Davis, T. (2018). >STRENGTHS<br>- Proficient as professional assistant with 15 . We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Being a source of energy that lifts those around you. Aside from enhancing your skills and personal resources, there are many other benefits of cultivating a positive mindset, including better overall health, better ability to cope with stress, and greater well-being (Cherry, 2017A). Dealing with disability (for both those with a disability and those around them). Whether you're speaking with customers, superiors, or co-workers, keep calm and be tactful, even in tense situations. However, maintaining a positive attitude on a daily basis in the workplace is harder than you may think. You cannot control your mood, and you cannot always control the thoughts that pop into your head, but you can choose how you handle them. This resource is actually a handout, but you can certainly make it interactive by taking notes or using check marks to indicate what you have tried, or what you would like to try. Write your affirmations in the present tenseaffirm yourself in the here and now, not a vague future version of yourself. You probably have an idea of what a positive mindset or positive attitude is already, but its always helpful to start with a definition. Make sure that your students grow both in terms of content they learn and the learning to learn skills they need to develop in order to learn well in the future. It lists six prompts for you to complete that will help you focus on the good things in your life: To start thinking about all the things you have to be grateful for, click here. If I have a negative attitude, what actions might I display? Do you have any thoughts about how to cultivate a positive mindset? Dont rush to write down the first things that come to your mind. Youve probably heard the common phrases and encouragements used when discussing someones cancer diagnosis. False smiles and superficial cheerfulness will likely do nothing for the cancer patient, but working on cultivating an authentically positive mindset and focusing on the activities and techniques that build well-being can have a significant impact on a cancer patients quality of life andpossiblytheir chances of beating cancer. Which of the following are strategies for managing people? Optimism doesnt wait on facts. The research found that teachers-in-training who participated in a one-semester course involving direct work with students who had Down syndrome greatly improved their knowledge of the syndrome as well as their attitudes toward those with Down syndrome. Keep your work space organized. It is common for a healthcare professional to be given a number of tasks of varying importance, each with its own deadline. Create more ways to integrate learning across the curriculum and consider ways to redesign the curriculum. following a company's policy of addressing patients by their last names. Some rules of etiquette may be written down, such as a dress code that defines what employees can wear. Increasing social connections with patients by placing a getting to know you board in each patient room; on admission, nurses can encourage the patient to share something about themselves (not their illness or hospitalization, but about who you are). Figure out ways to teach an idea differently, and work on something for a longer period than you normally do if your students are not getting it. As you teach, encourage students to ask clarifying and elaborative questions. Leaders must always be on and spend much of their time performing as a strong, confident leader and perhaps even a public face. Cherry, K. (2017B). being accountable for the success of a task. Colleges and universities? If something is affecting your positivity, take a more . I like completing tasks and projects on time. Completing this worksheet will leave you with a list of activities that you can refer to whenever you need a quick boost, and help you learn about what you enjoy most. Journal and/or use a notebook to write things downespecially positive things. I feel this way because of my past experiences, but I am safe right now. The second page concerns your relationshipsromantic relationships, family relationships, and relationships with friends. PsyCap was also negatively related to negative employee deviance (bad employee behaviors; Avey, Reichard, Luthans, & Mhatre, 2011). First, for the Looking Back portion, you will be instructed to choose a timeframe to reflect on (for example, the past year or since starting my new job). Avey, J. (n.d.). To be optimistic, you have to change what you believe about yourself and the situation you are encountering. Focus primarily on student strengths and student success. Embrace changeits happening whether we want it to or not, so its best to embrace it. directs people and uses resources to achieve a goal. Helps the professional build a good reputation and advance in their career (Swanson, n.d.). Describe a great day from this timeframe. Self-talk is the endless stream of unspoken thoughts that run through your head. A new employee finds it difficult adjusting to his new work start time of 7:00 a.m. and has shown up late twice. As a bonus, it will also help you boost your creative thinking in addition to your positive thinking. Prioritize the tasks. Creating art that helps them to manage their feelings and turn their mind towards the positive (more info, Have each family member create a Slinky Character Trait Person. Find positive friends, mentors, and co-workers to support and encourage you. There are even more games and activities to help children develop a positive mindset. Anger is a basic emotion evolved from the need for survival, fending off predators and fleeing [], Dealing with difficult emotions is hard for young children. Your system might include a printed or electronic schedule, a printed or electronic to-do list, and other methods. Personal professionalism is the practice of holding yourself responsible . In order to believe in ourselves, we must first understand our personal strengths. The main principles of professional work behavior include: Treating your managers, colleagues and clients with respect Projecting a positive attitude Being polite Showing good judgment Use essential questions to focus units, or have students develop essential questions as the focus for learning. I have plenty of creativity for this project. Laugh with them, hug them, and set aside quality time to simply be together. After doing this daily for three weeks, getting to work at 7:00 becomes easy. Practicing loving-kindness meditation at staff meetings. Present yourself to the workplace as a professional. The ability to prioritize tasks and analyze how many hours need to be spent on each. Managers are responsible for motivating employees and getting them to produce quality work efficiently. The ABC Model, originally developed by Albert Ellis and later adapted by Martin Seligman, is an approach to help us think more optimistically. Which of the following demonstrate a healthcare worker using strategies for managing people? 