glory of your holy name. Send them soothing Scriptures to alleviate their anxious feelings and replace them with peace and calmness. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. If results are normal, they can usually be delivered via a phone call, letter, or secure message. While there may not be a set formula for how to deal, there are some key points to keep in mind when providing support to a loved one. She has written several books about patient advocacy and how to best navigate the healthcare system. Prayers for Awaiting Urine Test Results. Its bad enough that it took forever to schedule an appointment that started an hour late, but now all you can do is go home and stare at your phone, waiting for it to ring. So, I ask that you strengthen me for whatever will emerge from it because I know that whatever it is, you will handle it. Have you still no faith?. Even with certain types of cancer, including colorectal and prostate cancer, there's little evidence quarterly visits reduce your relapse risk or improve survival rates. Waiting for Medical Test Results Prayer - Prayer Ideas Anxiety, as with these other emotions, can carry over into other areas of your life. You or your loved ones might fear burdening each other and may not always feel comfortable expressing frustration, impatience, or anxiety. Please heal my bones where I need healing, so I can ease moving henceforth. This article will look at when it's needed, when it's not, and how to set expectations with your healthcare provider. I hope you're feeling better now, and I can't wait to see you get back to your normal routine. That could be from an infection, cancer, genetic disorder, or chronic health condition like heart disease or type 2 diabetes. Your exams are nearing, so study with dedication and you will succeed in your exams. 2010;132:531-42. Waiting for results | Macmillan Cancer Support May the sound waves produce the needed images and make them perfectly clear. Getting a diagnosis can involve waiting to see a specialist, waiting for a test to be scheduled, or waiting for lab results to come back. Take action from that place of power. In an age of instant everything, cancer patients being told that the data from the cutting edge technology that is creating real-time images of our innards will be available in anything less than a nanosecond defies logic and seems unnecessarily cruel. Dont tell the person it will be okay because in reality no one really knows if it will or not, Sanders said. . A note to remind you that I love youand I hate that you're sick. It is early days still and I presume that you have not had any results from your MRI, Ultrasound and biopsies yet. They may need support, but they may also be so tired of being a patient.. I underwent a PET scan last Thursday. N | It's normal to have a range of emotions when you're waiting for a diagnosis. If you decide to use the healthcare provider, be sure to review the Terms of Agreement included in any intake documents you sign. Opponents say legislation is 'dangerous, misguided and extreme' Last year, Rep. Freiberg joined a panel of medical professionals and advocates for "medical aid in dying" legislation at a University of Minnesota Center for Bioethics-sponsored event. God Works While We Wait Something actually happens while nothing is happening. You may even become impatient with yourself, wondering why it takes so long to do some of the activities you have always done. If you feel like talking Im here to listen. Want your test results? Heck, even tell the person you arent sure what to say, but you just want to say something and let them know you are there for them. Please fill me with the grace to be open to any path you decide to take me after this test. 2 Corinthians 9:11 NIV You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us, your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. I also ask that you imbue him with your wisdom to know how to diagnose me correctly. "Worry is trying to predict a future that no one knows. Hebrews 11:23 NIV By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden for three months by his parents and they were not afraid of the kings edict. How To Wait For A Diagnosis Without Losing Your Mind Mighty God, I ask that you help me as I await my test result. Make a follow-up appointment beforehand if the results might be something you need to discuss. Remember when you went in for a biopsy, CT scan or blood work a few days ago, and your doctor said shed call back with the test results, but she didnt?