The New York State Senate website shows that the latest bill is slated to be reviewed by the New York State Assembly Health Committee next Wednesday. But the Mississippi House passed a bill last month that would require the city to use the revenue, which totals $120 million from 2014 to 2022, only on water and sewer. A dormant, years-old bill in New York that would allow officials to detain contagious patients during a health emergency has reemerged amid the COVID-19 pandemic and has quickly become the subject of rapidly spreading conspiracy theories, some of which claim its a scheme by Gov. That doesnt mean we will block them, but we refuse to be beholden to companies that absolutely despise us simply because of our political ideology. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.). NY State Senate Passes Draconian Bill - Stephen Lendman attempting to sneak throughregulationto detain suspected Covid health threats in Covid camps. On Jan. 3 Politico reported that it received no reply from Zeldins office about where he got the information that the Health Committee was taking up the bill. The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. Lol, actually amazing how the powers above are using Covid to do whatever they please and no one seems to give a shit because they are doing it in our best interest. Smh, say bye bye to freedom. To be fair, its unclear whether Cuomo is aware of and supports the bill. Additionally, it also mentioned that individuals targeted for forced removal and quarantine will be detained in a medical or other appropriate facility or premises designated by the governor. Then with a court order they can force vaccinate you., stated on February 7, 2023 in a Facebook post., Assembly Bill A416, Accessed Jan. 4, 2021, Phone/Email interview, Frank Shea Communications Coordinator Office of Assemblyman N. Nick Perry, Jan. 4, 2021, CNN, Maine nurse wont submit to Ebola quarantine, lawyer says, Oct. 29, 2014, WKBW, Years-old bill that would allow state to detain contagious patients extremely unlikely to gain any traction in Albany, Jan. 4, 2021, Politico, Long dormant Assembly bill becomes subject of conspiracy theories, Jan. 3, 2021, World Health Organization, Ebola virus disease, Feb. 10, 2020, Public Now, Rep. Zeldin Slams Proposed NYS Bill Granting Governor Authority To Detain New Yorkers For Being "A Danger To Public Health", Jan. 3, 2021, Congressman Lee Zeldin, Rep. Zeldin Slams Proposed NYS Bill Granting Governor Authority to Detain New Yorkers For Being "A Danger to Public Health", Accessed Jan. 5, 2021, Phone interview, Rich Azzopardi senior adviser for Gov. 2. "There is no intent, no plan, or provisions in my bill to take away, or violate any rights, or liberties that all Americans are entitled to under our Constitution, either state or federal," the statement says. We also expected the continuation of dropping traffic from woke Big Tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, but it has actually been much worse than anticipated. Lloyd Frederick (@KnightBreed) January 3, 2021. March 2, 2023, 2:18 p.m. This is wrong. A New York State lawmaker has proposed a dangerously authoritarian bill that would vest Gov. The 2020 presidential election was stolen. We must stay vigilant, not only of legislation in our own states but also of that which could impact other states. maybe. Perry introduced near-verbatim bills during the 2015-2016 and 2017-2018 legislative sessions, but they failed to gain any traction. Please and thank you. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); FIRST PRESS CONFERENCE Canadian Freedom Convoy2022, NYC Mayor Says Feb 11th Deadline to get covidshot, Since it was first presented in 2015, the bill has remained in stalemate and never moved beyond the committee stage to the Assembly Floor. "We didnt even know this bill existed.". For a bill to become law, it would have to progress through introduction, a committee stage and passage through the Assembly before being signed into law by the Governor (here). Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. Please help us! BizPacReview |, Maher declares war on trigger warnings: Its like if seat belts were made out of broken glass, If they dont get out, Im going to take them out one by one: Anti-white texts spark DOE probe, Maher points out COVID dissenters are looking pretty good right now, Russell Brand crushes MSNBC to network analysts face: Propagandist nut-crackery, Avalanche risk forces authorities to close Mt. ", The post was flagged as part of Facebooks efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. It was first introduced in 2015 during the Ebola outbreak and has not gained any traction in the New York State Assembly. Upon determining by clear and convincing evidence that the health of others is or may be endangeredThe Governor may order the removal and/or detention of such a person or of agroup of personsby issuing a single order, identifying such persons either by name or by a reasonably specific description of the individuals or group being detained. On Jan. 6 you will be asked to vote on Assembly Bill A416 to amend the authority of the governor in health emergencies. PLEASE JOIN OUR NEW COMMENT SYSTEM! While the bill, A416, may be applicable in the COVID-19 era, it has sat dormant since it was introduced in 2015 during the Ebola outbreak and has not gained any traction in These are just a few, but very serious, violations that will result if A416 is passed. (LogOut/ Social media posts claim that New York officials are trying to pass a bill that would allow them to round up non-mask wearers and those who dont want to get vaccinated into "concentration camps" to eventually force vaccinations for COVID-19. All Rights Reserved. The New York State Assembly is not voting on a bill in January 2022 to indefinitely detain unvaccinated individuals at the governors will, despite claims being made online. The bill has no co-sponsors and has never once been heard by committee despite being introduced in the 2015-16, 2017-18, 2019-20 sessions, and the current session. If passed, this legislation would place in the hands of the governor, or his designated agent, the full and autonomous authority to order the removal and detention of every person the governor or his delegee determines may pose an imminent and significant threat to the public health., Further, the act would enable the governor or his delegee to require an individual who has been exposed to or infected by a contagious disease to complete and appropriate, prescribed course of treatment, preventive medication or vaccination.. Bill A416 New Yorkers cannot allow that to happen. New York Bill A416 Regulations only require a posting in the Register, a New York State publication, and waiting 60 days for public comment. Were heading in the right direction and we believe were ready talk to patriotic investors who want to not only get in on the action but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Bill Zeldins statement appears to have been amended shortly after to say that the bill will instead be "referred" to the committee that day. The legislation leaves that entirely to the discretion of agents of the health department and their personal due diligence. Only if and when the person detained formally requests to be heard will the health department be required to grant the opportunity to be heard within three to five days. 2. Regulations are supposed to be minor rules devised by the bureaucracies to implement a law passed by the legislature and signed by Governor. Copyright, 2011-2022, National Addiction News. New York bill The National Pulse, quoted by some social media posts making the claim, issued a correction on their article which reads: A previous version of this article mentioned a vote on the bill on January 5th 2022, that is the date of the legislative session in general, not the date of the vote on Bill A416. ( Misleading. Canada is to thank for American football. We need your help. New York Prepares to Detain Groups Deemed a Significant Threat to Public Health in Internment Camps, COVID-19 Rapidly Spreads in Chinas Yangtze Delta, Causing Factories Shut Down, Residents Struggling for Food, Fentanyl Overdoses Become Leading Cause of Death in 18- to 45-Year-Olds, U.S. Air Force Authorizes Use of They/Them Pronouns in Signature Blocks, ny prepares to detain groups deemed as "significant threat to public health" in internment camps. And whos to say youre going to be permitted to leave the detention area youre sent to? (2 Timothy 1-5). FantasyFootBub (@FantasyFootBub) January 3, 2021. Document shows that Hunter Biden paid Joe Biden $50,000 a month in rent. If the above language were to be made clearer, it would read: NYC has the power to remove individuals from public life that have COVID or are suspected of having come into contact with carriers of the disease. According to New York State Senate documents, his Assembly Bill A416 has been officially read once and already referred to the Committee on Health. Another user said: If you live in the state of New York, PLEASE GET OUT. New York State Assembly Bill A416 has been dredged up by leftist lawmakers and its contents are rather horrifying. Such fears would perhaps be unwarranted were there not so much evidence of political leaders particularly Democrat ones abusing their authority to ostensibly control the spread of the coronavirus. They sent attorneys after us, but thankfully were not easily intimidated by baseless accusations or threats. Best to boost your immune system with new Z-Dtox and Z-Stack nutraceuticals from our dear friend, the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. At least they used to pretend to work for us. This opens the door to indefinite detention, particularly for diseases that remain in ones system for extended periods of time. Mike Pompeo, secretary of state under Donald Trump, signaled that he may run for president in 2024 in a speech at CPAC. Photo shows a copycat QAnon shaman at attack on Brazils capital. NY Senate just passed a concentration camp bill to forcibly throw If you are fed up with letting radical big tech execs, phony fact-checkers, tyrannical liberals and a lying mainstream media have unprecedented power over your news please consider making a donation to BPR to help us fight them. The Democrat-dominated New York state Senate has passed a bill allowing government officials to throw people in concentration camps indefinitely if they are deemed Historical New York Governor's Bill Jackets (Legislative Histories of New York Laws): Bill jackets contain memoranda and letters associated with a bill, but not committee reports, hearings, or debates. If you visit the New York State Senatewebsite, you will see that an enormous number of New Yorkers strongly detest Assembly Bill A416. "New York is trying to pass a bill that would allow them to round up non mask wearers and people who dont want to take the vaccine into concentration camps," one popular post on Facebook reads. With this general wording, those who are unvaccinated, or come into contact with COVID-19, could face removal from public life for an indefinite period of time. Maybe its a badge of honor were the last ones to change, Fillingane said. Hochuls effort follows the recent withdrawal of New York Assembly Bill A416 that would have allowed the arrest and imprisonment of suspected public health risks without trial. The bill says that during a health emergency, officials would have the authority to detain in a medical or "other appropriate facility" any infected persons and their contacts who are deemed a threat to the public. Bill Search; Advanced Search . Only if and when the detention extends beyond three days must the governor or his delegeeseek out a court for any sort of authorization and only if the suspects explicitly request release (assuming theyre allowed to). One user said on Twitter: New York Legislation votes Jan 5 to provide indefinite detention of unvaccinated. In a statement released in 2020, Perry said the bill had first been introduced after it was discovered that people infected with Ebola had entered the United States, although there were elements of the bill that could be applicable to the COVID-19 pandemic (here). The bill has also only been proposed by Perry and has never had a co-sponsor. Were saying if you choose to have a brick-and-mortar dealership, you have to follow the same laws that everyone else has to follow, Sparks said. Maybe we just like being last all the time. During that four-month stretch, Twitter and Facebook accounted for about 20% of our traffic. This time, he and his legal team are seeking a brand new trial. How long a person could be detained is left to the discretion of public health authorities. We are on track to be short by about $5300 per month in order to maintain operations. Marco Rubio reintroduces Daylight Saving Time bill Whales are washing ashore near offshore wind projects, leading to many to believe that these projects are the reason. All Rights Reserved. While we were never as dependent on Big Tech as most conservative sites, wed like to be completely free from them. With the coronavirus pandemic now front and center, his chances this time around could be significantly higher. This legislation is not only dehumanizing by referring the people of New York as contacts or carriers; it violates multiple sections of the New York Constitution and robs New Yorkers of their fundamental, inherent rights. In essence, if the Governor or his designated health czars deem a person to bepotentially infected with a disease that has an undisclosed fatality rate, that person can be detained in a facility of the officials choosing. There is supposed to be a 72-hour limit, but only applies to people who have been determined to be uninfected. "No, the governor doesnt want to open up concentration camps," Cuomos senior adviser, Rich Azzopardi, told PolitiFact.