7 to 8. What would you like to achieve during this timeframe? You might then use the money to hire people and buy equipment and supplies needed. (n.d.). Thanks for such post and please keep it up. A few of the many worksheets on this topic are described below. Express your thankfulness and gratitude for all the good things in your life. c. lengthy ordeal They learn from mistakes and failures, and are not afraid to fail again., Optimism is a kind of heart stimulantthe digitalis of failure., Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out., Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Check all of the boxes that apply. JUST THE FACTS: As an employee, your attitude at work contributes to your work environment . 17. Next, you will answer several questions about the positive events and accomplishments from this time period, including: For the Looking Forward portion, you will complete a similar exercise but with a future time period in mind. Think positive: 11 ways to boost positive thinking. One effective technique is completing worksheets designed to help you develop a positive mindset. Happy employees make more money than other employees. Get good at being rejectedit happens to everyone! Connect separate subject areas, such as by teaching American history and literature in tandem so that history topics and specific literature that touch on similar time periods or themes are taught at the same time. self-control. When the situation is difficult in the short-term, adjust your vision to the long-term. (2003). and develop their own personal style of professionalism. Use positive words and avoid phrases like I cant and I wont.. Incorporate a rewards system to encourage positivity at all times (Werrell, 2016). If a manager demonstrates a positive attitude, it will help others feel positive, too. Weve gathered some of the most popular and most evidence-backed methods here, but dont hesitate to search for more if you need them. Clear, J. a person whose job requires specialized knowledge, such as a doctor or nurse. Good self-control is required to consistently behave in a professional manner. Mayo Clinic Staff. Make sure employees know what you want from them and what they need to do in order to succeed. Blank, C. (2017). Campbell, J., Gilmore, L., & Cuskelly, M. (2009). Even when you are not legally required to respect confidentiality, it is a good idea to avoid gossip or unnecessary sharing of personal information about other people, A collection of standards that define proper social behavior in a specific community is called, The safekeeping of sensitive information that is only shared with authorized individuals on a need-to-know basis, is called. Self-confidence: When you develop a positive attitude, you will start feeling better about yourself. -a dentist who thanks her assistant for doing good work. You can find more detailed instructions. He places one next to his bed and one farther away, so he has to get out of bed to turn it off. a system for organizing your tasks and appointments. PsyCap was also positively related to organizational citizenship (desirable employee behaviors) and multiple measures of performance (self-rated, supervisor evaluations, and objective measures). Self-discipline allows a worker to remain focused, stay on task, be on time, and meet deadlines. Include narratives on report cards that focus on individual. See yourself as helping students build pathways to adult success. Show appreciation. The ability to adequately complete a task by proper planning, testing, tracking, and reporting. Big Life Journal has a great infographic that lists the ways you can help children develop a positive attitude. Built with love in the Netherlands. Travel, even if its not very farthe point is to interact with different people and get to know other cultures. Organizing and managing time and tasks are necessary in order to in order to behave professionally and demonstrate professional qualities such as dependability and productivity. Which of the following demonstrate workers who are using strategies for good time and task management? a specific date and time that a task needs to be completed. This model can be used for yourself or with your clients. Where possible, instead of or in addition to reading textbooks, find and have students read and choose books that are interesting to them, that opens them up to the world around them, that makes them think! Can you take field trips to different places of business? Sasson, R. (n.d.). 2. Im bringing a positive attitude to work every day. Check all of the boxes that apply. Youll see that awareness and integrity are linked to better quality of life, and acceptance and gratitude can take you from the okay life to the good life.. Tell your children to carry them around and use them as a reminder to think about the things they are grateful for. Adults are typically recommended to get ______________ hours of sleep. When you choose to give in to the negativity, pessimism, and doom-and-gloom view of the world, you are not only submitting to a loss of control and potentially wallowing in unhappinessyou are missing out on an important opportunity for growth and development. Health professional student attitudes towards people with disability. You will find a lot of approaches after visiting your post. Take time to truly think about what youre grateful for. Which of the following are examples of etiquette? Conduct student surveys to determine what types of school and classroom activities are most motivating and interesting. Have solutions ready when you point out problems. how much work is completed in a specific amount of time. Some of the most popular ones are listed here, but feel free to search for more if none of them align with your intereststhere are a lot to choose from out there! The eightfold path: Right Thought. The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success? Lukovski, Z. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Try to list at least three examples. Check all of the boxes that apply. This might be a handwritten list or a list typed on a computer. Being friendly to those you dont know. There are many personal qualities that are associated with professionalism, including: Responsibility Dependability Organizing time and tasks Self-discipline Productivity Etiquette Confidentiality Teamwork, leadership, and management Communication Responsibility getting your work done, fulfilling your commitments, and taking ownership of your work. Transform your life with the power of positive thinking. Group Exercises), 10 Worksheets for Training a Positive Mindset (PDF), 32 Quotes and Affirmations on Positive Mindset/Attitude, reduce rates of depression and levels of distress, Buggy and Buddy motivational art activity. Thank you very much, wow a very nice piece on Positive Mindset.I gained more. Let us know in the comments section below! ), Making someones day. According to U.S. Department of Labor, there are few things employers value more than employees who fulfill their duties in a professional manner. The instructions are to review each of the protective factors listed and marking where you are on the scale (from weak to strong). What relationships would you like to strengthen during this timeframe? Enjoying the unexpected, even when its not what you wanted originally. This is a great worksheet for cultivating gratitude, and it can be used with children or adults. Tell the person who assigned you the task as soon as possible. Nonverbal communication - body language, such as gestures or eye contact The first meta-analysis of all the research on PsyCap was conducted in 2011, and it outlined some of the many benefits of PsyCap in the workplace: It seems pretty straightforward that positive attitudes like optimism and resilience lead to positive outcomes for the organization and for the employees! Cultivating a regular practice of gratitude will help you to become more positive, and this worksheet will guide you in establishing your practice. Entrepreneurs with a positive attitude toward the natural environment never disengage these values to exploit an opportunity. Its about acknowledging that you will not always be happy and learning to accept bad moods and difficult emotions when they come. Lydia Sweatt (2017) from Success.com shares 13 great quotes on optimism and having a positive attitude. 26. This worksheet will help you to identify times in your life when things have gone well, when you got things right, and when you thrived. Another study by a few of the giants in the field of positive psychology (Sonja Lyubomirsky, Laura King, and Ed Diener, 2005) investigated the relationship between happiness and benefits to employees. Make an effort to step outside of your comfort zone (2015). Stress is the body's response to both physical and . Take back control of the things you can changeand put in the effort required to actually changebut learn to accept the things you cannot change. For example, positive attitudes can include: Now we know a little bit more about what a positive mindset looks like, we can turn to one of the biggest questions of all: Whats the deal with having a positive attitude? Most people are primed to experience pleasure in special . Volunteer and commit your time and efforts to helping others. d. ancient play. Help your student visualize a positive outcome from every scenario before starting. Strengthen your brains ability to pay attention to the positive by routinely redirecting your focus away from the negative to the positive. Notice the righteous and good in times of tragedy and violence. Have one person bring up a negative event, like losing a job or breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Which type of communication is Francisco good at? Communication skills are very important in the workplace. Increase your time management skills Remain punctual when attending meetings, presentations or other events. What is it about having a positive mindset that is so important, so impactful, so life-changing? You can write them directly on the worksheet, but it may be most helpful to copy them onto a note card and carry them with you. Having a positive mindset means making positive thinking a habit, continually searching for the silver lining and making the best out of any situation you find yourself in. Awareness of, and the challenging of, stereotypes. . Find inspirational quotes and messages to bolster your positivity. Being happy for someone elses success. If youre interested in affirmations, try the Mind Tools Content Teams (n.d.) list of positive thinking affirmations: If none of these appeal to you on a deep level, refer to their tips on developing your own personal affirmations: If youre having trouble coming up with your affirmations or you just like to hear a different perspective on positive thinking, you might find some quotes helpful. 21 ways to define a positive attitude. Faculty attitudes and students with disabilities in higher education: A literature review. Practice gratitude (perhaps with a gratitude journal). Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself., An optimist understands that life can be a bumpy road, but at least it is leading somewhere. This learned optimism can be beneficial to feel happier and healthier, to release stress, and to increase performance and motivation. You have what it takes to get consideration., Your post is very helpful to get some effective tips to reduce weight properly. In other words, positive attitudes in a leader will draw followers and encourage motivation and engagement in subordinates. 