[13] The Soviet Union did not acknowledge the existence of these remains publicly until 1989 during the glasnost period. That was until last month when Sergei Plotnikov, a 46-year-old builder, stumbled on a small hollow covered with nettles. Mystery Solved: The Identification of the Two Missing Romanov Children [91] The remaining executioners shot chaotically and over each other's shoulders until the room was so filled with smoke and dust that no one could see anything at all in the darkness nor hear any commands amid the noise. Until her death in 1984, Anderson contended she was the missing Tsarina. In the first of the book's three parts, Massie relates the savage murders . Uncovered documents in Archive No. [5][115] Once the bodies were "completely naked" they were dumped into a mineshaft and doused with sulphuric acid to disfigure them beyond recognition. [77] Shooting and stabbing them at night while they slept or killing them in the forest and then dumping them into the Iset pond with lumps of metal weighted to their bodies were ruled out. Fact Checked. The Russian Prosecutor General's main investigative unit said it had formally closed a criminal investigation into the killing of Nicholas because too much time had elapsed since the crime and because those responsible had died. Scientists repeated the mtDNA test and found an exact match. In one of the pairs, he had cytosine whereas the others had thymine. [84], While the Romanovs were having dinner on 16 July 1918, Yurovsky entered the sitting room and informed them that kitchen boy Leonid Sednev was leaving to meet his uncle, Ivan Sednev, who had returned to the city asking to see him; Ivan had already been shot by the Cheka. [117] Yurovsky, worried that he might not have enough time to take the bodies to the deeper mine, ordered his men to dig another burial pit then and there, but the ground was too hard. On 17 July 1918, Yakov and other Bolshevik jailers, fearing that the Legion would free Nicholas after conquering the town, murdered him and his family. [112][113] Yurovsky ordered them at gunpoint to back off, dismissing the two who had groped the tsarina's corpse and any others he had caught looting. [181], In late 2015, at the insistence by the Russian Orthodox Church,[182] Russian investigators exhumed the bodies of Nicholas II and his wife, Alexandra, for additional DNA testing,[183] which confirmed that the bones were of the couple. [34] The imperial family was subjected to regular searches of their belongings, confiscation of their money for "safekeeping by the Ural Regional Soviet's treasurer",[35] and attempts to remove Alexandra's and her daughters' gold bracelets from their wrists. My friend Leonid and I started to dig. On 1 March 1918, the family was placed on soldiers' rations. [27], On 22 March 1917, Tsar Nicholas II, deposed as a monarch and addressed by the sentries as "Nicholas Romanov", was reunited with his family at the Alexander Palace in Tsarskoye Selo. [16] In 2007, a second, smaller grave which contained the remains of the two Romanov children missing from the larger grave, was discovered by amateur archaeologists;[17][13] they were confirmed to be the remains of Alexei and a sistereither Anastasia or Mariaby DNA analysis. Filipp Goloshchyokin, a close associate of Yakov Sverdlov, being a military commissar of the Uralispolkom in Yekaterinburg, however did not actually participate, and two or three guards refused to take part. Maria and Anastasia were said to have crouched up against a wall covering their heads in terror until they were shot. Two bodies of the family were missing, so this lead to the escape theory. The remains of all the family and their retainers were exhumed in 1991, with the exception of Alexei and Maria. [40] Their only source of ventilation was a fortochka in the grand duchesses' bedroom, but peeking out of it was strictly forbidden; in May a sentry fired a shot at Anastasia when she looked out. It is a mystery that has baffled historians for decades. In testing the mtDNA, researchers compared the base pairs between the Tsar, Duke and great-niece. [122] The impending return of Bolshevik forces in July 1919 forced him to evacuate, and he brought the box containing the relics he recovered. One of the greatest mysteries for most of the twentieth century was the fate of the Romanov family, the last Russian monarchy. [148] Pyotr Voykov was given the specific task of arranging for the disposal of their remains, obtaining 570 litres (130impgal; 150USgal) of gasoline and 180 kilograms (400lb) of sulphuric acid, the latter from the Yekaterinburg pharmacy. No excursions to Divine Liturgy at the nearby church were permitted. Talk in the government of putting Nicholas on trial grew more frequent. Yurovsky also seized several horse-drawn carts to be used in the removal of the bodies to the new site. Now, as proved in this documentary, with the use of modern technology and the 2007 discoveries, the truth behind this bloody chapter has finally been worked out.This video was produced by National Geographic and was released in 2008. [114] Yurovsky's men ate hardboiled eggs supplied by the local nuns (food that was meant for the imperial family), while the remainder of Ermakov's men were ordered back to the city as Yurovsky did not trust them and was displeased with their drunkenness. [124] Alexei Trupp's body was tossed in first, followed by the Tsar's and then the rest. The skeletons were numbered one through nine. He is a member of the American Academy of Forensic Medicine and the International Society of Forensic Genetics. [80] Yurovsky and Pavel Medvedev collected 14 handguns to use that night: two Browning pistols (one M1900 and one M1906), two Colt M1911 pistols, two Mauser C96s, one Smith & Wesson, and seven Belgian-made Nagants. He also had the same distinction, which confirmed the skeleton in the mass grave. [93] As it cleared, it became evident that although several of the family's retainers had been killed, all of the Imperial children were alive and only Maria was injured. She Was A