It helps nurses to become culture sensitive and respond in accordance with the needs of patient as per their cultural values and beliefs. Ten in-depth interviews were conducted and the findings of qualitative data yielded four major themes. Transferability was assured by describing the behavior and experiences of the participants with their context so that the behavior and experiences become meaningful to an outsider. Items were rated using a 5-point Likert-type scale with responses of strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree. Leininger describes transcultural nursing as a branch of nursing or nursing school based on comparative research and analysis of different cultures which provides cultural universalism and cultural independence in nursing care and focuses on comparative studies and analyzing differences in cultures around the world in a respectful manner in view of health, illness, care, beliefs and values [3, 5, 13]. The qualitative finding supported this in that one female participant said, when I communicate very well, I can solve the problems quickly. The result showed the data were approximately normally distributed. The foundations of transcultural nursing were laid in the mid-1950s. The American population is currently more diverse than it has ever been, and it is predicted that the country will become even more racially and ethnically diverse in the coming years, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. nurses. This finding is also consistent with the study of Herrero-Hahn et al. Quantitative results were integrated with qualitative results. In this study, the participants revealed thoughts of constant comparisons, emotional journeys, and learning. There is a cultural crisis in health care services. Transcultural nursing is defined as a substantive area of nursing focused on cultural care values, beliefs and practices of individuals or groups of similar or different cultures. Variance inflation factor. Nurses who were not found during the data collection period due to annual leave, maternal leave, or some other social problems were excluded. It is again consistent with the finding from the study of Li et al. transcultural nursing is to provide "culturally congruent, sensiti ve and competent nursing care" (Leininger, 1995, p4). It has outpatient and inpatient services, maternal and child health services, referral and follow-up services, physiotherapy and rehabilitative services, intensive care, and recovery services. and transmitted securely. In the nursing context, defines transcultural nursing as a "nursing specialty which focuses on global cultures and comparative cultural caring, health, and nursing phenomena" with the aim of providing "culturally congruent nursing care." The Culture Care Diversity and Universality theory developed by Leininger in 1960, the first nurse who made the first work in this field and received the title of anthropologist, is the first theory developed in the field of transcultural nursing and still used worldwide. Epub 2020 May 21. Transcultural self-efficacy;VIF, Gidgup MJR, Kickett M, Jacques A, Weselman T, Hill KD, Coombes J, Ivers R, Bowser N, Palacios V, Hill AM. However, it is lower when compared to the study conducted by Birnbaum (2012) in which the mean score was 3.41 [30]. (2016), in which there was no significant gender difference in transcultural self-efficacy perception of nurses [31]. It is also true that the number of people who identify as belonging to two or more races will triplefrom 7.5 million to 26.7 millionby 2060. Shuma Gosha Kanfe, Affiliation: Qualitative data were coded and analyzed thematically. Nurse researchers are encouraged to conduct further study including nurses working at public health centers. The mean transcultural self-efficacy score was 2.89 0.59. PLoS ONE 16(7): In our todays world, globalization has resulted in a new way to approach clients considering their cultural background. 10.24.2022. The initial calculated sample size was 384. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Leininger's transcultural nursing theory guided the project. This includes taking into account patients cultural needs [11]. Jess is a Content Specialist at Collegis Education. Please visit for a list of programs offered. Globally, health care is becoming more culturally and ethnically diverse over the last 20 years [15]. The study showed that transcultural self-efficacy varies with sex, experience, intercultural communication, cultural sensitivity, interpersonal communication, and cultural motivation. Mean;SD, The qualitative finding supported this in that a 32-year-old male participant said;as nurses are more and more culturally sensitive, they tend to have higher confidence in giving care to patients coming from different cultures (Participant 6). Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Nurses who had at least 6-month work experience at JMC were included in the quantitative strand of the study. Nurses who had higher motivation to work amidst cultural diversity demonstrated higher perceptions of transcultural self-efficacy. Andrews MM; History of health and cultural competence in physical examination. Leininger M; Evaluation of culture care for appropriate and adequate practices. However, researchers identified that working with culturally diverse patients can be challenging due to differences in ideas, beliefs, thoughts, norms, customs, and traditions. This requires nurses to recognize and appreciate cultural differen Culturally competent nursing care helps ensure patient satisfaction and positive outcomes. doi: 10.2196/17324. Vitale E, Lupo R, Calabr A, Ilari F, Lezzi A, Zacchino S, Vergori S, Chetta G, Latina S, Benedetto A, Lezzi P, Conte L. Acta Biomed. What has the literature taught us about culturally competent care of women and children. 