15 positive thinking exercises & activities to transform your life. When redesigning or renewing the curriculum, examine whether curriculum materials or programs have a significant component built around developing curiosity, motivation, relevance, and interest. Do a quick Google search on how to cultivate a more positive mindset, and youll see that there are tons of suggestions out there! Lipman, V. (2017). Here are just a few of the many books on developing a positive mindset: If youre still with me after this very long read, thanks for sticking with it! This role is a tiring one, and being optimistic and resilient will help leaders stay sane and healthy in challenging contexts. Make it clear to students that no question is too small or too silly. Say it with feeling! Through surveys, encourage students to provide feedback on whether they feel that their learning is interesting, motivating, and relevant and whether they are being encouraged to develop their talents and interests. This can involve active listening, maintaining eye contact, and using positive body language. Roberts, P., & Strauss, K. (2015). Well, the traits and characteristics listed above give us a hint; if you comb through the literature, youll see a plethora of benefits linked to optimism, resilience, and mindfulness. b. prose narrative Set clear expectations. Writing about the people who youre grateful for tends to be more powerful than writing about things. Hello I'm Kanokwan, Thank you for visit my profile. Watson, J. telling only the patient's doctor about the patient's medical condition. 33 Tips on How to Have & Keep a Positive Mindset in Life and at Work, Helping Students to Develop a Positive Attitude Towards Learning and School, 46 Activities and Games to Develop Positive Mindset Skills (incl. The Consequences are not inevitable since you can challenge the way you think about them (Seligman, 2006). ______________, a. life Lipman also notes that having a positive outlook and being resilient is vital in leadership positions because there is a lot of stress involved in managing and leading others. organizing tasks so that the most important and urgent tasks are completed first. 2. Getting what you get, and not pitching a fit. It is acceptable to be a few minutes late for work every day as long as you make up for the time at the end of the day. 6. This worksheet is focused on the therapeutic technique of behavioral activationencouraging the patient to get more active, engage in positive activities, and gain the rewards inherent in these activities. Proper Demeanor (in Person and Online) Be polite and well-spoken 100 percent of the time. (No matter how many times you fall down.). The attitude you exude at work can also help other employees respect you since you influence them in a positive way. If youre feeling particularly down, you may be tempted to skip one or two, but fight this urge! True False A business with happy customers will build a good reputation, allowing it to attract top-level: Employees Research and development budgets Marketing consultants Prices 2. Time and task management skills can help you to prioritize your work and meet deadlines. Similar to the gratitude journal, a positive journal is an effective way to use journaling to improve your mindset. Responding to people promptly and following through on promises in a timely manner is also important, as . For each student, consider . This technique can be used in daily life situations An obstacle in your way reflects Adversity. Which of the following demonstrates teamwork? Fahrenwald, N. L., Bassett, S. D., Tschetter, L., Carson, P. P., White, L., & Winterboer, V. J. Professionalism in Today's Workforce . Describe how things might be different if you able to improve these protective factors. List specific steps or actions that might help to make these goals a reality. For example, getting help from a coworker or changing some of the requirements might allow you to meet the deadline. For example, you might need to make sure that equipment is cleaned and put away properly, or that medical supplies are not used unnecessarily. You might use an electronic calendar, printed schedule, or other system to organize your time. Encouraging random acts of kindness by nursesa practice which has the potential to spread to patients and other healthcare professionals as well. Expect each entry to take between 10-20 minutes. The power of the positive. Give specifics. The only instruction is to consider each of the positive traits listed and write briefly about times when you have displayed each of them. Everything you do affects your reputation. Try the Success of the Day activity, in which each family member is encouraged to talk about a success they had that day, like helping someone, standing up for a peer, finishing a project, or committing (or receiving) a random act of kindness. I can feel bad and still choose to take a new and healthy direction. The more productive an employee is, the more work that person completes. He wants to get to work on time, so decides to set two alarms. Which type of communication is Sarah using? I am good. (Cullins, 2018). the act of giving information to or receiving information from another person. To read more about these games, click here. Then, identify each phrase by writing above it ADJA D JADJ for adjective phrase or ADVA D VADV for adverb phrase. Having a positive attitude is a choice you can make. Give students more opportunities to put effort into areas that interest them and that they enjoy. 36 per cent of professionals polled on LinkedIn agree that a positive attitude is the most important quality that employers look for in candidates and team members.. You can find the whole blog post here, but well outline the 7 activities they describe: Another collection of activities that can help children (and the whole family) develop and maintain a positive mindset comes from Sharon Harding at the Rediscovered Families website: If games and activities arent really your thing, there are lots of other ways to cultivate a positive attitude. It is looking adversity in the eye and laughing. people, materials, money, or any type of asset that can be used to improve life and support human activity. Which of the following demonstrates organizational skills? What are you grateful for from this timeframe? Reduce the emphasis on traditional testing as the key assessment tool, and focus on more natural and diverse assessment approaches such as essays and papers, reflective journals, oral presentations, and other demonstrations of their learning. Strengthen your memory for positive information by using positive words more often. These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients understand and use emotions advantageously. A Neat Appearance. -a front desk worker who refuses to take a break with coworkers during time he scheduled for making phone calls to patients, a specific date and time that a task needs to be completed, a plan that shows where money will come from and how it will be used for a specific period of time.