Crushing Disappointment. The bodies were again loaded onto the Fiat truck, which by then had been extricated from the mud. He is a member of the OSAC Biodata Information and Interpretation Committee and an invited member of the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM). But because the corpses were so mangled, the notion that the missing daughter could be Anastasia Romanov persisted. These claimed to be by a monarchist officer seeking to rescue the family, but were composed at the behest of the Cheka. For decades, two women each claimed they were Anastasia, the youngest Romanov daughter. on the nuclear DNA. For women, that means they have the same mtDNA as their mother, grandmother and so-forth. Members of the Presidium of the Ural Executive Council: number of people claimed to be survivors of the ill-fated family, Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine (18641918), "A Playwright Applies His Craft To Czar Nicholas II's Last Days", "From the archive, 22 July 1918: Ex-tsar Nicholas II executed", "Sleuths say they've found the last Romanovs", "Russia reopens criminal case on 1918 Romanov royal family murders", : , 1926. [175] Patriarch Alexy II, who felt that the Church was sidelined in the investigation, refused to officiate at the burial and banned bishops from taking part in the funeral ceremony. [38] The second palisade was constructed after it was learned that passersby could see Nicholas's legs when he used the double swing in the garden. the two children missing from the mass grave - Alexei and one of his sisters - as evidence that the bodies found in the mass grave were not the Romanov family. (Credit: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons), Sign up for our email newsletter for the latest science news, Want More? The bodies of the parents and all five children were laid on the ground. Following the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, he and his wife, Alexandra, and their five children were eventually exiled to the city of Yekaterinburg. [102] Only Alexei's spaniel, Joy, survived to be rescued by a British officer of the Allied Intervention Force,[104] living out his final days in Windsor, Berkshire. 1918 killing of Nicholas II of Russia and his family. Whereas people inherit their nuclear DNA from each parent, mothers exclusively pass on mtDNA. Russian authorities confirmed the discovered bodies as the last missing children in . As soon as the Czechoslovaks seized Yekaterinburg, his apartment was pillaged. 42: . They packed up, leaving behind an 8-metre- square area of ground. The area is the size of a football field. [59][168] However, only the final resting places of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna and her faithful companion Sister Varvara Yakovleva are known today, buried alongside each other in the Church of Mary Magdalene in Jerusalem. Tselms). Romanovs: The Missing Bodies | National Geographic On 1 October 2008, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation ruled that Nicholas II and his family were victims of political repression and rehabilitated them. [48] Strict rationing of the water supply was enforced on the prisoners after the guards complained that it regularly ran out. Mr Plotnikov was part of a team from an amateur history group who spent free summer weekends looking for the lost Romanovs. One was the Tsars great niece, and the second was a Duke in Scotland. They waited there until, suddenly, 11 or 12 heavily armed men filed ominously into the room. Given the mystery and debacle of the assassination of the Romanov family (and the missing bodies), people have held out hope for years that some of the children might have escaped. The opium wars, fought between Britain and France, and China, were a period of humiliation for the Chinese. [16] The Russian president Boris Yeltsin described the murder of the royal family as one of the most shameful chapters in Russian history. Hey ho, lets Genially! It was published in English in 1925. The Unsolved Mystery of the Missing Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov [11] He wrongly concluded that the prisoners died instantly from the shooting, with the exception of Alexei and Anastasia, who were shot and bayoneted to death,[136] and that the bodies were destroyed in a massive bonfire. 6 living Romanovs you should know about - Russia Beyond [78] There is no documentary record of an answer from Moscow, although Yurovsky insisted that an order from the CEC to go ahead had been passed on to him by Goloshchyokin at around 7 pm. Two of the children were missing, and there were several people claiming to be the long-lost Romanovs. Among them were burned bone fragments, congealed fat,[128] Dr Botkin's upper dentures and glasses, corset stays, insignias and belt buckles, shoes, keys, pearls and diamonds,[9] a few spent bullets, and part of a severed female finger. That year, the grave where the Romanovs' bodies had been dumped was found and excavated in the Koptyaki Forest outside Ekaterinburg. [117], The reason for the lack of jewels in Maria's underwear was, according to Gillard and other witnesses, "not only the daughters who wore bras with jewels sewn into them, but these bras were on those daughters." The bodies of the tsar's heir, Prince Alexei, and his sister Princess Maria were missing. In fact, both men were already dead: after the Bolsheviks had removed them from the Ipatiev House in May, they had been shot by the Cheka with a group of other hostages on 6 July, in reprisal for the death of Ivan Malyshev[ru], Chairman of the Ural Regional Committee of the Bolshevik Party killed by the Whites. He ordered additional trucks to be sent out to Koptyaki whilst assigning Pyotr Voykov to obtain barrels of petrol, kerosene and sulphuric acid, and plenty of dry firewood. [90] While waiting for the smoke to abate, the killers could hear moans and whimpers inside the room. In the mid 1970s the mass grave of the Romanov family (minus two of the children) was discovered and officially exhumed after the fall of the Soviet Union.