8600 Rockville Pike PLOS ONE promises fair, rigorous peer review, The study was conducted from 20 May to 20 June 2020. The IPCS was used to measure interpersonal communication. Descriptive statistics were performed to determine the mean and standard deviation of transcultural self-efficacy. Fill out the form to receive information about: There are some errors in the form. 11.14.2022, Kalie Debelak | The overall mean score of TSE was divided by 25 (the total number of items) giving the value ranging from 1 to 5. Socio-demographic characteristics of nurses working at JMC, Oromia Region, Southwest Ethiopia, May to June 2020 (n = 236). The principal investigators (RDB and MBD) conducted the interviews in Afaan Oromo and Amharic. The finding of the study indicates that intercultural communication is significantly associated with the transcultural self-efficacy of nurses, i.e. For example, nurses must be culturally competent to recognizeor ask the questions necessary to help them discoverwhen folk medicine use may impact patient treatment. The lowest mean score was observed in the knowledge of cultural patterns, which was 2.71 (SD = 0.61). Collinearity assumption was checked to see the correlation between independent variables by using the variance inflation factor (VIF). Providing culturally sensitive care is an essential component of patient-centered care in healthcare because it helps to ensure . All the independent variables with p < .25 in the bivariate linear regression analysis were entered into the multivariable linear regression analysis to identify factors associated with transcultural self-efficacy. Beyond the realms of communication, there are a number of other areas where nurses will need to attain specific levels of cultural competency to optimize care for all patients. Despite the desire to create multicultural societies in the world in which there are liberal immigrant policies, it cannot be argued that there is an accepted standard in health care, in terms of the socioeconomic status, ethnic characteristics, sexual behavior and lifestyle preferences. An historical overview of Leininger's Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality also known as the Culture Care Theory (CCT) and evolution of the Sunrise Enabler are presented along with descriptions of the theory purpose, goal, tenets, basic assumptions, major core constructs, and orientatio Transcultural self-efficacy (TSE) is defined as the perception or expectation of a nurse regarding his or her own ability to accomplish activities effectively in the conditions characterized by cultural diversity [2]. A nursing theory turns out to be a group of significant related concepts and relationships the purpose of which is to guide practice and promote the delivery of care. Please select another program or contact an Admissions Advisor (877.530.9600) for help. Learn more about the benefits of earning a BSN on an accelerated educational track orif youve already reached RN statusmaking the jump from RN to BSN to enhance your healthcare repertoire. It is also inconsistent with the study of Li et al. This finding is higher when compared with the finding from the study conducted by Herrero-Hahn et al. Abbreviations: Rasmussen University is not enrolling students in your state at this time. patient care and well-being through a culturally competent nursing education would later be coined as the "Transcultural Theory of Nursing" (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2004, p. 93). The IDIs were conducted in the silent and comfortable room (home, workplace) after time and place were decided by the interviewees. The results showed that all the variables had VIF less than 5 (Minimum VIF = 1.238 and Maximum VIF = 3.580). Transcultural nursing is an essential aspect of healthcare today. A key theme is preparing current and future nurses at all levels to understand and address health . All Rights Reserved. Given the presence of some 3000 cultures around the world, it is impossible for healthcare professionals to have knowledge of all cultures. In this article, the first of two parts, transcultural nursing is explained in terms of its assumptions, benefits and limitations and the emerging literature in this area of mental healthcare practice is highlighted. This helps researchers and clinicians discover and explain the interdependence of care and culture while understanding cultural similarities and differences [5,6]. The cultural needs of mental health clients can be met by transcultural nursing. The finding of the present study indicates that being male increases transcultural self-efficacy. eCollection 2022. Normality assumption was checked by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, which was insignificant. Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. The scale is measured on a 5-point Likert scale with responses ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. This expands your motivation and lets you to the way to handle such diversity. The theory is guided by powerful concepts and propositions that are applicable in different healthcare settings. Jimma medical center;M, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0254643, Editor: Paola Gremigni, University of Bologna, ITALY, Received: November 13, 2020; Accepted: June 30, 2021; Published: July 22, 2021. It is a nurses confidence in delivering care to patients coming from different cultural backgrounds or it indicates nurses degree of confidence to provide both culture-general and culture-specific care [3,4]. Finally, the collected data were checked for completeness. Developing communicative and scientific language skills. 11.07.2022, Jordan Jantz | Nursing is a profession that relies on a holistic approach to delivering health care. It continues to be consistent in requiring the same approach for all nurses when providing cultural based care. These models focus on the relationship of nursing to concepts and theories related to life, health, disease and society, facilitate organizing their thoughts, and provide a common language among professional members. Self-efficacy is ones own belief in ones ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task as defined by psychologist Albert Bandura. The total scale score is between 25 and 125 in all subscales. In addition, it has been pointed out that concerns about transcultural care in the field of health will only lead to formation of specialization in transcultural care that could increase responsibilities for nurses, which in turn will put a burden on them [2]. The LibreTexts libraries arePowered by NICE CXone Expertand are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. Leininger MM; The differences in cultural care and the theory of universality. How to Become an Aesthetic Nurse: A New Look at This Nursing Niche, Pros and Cons of Being a Travel Nurse: Expert Insight for New Nurses, Vascular Access Nursing: The Sticking Points You Should Know, Can Nurses Have Tattoos? Nurs Forum. Bivariate analysis revealed that age, sex, level of education, monthly income, years of nursing experience, intercultural communication, cultural sensitivity, interpersonal communication, and cultural motivation were significantly associated with transcultural self-efficacy at p < .25.