If it's high, the test is done again, along with a blood test for the thyroid hormone T-4. I have sent the link that I read today. Not what people like me are saying. Considering that the population in Italy is about 60 million people and the sales of LT4 in the country in 2010 were 17.69 million boxes (+ 6% Vs 2009), hypothyroidism, which is the main reason for the prescription, should be a real national concern (almost 0.7 boxes/women/year). PMID 11836274. Post by D.ap Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:40 pm "A new study has uncovered a link between the synthetic thyroid hormone (trade name Synthroid) used to treat millions diagnosed with hypothyroidism and lung cancer, bringing to the forefront the harmful role that overdiagnosis and . Assessment of oxidative stress and its balance has not been taken into consideration up to now as it should be. Iodine - and the lack of it - is implicated in breast cancer, after all. Sub-laboratory hypothyroidism and the empirical use of Armour thyroid. A study has uncovered a link between the synthetic thyroid hormone (trade name Synthroid) used to treat millions diagnosed with hypothyroidism and lung cancer, bringing to the forefront the harmful role that overdiagnosis and overtreatment plays in nutritional deficiency and chemical exposure related diseases.. [9] Otto T, Fandrey J: Thyroid hormone induces hypoxia-inducible factor 1 gene expression through thyroid hormone receptor /retinoid x receptor -dependent activation of hepatic leukemia factor. Biomedicine today is awash in controversy associated with the overdiagnosis and overtreatment of asymptomatic populations. Breast cancer has surpassed lung cancer as the most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide, according to GLOBOCAN. PLoSone 2011, 11:e27547. hyperthyroidism. Whereas a patient who had suboptimal thyroid function, but did not have noticeable symptoms, is suddenly given pharmacological doses of synthetic T4 and suddenly experiences the wide range of acute, adverse health effects associated with a now hyperactive and/or increasingly disrupted thyroid, as a result. Asesora y Consultora Web3 para empresas. A new study has uncovered a link between the synthetic thyroid hormone (trade name Synthroid) used to treat millions diagnosed with hypothyroidism and lung cancer, bringing to the forefront the harmful role that overdiagnosis and overtreatment plays in nutritional deficiency and chemical exposure related 'diseases.' Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo You must log in or register to reply here. I have always found this condition a riddle. Could be another marmalade how would we know? PLoSone 2011, 11:e27547. Yet Another Frankenfood Pandoras Box: the Majorit How Medical Science Proves that Black Is White. Why not simply call it selenium deficiency? Considering that the population in Italy is about 60 million people and the sales of LT4 in the country in 2010 were 17.69 million boxes (+ 6% Vs 2009), hypothyroidism, which is the main reason for the prescription, should be a real national concern (almost 0.7 boxes/women/year). This relatively symptom-free reservoir of hypothyroid cases provides a veritable gold mine of potential office visits, billable services and drug prescriptions. PMID: 11929079, [15] Thanh D Hoang, Cara H Olsen, Vinh Q Mai, Patrick W Clyde, Mohamed K M Shakir. Study: Millions Treated for - The Wellness Institute | Facebook By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Overtreatment, of course, is the hallmark danger of overdiagnosis. Also, what is oxidised stress??? Finally, they pointed out that T4, which is a synthetic form of thyroid hormone, might be avoided if T3 or the desiccated pig-derived form known as Armour Thyroid was used to control the oxidative-stress producing hydroperoxides. "Serum TSH, T(4), and thyroid antibodies in the United States population (1988 to 1994): National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III)". In fact, a 2004 study in subjects with normal thyroid function found that administration of tyrosine leads to a significant reduction in serum TSH and improvement in mood in winter compared with placebo, while the combined synthetic T4-T3 supplement leads to a worsening of mood in summer and no improvement in winter, indicating supporting glandular function is superior to 'replacement' therapy, as well as the role seasonality may play in hormone function and hormone treatment interventions. rocket fuel, pesticides, fluoride, which induce low thyroid function. It looks at correlations, as if they had any merit on their own. It does not necessarily imply one thing caused the other. [2], The observation that patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung often present symptoms suggestive of hyperthyroidism (i.e. elevated TSH, without actually improving the overall physiological situation, nor the patient's subjective experience of well being. Study: Millions Treated for Hypothyroidism At Risk for Lung Cancer A new study has uncovered a link between the synthetic thyroid hormone (trade name Synthroid) used to treat millions diagnosed with hypothyroidism. However, I do not believe it was out of the blue now. Hypothyroidism reduces respiratory drive and can cause obstructive sleep apnea or pleural effusion, while hyperthyroidism increases respiratory drive and can cause dyspnea on exertion. Cancer Risk After Radioactive Iodine Treatment for - PubMed 2002 Feb ;25(2):106-9. In the United States, autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto thyroiditis) is the most common cause of hypothyroidism, but globally lack of iodine in the diet is the most common cause. Garlic Beats Drug in Detoxifying Lead Safely From How Yoga and Acupuncture Enhance HealthNew Resear Health Nuts: Seeds And Nuts You Should Eat Every Day. The reality is that most cases of hypothyroidism today are diagnosed in populations who are experiencing a combination of basic nutritional deficiencies and chemical exposures, or who are simply going through a temporary down-cycle in thyroid function following a natural change, such as the natural postpartum drop that occurs in women after giving birth. Eventually, the decline in thyroid hormone production can result in any of the following: Fatigue and sluggishness. Increased sleepiness. (February 2002). Whereas a patient who had suboptimal thyroid function, but did not have noticeable symptoms, is suddenly given pharmacological doses of synthetic T4 and suddenly experiences the wide range of acute, adverse health effects associated with a now hyperactive and/or increasingly disrupted thyroid, as a result. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Angiology 2000, 51:S65S68. Given the clear role that selenium deficiency plays in preventing the conversion of T4 to the far more biologically active form of thyroid hormone known as triiodothyronine (T3), which can cause an elevation of thyroxine-stimulating hormone (TSH), why call a mineral deficiency-induced decrease in T4 a monolithic disease entity such as "hypothyroidism"? Study: Millions Treated for Hypothyroidism At R - Thyroid UK [3] Faber J, Poulsen S, Iversen P, Kirkegaard C: Thyroid hormone turnover in patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung. 2 Hypothyroidism is the most common type of thyroid disorder, and women's risk of hypothyroidism is five to eight times higher than that of . Millions Treated for Hypothyroidism at Risk for Lung Cancer Desiccated thyroid extract compared with levothyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism: a randomized, double-blind, crossover study. Forgot account? [2] Meng R, Tang HY, Westfall J, London D, Cao JH, Mousa SA, Luidens M, Hercbergs A, Davis FB, Davis PJ, et al: Crosstalk between integrin v3 and estrogen receptor- is involved in thyroid hormone-induced proliferation in human lung carcinoma cells. Post However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. Why not simply call it selenium deficiency? PMID: 23539727, [16] Alan R Gaby. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Thyroid dysfunction after immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment in a single-center Chinese cohort: a retrospective study Are you sure you want to block this member? With the recent announcement by a National Cancer Institute commissioned expert panel that a variety of so-called 'indolent' neoplasms such as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN), formerly understood to be forms of breast and prostate cancers, respectively, should be renamed to reflect their intrinsic benignity, a veritable sea change is occurring within the conventional medical establishment. [7] Kinoshita S, Sone S, Yamashita T, Tsubura E, Ogura T: Effects of experimental hyperand hypothyroidism on natural defense activities against Lewis lung carcinoma and its spontaneous pulmonary metastases in C57BL/6 mice. Even acute bouts of stress and subclinical adrenal insufficiency can cause cyclical downshifts in thyroid function. One of the main drawbacks of administering T4 in isolation is the possibility that it will not convert adequately to T3, and will therefore 'back up' causing excessive T4 activity, i.e. [12] Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, Nicolaides AN, Incandela L, De Sanctis MT, Barsotti A: San Valentino epidemiologic project. Subclinical hypothyroidism: When to treat | Cleveland Clinic Journal of Oops, I just saw that I posted the same article. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 2003, 59:140145. As I am the caregiver for my dad who has Stage IV lung Cancer, I hope more research can be done on this topic soon. (They noted that this age range corresponds to more than 80% of the consumers of the drug and to about 99% of all malignant cancers). millions treated for hypothyroidism at risk for lung cancer For more information, please see our This discussion has been closed to comments. This is a horrible disease that ravages the body. Modern Medicine, Part I: How Healing Illness Becam Is your body getting too acidic? Desiccated thyroid extract compared with levothyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism: a randomized, double-blind, crossover study. Is Drug-Based Medicine a Form of Human Sacrifice? Marketed as superior to traditional glandular forms extracted from pigs (whose endocrine glands are far more bioidentical than any other animal we know of) due to the dose-to-dose standardization of the so-called 'active ingredient' T4 versus the natural variations in hormone concentrations found in the 'real thing,' which incidentally contains a wide range of additional hormones including T1, T2, T3, all of which are vitally important. [6] Venditti P, Di Stefano L, Di Meo S: Oxidative stress in cold induced hyperthyroid state. Study: Millions Treated for Hypothyroidism At Risk for Lung Cancer If people do not wish to find out all they can about their disease that is fine too. The authors expanded on their findings further: However, the impression we get from our experience in epidemiological studies monitoring[12] is that this drug should be prescribed more cautiously. Or, if fluoride, mercury, or any number of xenobiotic chemicals in the environment requiring selenium-dependent glutathione-mediated detoxification is causing the low thyroid, why call chemical poisoning hypothyroidism? Also this study finds no link with breast cancer, when others have found a link. It may not display this or other websites correctly. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. The relationship between levothyroxine use and cancer risk is largely underdetermined. [5] Wawrzynska L, Sakowicz A, Rudzinski P, Langfort R, Kurzyna M: The conversion to triiodothyronine in the lung: comparison of activity of type I iodotironine 5' deiodinase in lung cancer with peripheral lung tissues. They also noted that oxidative stress is one of the causes of chronic diseases and cancer. Dr Childs guesses that patients on levothyroxine monotherapy may be more prone to cancer because they might be under-treated. Or, simply look at what the young-adult,T-score based definition of osteoporosis and osteopeniahas done to convert millions of healthy middle-age and older women into drug-treatable patients, or, what the lipid hypothesis of cardiovascular disease causation has done to create a 30-billion dollar a year market in statin drugs, to fully appreciate the harms of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. Or, if fluoride, mercury, or any number of xenobiotic chemicals in the environment requiring selenium-dependent glutathione-mediated detoxification is causing the "low thyroid," why call chemical poisoning "hypothyroidism"? Researchers are currently studying. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 2010, 17:432436. In my opinion, the science of the study doesn't support the conclusion. The authors did not study whether individuals who took Synthroid actually developed lung cancer later in life. The estimated 2.3 million new cases indicate that 1 in every 8 cancers diagnosed in . Endocrinology 1985, 117:12011208. I have no further scientific evidence. Maybe because they "treat" only with T4 and not T3? Indeed, research indicates that hypothyroid patients treated with T4 replacement, that is sufficient to maintain a normal serum TSH, actually have serum free T4 that is higher than in untreated normal patients and may not result in appropriately normal serum free T3 concentrations. [9] [10] [11] Although we should never forget that LT4 is a life-saving thyroid hormone replacement, and that one should not exclude that the pathological reason that leads to the prescription of LT4 could favor the lung cancer development also. I have so many women friends and family members who have recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and their doctors put them all on Synthyroid. Levothyroxine therapy and serum free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine concentrations. Respiratory function in thyroid disease - UpToDate Hypothyroidism can also lead to swelling of the tongue, hoarse voice, and sleep apnea. Perhaps she and I could co-author? In an attempt to show causation, the article notes "patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung often present symptoms suggestive of hyperthyroidism (i.e. "Serum TSH, T(4), and thyroid antibodies in the United States population (1988 to 1994): National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III)", International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Osteoporosis Is Scurvy of the Bone, Not Calcium Deficiency, 6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition, 7 Simple Ways to Unclog Your Arteries Naturally, Herbal Cream Clears 87.7% of HPV Cases Naturally, How WHOLE Turmeric Heals the Damaged Brain. ", Orsomeone posts something about, say a diet or supplement and them some people think they are something it "Cures lung cancer.". SayerJiis founder ofGreenmedinfo.com, a reviewer at theInternational Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine,Co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, Vice Chairman of the Board of theNational Health Federation, SteeringCommittee Memberof the Global Non-GMO Foundation. Clin Cancer Res 2011, 30:77. "A new study has uncovered a link between the synthetic thyroid hormone (trade name Synthroid) used to treat millions diagnosed with hypothyroidism and lung cancer, bringing to the forefront the harmful role that overdiagnosis and overtreatment plays in nutritional deficiency and chemical exposure related 'diseases.' Study: Millions Treated for Hypothyroidism At Risk of Lung Cancer. [1] Hercbergs AH, Ashur-Fabian O, Garfield D: Thyroid hormone and cancer: clinical studies of hypothyroidism in oncology. Tokushima J Exp Med 1991, 38:2535. Indeed, research indicates that hypothyroid patients treated with T4 replacement, that is sufficient to maintain a normal serum TSH, actually have serum free T4 that is higher than in untreated normal patients and may not result in appropriately normal serum free T3 concentrations. JavaScript is disabled. There is also the very real possibility that T4 will not only not properly interact with thyroxine cellular receptors, but will block out what remaining natural levothyroxine the thyroid is still producing (and whose conformational state is far more health-promoting), essentially acting as an endocrine disrupter at the very moment that it is acting as intended as a 'TSH suppressor.' I have posted the link now. Just go on one of the thyroid sites and read the stories. bear in the big blue house characters; colne times obituaries this week Menu Toggle. (31) 3351-3382 | 3351-3272 | 3351-3141 | 3351-3371. location of blind frog ranch associe-se. 2013 May ;98(5):1982-90. Hypothyroidism: symptoms, causes, treatment, medicine, prevention Join the forum, it's quick and easy . The Remarkable Heart-Friendy Properties of Avocados. Results indicate that treatment with levothyroxine was linked with significantly increased mortality (hazard ratio = 1.19). Heart problems. It's usually based on the results of blood tests. [8] This means that the amount of LT4 reaching the lungs following an external supplementation cannot to be transformed into LT3 as in the other tissues, and make lungs very vulnerable to possible toxic effects of LT4. (They noted that this age range corresponds to more than 80% of the consumers of the drug and to about 99% of all malignant cancers). Ultimately, this Italian study brings further attention to one of a wide range of unintended, adverse health effects associated with the overdiagnosis and subsequent overtreatment of hypothyroidism, and the underlying failure of the conventional, largely drug-based paradigm to comprehend the causes and real solutions of disease and human suffering. She wrote about a product called Thyrtophin PMG. I am going to go for a walk with my dog :)). Brit Med J 1978, 1:210212. The authors delved deeper into the reason why oxidative stress taking place during T4 treatment is particularly linked to lung cancer only: The hypothesis could be that in lungs the increase of hypoxia-induced factor (HIF-1) which is determined by T4 can make oxygen much more available, increasing locally the oxidative stress together with a dangerous angiogenesis stimulation. Is so taking anti oxidants might be an idea. As a person with Graves Disease, I underwent 6 cycles of radio-ablation using i 131 to 'fry' my thyroid gland as surgery was deemed too risky due to the vascularity and size of my gland. Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. View the data on our Hypothyroidism Research page. Copyright 2008-2023 GreenMedInfo.com, Journal Articles copyright of original owners, MeSH copyright NLM. The authors of the study pointed out that levothyroxine (T4) treatment can lead to medication-induced (iatrogenic) thyroid over-activity (hyperthyroidism) and oxidative stress that can lead to a significant patient discomfort. In 2011 I switched docs and was put on Armour as he told me Synthroid and the like are poison and they do not work. Non-ASPS articles which could be relevant. I'm not saying that there Is no link between Synthroid and lung cancer. However, I'm learning from science writer friends, researchers, and medical professionals that (1) some studies are better designed and carried out than others, and (2) some journalists are more careful about drawing conclusions and writing sensational headlines than others. Endocrinology 1985, 117:12011208. The study included more than 128,000 veterans aged 18 to 26 and found that, just 30.2% of females and 18.7% of males had received HPV vaccination. weight loss, anorexia). " I have so much to say about this I could write a book. However, they pointed out that the opposite was actually described, and that hypothyroidism reduces the aggressiveness of some cancers because of the presence of thyroid hormone receptors on cancer cells, and spontaneous hypothyroidism may delay onset or reduce aggressiveness of cancers.[1]. [12] Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, Nicolaides AN, Incandela L, De Sanctis MT, Barsotti A: San Valentino epidemiologic project. There is also the very real possibility that T4 will not only not properly interact with thyroxine cellular receptors, but will block out what remaining natural levothyroxine the thyroid is still producing (and whose conformational state is far more health-promoting), essentially acting as an endocrine disrupter at the very moment that it is acting as intended as a TSH suppressor. This T4 blocking/endocrine-disrupting property of the synthetic form would also activate a negative feedback loop within the endocrine system, further suppressing remaining thyroid function, and resulting in the atrophy of the compromised thyroid, a iatrogenic self-fulfilling prophecy if you will. Endocrinol. I had doctor after doctor tell me it was in my head or I was menopausal. I don't think so. Study: Millions Treated for - Healing Lyme Disease | Facebook This T4 blocking/endocrine-disrupting property of the synthetic form would also activate a negative feedback loop within the endocrine system, further suppressing remaining thyroid function, and resulting in the atrophy of the compromised thyroid, a iatrogenic 'self-fulfilling prophecy' if you will. They found no significant correlation between T4 sales and breast, colorectal and gastric cancers, but did find a significant correlation for lung cancer (p < 0.05) corrected for smoking and age. Sub-laboratory hypothyroidism and the empirical use of Armour thyroid.Altern Med Rev. weight loss, anorexia) was made many years ago together with an over production of both T4 and T3. Levothyroxine and cancer risk study : Hi sorry to - Thyroid UK Study: Millions Treated for Hypothyroidism At Risk for Lung Cancer Posted on: Monday, August 12th 2013 at 7:15 am Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder A new study has. Sin un requerimiento, el cumplimiento voluntario por parte de tu Proveedor de servicios de Internet, o los registros adicionales de un tercero, la informacin almacenada o recuperada slo para este propsito no se puede utilizar para identificarte. Untreated hypothyroidism increases morbidity and mortality. U.S. FDA Broadens Indication for Verzenio (abemaciclib) in HR+, HER2 weight loss, anorexia) was made many years ago together with an over production of both T4 and T3. Study: Millions Treated for Hypothyroidism At Risk for Lung Cancer Other research indicating that increased thyroid activity (hyperthyroidism) contributes to lung cancer pathogenesis was presented, including: Recently T4 has been reported as one of the several endogenous factors capable of supporting proliferation of lung cancer cells. [2], The observation that patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung often present symptoms suggestive of hyperthyroidism (i.e. Thanks, I am not suggesting I believe in all that I see. Thus, I am monitored carefully. According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, years 1988-1994, [13] while 0.3% of the American population exhibits overt symptoms of hypothyroidism, 14 times more (4.3%) have so-called subclinical hypothyroidism only detected via blood work. Or that it was the many years of not being diagnosed with hypothyroidism, courtesy of daft blood test ranges, before finally tipping a TSH over 5 (or even 10) before treatment is commenced, by which time the damage is done. I wish I could say that my story was atypical. I very much appreciate the information you shared. The reality is that most cases of hypothyroidism today are diagnosed in populations who are experiencing a combination of basic nutritional deficiencies and chemical exposures, or who are simply going through a temporary down-cycle in thyroid function following a natural change, such as the natural postpartum drop that occurs in women after giving birth. undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos.