Your email address will not be published. Red Oak requires a bit of time to season, but burns well after 2 years. Many places consider it evasive now and are trying to get rid of it. Anyone that enjoys cooking with fire should check out these top types of wood for cooking. Campfires need much radiant heat to keep you warm on a chilly night . When cutting, I have to sharpen my chain saw pretty frequently. Well seasoned softwoods, including the pines, firs and spruces can be burned for heat. I burn 24/7, and use about two cords from Nov. thru Mar., with several 3-day breaks every three weeks or so when the temps are a bit higher. Although the project is nearing its end, MSI is currently pursuing funding and looking to develop more partnerships in order to continue the work. The specific links on this site are affiliate links (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases) and help support the site at no extra cost to you. I get up in the morning and heat our little berm home from 66-67 to 71-74 degrees with cottonwood and red elm in an hour and a half with cottonwood providing the bulk of the heat. I have found out that no mater what you call it, when it is -12 degrees outside and it will burn then it is really Good firewood. A little off topic for this page so you might not get much response here.
For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Any comment when compare to other oaks>, how much does a chord of juniper firewood cost. I am planting some of the Eastern varieties out here that we had in PA. The denser the wood from a tree variety, the higher the BTUs per volume. When evaluating firewood, the industry measures heat output in million BTUs per cord of wood. Stain? I have some Hemlock and I can get some Hickory. While this cuts down on sparks, it still doesnt keep smaller ones from escaping thru the gaps in the doors. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I will say that it leaves very little coals and very little ash. BillNole ArboristSite Operative. Apple is another good secret. Is It Okay To Burn Russian Olive In A Fireplace? All the old timers around only burn oak and turn their nose up at fir. I am planting osage orange, black walnut, sassafrass, and black locust. For the very old man. But older trees have tough, stringy trunks that require much more work. It does have a more bitter, eye burning smoke than most woods. Theyre all gone around here.. The wood from these trees makes the greatest stove wood there is. So you are probably not going to find much information about it as far as btu or about its wood in general since it is not a common source of firewood outside of Asia. Here in South Central Alaska, all we have is Birch, Black Spruce and Cottonwood. The cores, thick bark that protects the Russian olive wood makes it difficult for the wood to dry out as quickly as pine or fir if not split.
Russian Olive | The Wood Database (Hardwood) Would I still be allergic to it or was that just to its pollen? Some wood gives off a lot of sparks in the fireplace. Yet it will not burn, just smoke. For all the work of cutting and curing any variety of wood, coal is the BEST for heating. Lay small pieces of Russian olive wood in the fireplace with other types of wood. The Best Fast-Growing Trees to Use For Firewood, North Forty News: Russian Olives Fall Out of Favor, University of Missouri Extension: Wood Fuel for Heating. Ensure that there are enough gaps between each log to allow them to air dry effectively. ..i did some investigating and found out salt cedar is actually tammarick aphyla or something like that.comes out of africa..btu rating is close to eucaliptas..or however you spell Found this site this morning while revising essay on free heat. All very interesting, but I think these charts might reflect potential input of these woods. I live in so. With a BTU of 23, Russian olive firewood can produce substantial heat over a long time. Ive also heard this about black locust, which I also burn. It might be interesting if someone else also burns that stuff and has a good supply of different types of wood to compare with. The red oak gave the most bang for the buck .It burned long,hot and gave some great coals that put out some good btus . I am a latecomer to this site. A week later he tried to burn it and told me to never burn oak , because it burned terrible and smoked bad . Unseasoned wood smells unpleasant as it burns. This is my first year heating with wood. Russian olive wood is not known to give off a smell when burning when it is fully dry. and we burn them in our fireplace after they are seasoned. Persimmon is one of the most dense wood around this area. so I could lift it, I like oak ,maple birch locus mulberry etc hard woods, any body have any hard woods thay dont want or need contact me Try to fell a Russian olive tree and split the wood between winter and early spring. This is the resin soaked sticks of pine that will light with a match and makes an excellent starter. According to wikipedia bradford pear trees originally come from China. Make a horizontal cut with your chainsaw through the opposite side of the tree 1 to 2 inches above the original cuts. Definitely a burning smell. Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. It does mention its good fuel, but not how good. However, Russian olive wood still takes at least 12 months to dry and is difficult to split despite next to no sap production. The fireplace is not our primary heat source but we enjoy a fire each evening in the winter. Or would it be worth the heat and not having that pile to look at anymore? It was cut 4 month prior to burning in the winter . Olive gives food a subtle flavor thats fruity and slightly sweet. I try to split off 1-inch wide slivers all the way around the round, light these (gum is easy to get burning), and then place the reduced size log on whole. If some of the wood is used for construction, there is a net decrease in CO2 from the activity. YOu are actually doing an admirable thing cutting down and burning Russian Olive, it is a non-native and it is on the Invasive Species lists and it's sale/use is banned, or proposed to be banned, in many states. Creosote is a tar-like black substance deposited inside chimneys as the fire burns. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Live Edge Slabs, Cookies, Russian Olive, Epoxy River Table at the best online prices at eBay! Russian olive is the only variety of its kind, but it does go by many names. The answer for me was a wood splitter, which does a nice job with it and the hardwoods I also use. How do you burn and what type of stove do you use? does anyone know wht the heat value of tulep poplar is, I just cut down I believe it is sumac? These charts will give you the amount of energy per cord of wood for some of the most common firewood species.
Firewood BTU Charts and Ratings - Northwest Forest Products Throw the Ailanthus away. Hi! They are the top wood, BTU-wise. Though they are slightly different species, a Russian olive tree will most likely be found growing near autumn olive trees, which are just as invasive. They have a wierd looking fruit that is bright green and and can be as big as a cantaloupe and just as heavy. It burns like coal,but wreaks havoc on a chainsaw and chain!!! But since then, they have spread wildly due to their deep, re-sprouting roots. hope this helped you. Add surfacing: $113.00 . Coals produced by firewood impact how long it will burn before needing more wood added. Hope to experiment with salmon. Ponderosa Pine, commonly used to heat homes in this area, burns at 21.7 British thermal units (BTU), which in simple terms, means it burns hot and long. Happy burning C. I have 30 acres in northwest Missouri. Many black oaks lost big limbs in the surprise snow of Nov 2010. Do they make good firewood? I cant find any information anywhere on bradford pear btu either. Heat output Like many tree types, Magnolia's heat output varies depending on the species. In the early 1900s, Russian olive trees were introduced to North America to stabilize soil and provide windbreaks. Im in Melbourne, Australia. I live on the Wind River Indian Reservation, in Wyoming, where Russian Olive is considered an invasive and unwanted species. I am the guy behind I used to have a orchard in San Diego and it doesnt do anything, but turn to ash. Due to being more shrub-like than other trees, Russian olive trees have very little sap. Another challenge with Russian olive trees is the thorns that can cause nasty injuries. In most cases, wood that has little sap build-up is easier to chop and quicker to dry. But you are right about oak making a great bed of coals, and in an outdoor fire the extra ash wont be so much a problem like in a wood stove. White alder was favored by the local tribes for pit roasting salmon. Oak gets borers and starts getting dusty with sawdust falling out. I live in Northeastern Pennsylvania, where I have 20 acres of mixed hardwoods. We collect it as down and dead firewood when we are cutting western juniper (J.occidentalis), mostly on B.L.M. I built a wood topped banjo with it and have loved the wood ever sense but it is a thorn bush and you will loose a lot of blood getting the wood and i lost a pickup tire to the 2inch thorns. We like to go ahead and cut the stump in 9 sections. Your chart shows the two very close in heat output and weight. wanted free hard wood firewood near lebanon,pa area Apparently Magnolia is very similar to Tulip Poplar. Remember that fires can be unpredictable, so never leave them unattended outdoors. It was a popular windbreak tree from decades past. Superb device . Wood needs to typically produce healthy goals to allow the fire to stay hot and restart in the morning. If its an old tree, the chances are high that splitting will be difficult. Where does the hart-nut tree stand in the BTU scale? For wood stoves I beleive ash,oak,hickory mix. It is recommended that you use a mixture of firewood when starting a fire instead of relying solely on Russian olive to get it going. Is it toxic? Here is a link to a site that I found a couple of years ago. I have an old Black Bart insert and have found that in mid atlantic East coast, the oaks rule (Esp. That means youll need a powerful maul or hydraulic splitter. Donating wood samples and pictures of wood itemsIf youve got a new or unusual wood species that isnt on the site, please consider sharing it with the rest of us! Season the wood to remove any moisture for one year before burning it. True story. All of the wood has been cured at least 3 years, but in our damp winters the wood picks up moisture from the air so produces less heat by late winter. Im in California, about 3800 ft up the west side of the Sierra Navadas. Elm is easy to find around here . Resinous wood has more BTU per pound because the resins have more BTU per pound than wood fiber has, Live Oak,Chinquapin,and Dogwood are eastern species,not Western.Live Oak is limited to Southeastern States. I live in Mn and it smells just like fresh cut oak. Quick Answers. When we are burning both stoves say in January, then Im just a wood-slave the whole day long. Pricing/Availability: Russian Olive tends to be a very small tree, with a highly branching form that is not conducive to large or straight logs. The latter is superabundant here, but is the devil itself to split. Long story short, am I wasting my time with that willow? Neither one grows to a large size in my woodlot although Ironwood does reach a reasonable size if it doesnt die from root rot first. I live in WI. This can help you decide what the best firewood type is for your needs. I have Hickory and just love it! If its really dry you can get some heat from it but I usually recommend it as a camp fire wood. Fires made solely with this wood are difficult to start. I live in Wisconsin now and have never seen one up here. Or, if the wood is worth your effort. In my lifetime I have seen the end of the Chestnut,the American elm,and now the Ash, Dick Ashton. However, the destructive habits of these non-native, invasive species were quickly discovered by residents in the valley. Note my location and you will understand that many of the species mentioned were new to me. Has anyone heard of this problem? The removal process involves cutting down the trees and then spraying an environmentally safe herbicide on the roots to prevent it from growing back. getting mostly ash, some cherry and some oak. This guide looks at whether its worth tossing in the fire so that you dont waste time splitting it for no reason. I seem to remember that all wood has roughly the same BTU content PER WEIGHT. Split horribly and had a bad odor and only arround 15.5 BTU/ cord. thanks, We just called them hedge trees.
Russian Olive firewood - Smoking Meat Forums As with most BTU charts I have seen available, some of the numbers may be a little off, but are in the general ballpark. Forgot to mention that the softwoods, including hemlock which is something like 75% water when green, have the property of shedding their moisture much faster than the hardwoods. Invest in a moisture meter to know when your firewood has seasoned for long enough. Wondering if anybody has info on the outdoor application or rot resistance of this wood. The density of Russian olive means that it can burn slower without losing heat. In most cases, wood that has little sap build-up is easier to chop and quicker to dry. I burn about 12 cords a year using a wood boiler heating house and shop. Wood has close to the same BTU per dry pound regardless of species. We have 2 cast iron wood stoves and a drafty 200 year old house in central new York state. How Often Should I Remove Creosote From My fireplace? We repainted the Jotul with 1200 degree rated stove paint and a lot of it has burned offso we know the Jotul gets hot, just not how hot. I OWED A SAWMILL IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MTNS (LK ARROWHEAD, BIG BEAR AREA) AND THERE WAS ALOT OF THAT THERE (AS WELL AS IN NORTHERN CALI). But since then, they have spread wildly due to their deep, re-sprouting roots. I need something to mix in wit the pine though to burn overnight. WE MADE BARTOPS, SHELVES, AND FENCING OUT OF IT (PRIMO FOR THOSE, AS THE GRAIN IS VERY PRETTY AND CONTRASTING). If you burn coal, you are leaving a destiny of death and starvation for your descendents and mine! cajun, Any BTU rating for Russian olive? The multiple piece splitters seem highly efficient also. The aroma is pleasant too . ), You can help support the site by buying one of these resources, designed and published by The Wood Database. I was wondering if anybody knows if this is true? I dont know how they compare split and dried. I have put together the best data I could find, but consider the figures to be approximate. Russian Olive is not closely related to the wood that is commonly referred to as Olivewood (Olea europaea)and may be distinguished from true Olive by the endgrain. One perk of Russian olive: it burns hot. Not good for firewood but great for woodworking. I've never seen birds eating the berries. Distribution: Native to eastern Europe and western and central Asia; naturalized throughout North America, Tree Size: 20-35 ft (6-10 m) tall, 1-1.5 ft (.3-.5 m) trunk diameter, Average Dried Weight: 43 lbs/ft3 (685 kg/m3), Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): .55, .69, *Estimated hardness based upon specific gravity. The smell just gets me ready for breakfast as soon as I get it going! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Handmade Damascus Steel Full Tang Knife Olive Wood Hunting/Camping/ED W/Sheath at the best online prices at eBay! Firewood with High or Very high heat output 1 cord = 21,000,000 . Any thoughts yall on hydraulic splitter (28-ton commercial grade) as against fly-wheel like DR Power with its 3-second cycle? So if you remove the bark you have fewer ashes to clean out. Thanks. The red fir name comes from the beautiful red color of the heartwood. Im also guessing that the Hickory that I can get are the Shagbark or the bitternut 27.7-26.5 correct? Lit my first fire of the season. Some people find this unsettling, while popping embers can burn carpets and rugs. So the math:5 cords @ $180 = $900 // 5 tonsCoal @ $75 = $375. In regards to Splitters, I have a homemade hydraulic 28 Ton that had cycle issues. Thanks!
Heating Properties of Firewood by Tree Species - ThoughtCo I primarily have Red Oak, Black Cherry, American Elm, Red Maple, Locust, Hickory, Cottonwood, Poplar, growing in the woods. Im guessing that the Hemlock that I can get is eastern soft wood correct 15.9? I heard somewhere that most of the ash comes from the bark. Last night I was turning and sanding a natural edge bowl from this wood, leading to a pronounced and long-lasting allergic reaction in the airways (runny nose, asthma, ..). Let it cook for about 2 hrs or until the flames from the gases slow down from spewing out the holes in the bucket lid. Personally, when I am home, I burn alot of Pitch Pine. my back yard, and all of northern california would like to respectfully disagree. The small, more seasoned stuff burned with mid flame and burned very slow . If one falls on your truck its like having a bowling ball hit it. Audrie The wood you are looking for is Black Locust.It is a little thorny but it grows fast and burns long and hot.I sold fire wood for ten years and burned it fo thirty.Black locust was a favorite of my Amish customers. We also leave the basement door partially open so as not to encourage the water pipes to freeze. The greatest downside to using it is the abundance of tree sap that adheres to ones gloves during the cutting and stacking process. Western dogwood grows along the west coast and canyon live oak is common in California and Oregon. One final note, as a kid I grew up where the streets where lined with English Walnuts and Shagbark Hickory planted around 1900 or sokept the red tree squirrels happy (and perhaps a few mean cats). Its a good starter wood . I find black cherry and hickory give the best burning results. Not my favorite wood but I may change my mind after the project is finished. The metal on our fire pit melted . Save it, let it dry for 2 -3 years and youll be opening windows to let the cold air in in February . Being a transplant from So. Back in the day they used to use the limbs for fence posts and the wood would last decades in the ground with out rotting. I do know the tree I burned had a bad aroma . I have found a good way to make charcoal if your a pyro maniac / fire bug like me. Another potentially invasive plant with probably similar BTUs/burn value is it's cousin: Autumn Olive. . Store firewood somewhere constantly dry and airy. Seasoned wood is always the best bet, and I dont mean that seasoned = less than 4+ months. It smells great too . I have a feeling, based on the small amount of sapwood (which is just a theory of mine) , that it is good but havent put it to the test yet. Great site! The tree, about 30ft tall,Read more . They are the main nuisance tree in our area.possibly the main tree. What wood would you say it is similar to on the b.t.u. Russian Olive RO 250. Your web site is very informative. The ones in the western hardwoods chart are for the west coast varieties. Im in North Texas and I have a half acre I can devote to renewable firewood. It burns very hot,and produces nice heat. With the ability to adapt to any soil type, the Russian olives tree can tolerate more than 75 gallons of water daily. Love this site! However, if you are burning firewood throughout the year then you should do this more often. Less dense softwoods have less BTU per cord than more dense hardwood but they also weigh less per cord. After the moisture evaporates the logs burn great . It doesnt burn, it just smolders and stinks. Are Rosewoods (and Bubinga) really banned by CITES? Are these possibly data for the same species gleaned from different sources? I believe its commonly harvested in the northwest if you are in the US. I heat 5,500 sq ft with 130,000 BTU Franks Piping Wood Boiler from Quebec CDN. My wife and I just purchased 12.5 acres of old growth hard wood forest in Pembroke, NY (Sugar Maple, Beech, Cherry, Ash to name a few) and will be on my way there today to give the Stihl a work out !!! Don't burn it until it has seasoned for at least one year. I may mix it up with buckthorn which has invaded my woods. It does make a nice fire so maybe they should call it Good Fir Fire. We used to call them hedge apples. Finished with a combination mixture of clear lacquer, boiled linseed oil, and denatured alcohol. Even though it is not firewood you should use to start your fire, it does produce a BTU of 23 million per cord once it gets going. Can anyone confirm this? Never park under one when thay have hedge apples on them. The exception . In natural settings, they quickly become invasive, crowding out other native species. Just call them and ask about what it can handle. THE EARLY SNOW STORM DAMAGED A LOT OF TREES HERE IN ORANGE COUNTY NY. and keep the bedroom doors about a foot from closed to save heat. We live in the upper Mojave desert (Calif.) and pretty much have to take what wood is available to buy. Some of the heaviest green wood is among the lightest when dry. I think its high on the calorie scale, as its known to get good and hot. Anyone know how this rates as firewood? Thanks to the high BTU that Russian olive firewood produces and its long-lasting heat, Russian olive is an effective choice of wood to use in your fireplace. if it does not stay at 30,40 C . Go fast on the oak. There are mine if I want them. Sourwood trees provide an excellent habitat for pollinators, and their lumber makes great tool handles, but is sourwood good firewood? When the tempreture drops to single digits or below zero the BTU output keeps my home comfortable, I also like the shagbark hickery. im in lebanon,pa area. The trees crotch can be especially hard to split. I farm a good bit of ground and we have about 350 acres of river bottom woods . Nothing burns green like ash. Jul 21, 2013. Because of the air space between the pieces of wood, the amount of solid wood in a cord may be only 70-90 cubic feet, even though the volume of the stack is 128 cubic feet. I checked my bandsaw / motor to make sure I didnt have sparks/smoldering. In comparison, Russian olive burns at 23 BTU. We have tons of the best hard woods in this country . trees have less resinous material than evergreens.) Sure, willows not much good, and I quit dragging it home years ago. I have also burned green osage orange. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Russian olive sprouts from the root crown and sends up root suckers. The short trunk and gnarled branches of these trees gives an impression of light wood, but don't be deceived. I told him that wood had to dry before burning and he said its been drying all week long , it should be dry by now . Pricing/Availability: Russian Olive tends to be a very small tree, with a highly branching form that is not conducive to large or straight logs. Im out here in southern Oregon, and theres red fir, which is a true fir, just as white fir, and grand fir are. The body is similar to a Fender* Acoustasonic made from Russian Olive with a band of Black Walnut as center binding and finished with one coat of wipe on poly. My grand dad swears beech is king. attributed to mark twain!!! Hickory was my overall favorite . My stock is quite soft and light weight. They are also a very resilient tree, capable of living in almost any condition, making them even more of an issue to permanently remove. The ash burns hot and fast with a nice flame, the black locust burns without a lot of flame but lasts much longer. The dense, deeply creviced bark makes a perfect hideout for spiders and insects. My comment doesnt pertain to btus so much, but would like to say that here in central Ind., I look for elms,not sure if there rock, red or slippery elms.But easy to spot cuz they die avg. How Much Sap Content Does Russian Olive Have? thanks. But its tendency to take on more water in certain settings means extended seasoning time. The wood is not easy to turn but looks great if you stick with it. Wood needs to typically produce healthy goals to allow the fire to stay hot and restart in the morning. Stay warm and dont worry about it so much. . Greenwood is wood that has just been cut and not seasoned. Thanks. (This is a monthly update, and your email will be kept private. land. Its not worth the time to cut, split, stack and burn. I note that quaking aspen is rated higher than aspen in your West chart.
Wood Fuel for Heating | MU Extension - University of Missouri Cut a horizontal cut one-third of the way through the trunk with the chainsaw. I have some upstate PA, that often is recovered when down, and used for firewood. Many people despise Russian olive trees as they make it difficult for other trees to thrive. When were rigging it out of the tree or hauling it I use the charts for douglas fir since Ive heard they are about the same density as live wood. I recently was the recipient of some birch I can see what the btu content is, but I was wondering if anyone has burned much. But unlike other woods like birch, Russian olive catches fire very slowly. What is Russian olive wood good for? Like other fruit trees, this firewood gives off a mild, sweet scent that many enjoy. Ive heard that burning a little cedar occasionally will help remove soot from stovepipes and chimneys. That being said, it is a wood that is mostly sold to hobbyists, so it can be hard to find a firewood seller who supplies Russian olive as firewood. Take care when cutting them and work with a partner. Be sure to poke a couple holes to vent the gases .Then get a 55 gal drum or make a small kiln to put your bucket in .Start your fire then put the bucket in. Olive wood is a mixed bag when its time to start splitting. As with any wood, olive requires adequate seasoning before use. Surprisingly, Russian olive firewood does not produce many coals. This wood is best suited to turned objects, in my experience, as the irregular wood and knots tend to make it hard to work with anything duller than a razor blade.Since I find that irregular woods seem to do well on the lathe, I use it for turnings, as it is very figured and I think it looks quite nice. However, because of the trees rapid growth and adaptability to poor soil, its now considered an invasive species in many areas of the United States. I also recently got some red maple that makes a good fireplace flame, if not a lot of heat. Donating wood samples and pictures of wood items, Fluorescence: A Secret Weapon in Wood Identification, Ash Wood: Black, White, and Everything in Between, Brazilian Rosewood, East Indian, and Other Rosewoods, Genuine Lignum Vitae and Argentine Lignum Vitae. Ive burned wood for heat much of my life, but in my new house my focus is on wood for cooking. But as one reader noted, all species have roughly the same BTU potential per pound. It has kept us plenty warm every winter, we ensure we have a chimney sweep come out and check the wood stove and chimney once a year. Your data on them show similar figures, and, I would confirm them to be very heavy, hot burning fuels. Do some searching on coal for a closeby source. In mid-summer, after the sap has risen and saturated the stump, cut it. With some fairly simple math based on the difference, you can calculate the BTU. Mulberry has a rateing of (1) unit million btu, 25.80/cord FREE shipping Add to Favorites ALL Natural Russian Olive wood bowl 10 inches Round X 3-5 inches High X 2" Deep . seriously other than the odd russian olive its rare to find a tree someone will let yah cut down around here that aint cottonwood though occasionally someone wants a maple or something . Dimensions Length: 95.0" Min width: 13.0" Max width: 21.0" Surfaced Thickness: 1.75" Services. It will dry out for a season and then be split and distributed in 2018 or 2019. By assessing the fire characteristics of Russian olive firewood, it will be easier to identify which scenarios and settings the firewood is best suited for.
Is Russian Olive Good Firewood? - Theyardable Make this cut 12 to 18 inches from the ground on the side of the tree you want to hit the ground first. Olive is diffuse porous, whileRussian Olive is ring-porous.