It's time for Atlantis to become a fully functioning city and take the fight to the Wraith. It may not be up to me.". Which is great Work Search: Stargate Aschen (A Sam/Jack romance based on Stargate SG-1) - COMPLETE. It was mere survival until they found a way to escape. They were so good at this. A young man has his SGC internship interrupted by a sudden trip to a new world to help solve a long lost gate mystery. Great idea! Currently open requests: < 60 In the commentary to the Atlantis epiode "Trio" Ms Gero said that Sam and Jack are in a secret relationship. Also, this story may include some trigger to rape/non-con, since it mildly touches on the issue of orgasming during rape. "My goal was to create something that was new that also honored the existing universe, that lived in the canon ofSG-1,Atlantis, andUniverse, and therefore included some of those characters." But a part of her never let go of that love that cannot be. . If you see this message, this story was downloadedusing a content scrapper. I recommend book Stargate Aschen, free about 300 pages (I think?) Castle's been good, when they don't try to pump up drama. As he attempts to research for an upcoming class paper, university freshman Daniel's world is rocked by an explosion in the sky which allows him to steal a forbidden book thrust upon him by a covert informant. stargate sg1 fanfiction sam and jack married And it is a fight that Jack can only watch over. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn. It wasnt a big deal, she told herself in a fierce attempt to fight against the embarrassment that she began to feel inside. "For me these series are SG-1. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Years after the end of the Stargate series, the world knows of the Stargate system, they know something goes on in Cheyenne Mountain that isn't what they are told, and they know aliens are real. Best Sam-centric Ive never seen those parallels and I certainly didnt plan for them. Whether it be with the entire team, one other . Does Counterspell prevent from any further spells being cast on a given turn? to confirm the McKay/Keller relationship in Atlantis? Yes, they got together. Question: whos gonna write the John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir version? Chapter 38 And he eats a whole lot of Fruit Loops. If you've got anything to suggest for the list, please post it here and I'll add it to this master list for ease of navigation. She didnt even realize how one of her hands moved from the small of his back to his neck, her fingers brushing through the short unruly hair that they found there. Then her first mission which was supposed to be a piece of cake, turns bad, and Sam panicks in her first battle, but then saves them by finding out about the zat and using it. Hello all! Cause and effect. :) Sure, feel free to skip the sex scenes if youre more comfortable with that. This should be fun! In this case, Dr. Samantha Carter comes through from an Earth recently conquered by the Goauld. Jack lets her stay at the Colorado house, he's in DC but refuses to see her or the baby. Dating.Fishing.Dating.. Q. It was just a funny scene. Seriously--that's what this is. Entering a gate leading to an unknown planet while dodging fire wasnt too uncommon for SG-1. Chapter 22 - Jack is being smart again, and it's freaking Daniel out. Please do not download from their site again, as you are supporting theft and piracy of creative works. Wright's plans for his proposed newStargateserieswould see him not only bring back fan favorites like Sam specifically in her new role as general but also her science-minded colleague Daniel Jackson (Altered Carbon's Michael Shanks). By the time he stilled, she closed her eyes. Dating, Engaged, Married? This story won 1st place in the 2016 Fanatic Fanfics Multifandom Awards in the category All-Time Favorite Stargate Fanfic. :D Dont worry, still here I had a few busy days, and Im still working on the Aschen ebook, but the next update should be on later today. L'action se droule aprs la fin de Stargate Atlantis et en parallle de Stargate Universe. Jack and Sam are captured by 'The Master' who runs a huge 'Whore Ship' that is owned by 'The Slave Traders'. Unfortunately, that led to a deletion of the story from the contest results.). And then he moved against her hard and fast as he was coming inside of her. *hugs* Apparently the alien spiders is what a lot of people remember. Theres also an abbreviated version of the story on and Archive of Our Own, where most of the sex scenes are missing. Why would "Cor-Ai" be earlier than "Singularity"? TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide. Stargate: SG-1 FanFiction Archive | FanFiction Also check out theStargate Aschen Timeline, which features a lot of background information on the Aschen universe (history, resistance, etc.) I really have to revise that one of these days. There was Larek, who dumped her in one of the cruelest ways possible. This is where things diverge. it wasnt my call. You know why this one is on the list. Oh yes, it could definitely be worse. Youre right, theres so much out there that has been done already, especially in the realm of shippy stories. "There was a line in the military, and there . And Ive read a lot. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. Have we ever seen a Stargate in the Ori galaxy or isn't there one at all? Not with him. I really like this story. "Still love in SG 1" von A Jack | Stargate > Stargate SG1 Welcome to Jack/Sam Shippy Bingo! Her friends appeared to her, one by one, as hallucinations. Carter gets up the courage to drive to Jacks house, sits in her car for a while working up her nerve, and when she finally speaks with the man with whom shes been through so much ahhh, theres another woman. Photo: And why not create this typical first dating insecurity: Does she like me as much as I like her? Whumped!Jack. I still have the second part (Jacks POV) of this story on my computer. Well, two Daniel Jackson (Stargate) Jack O'Neill; Sam Carter (Stargate) Teal'c (Stargate) George Hammond; Brightman (Stargate) Original Stargate Character(s) Cameron Mitchell (Stargate) Vala Mal Doran; Hank Landry (Stargate) Albert Reynolds; Nyan (Stargate) Bill Lee (Stargate) Siler (Stargate) Michael Patrick Coburn; Walter Harriman; Additional Tags . Chapter 3 Chapter 37 Hes willing to let Sam (the woman hes falling in love with) go in order to keep the promise he made to an unknown woman. Hathor is in charge of the vast collection of knowledge the Goa'uld have ever acquired. In attempting to help a dying man, Captain Carter is possessed by a symbiote who is much more than she seems and runs off. Best Angst A 'Red Sky' episode addition. Die Tr wrde dann sanft von innen geffnet und Jack sah Sam in ihr Gesicht. Here is the arc: Stuck on a glacier with no hope of rescue. Why all of Vals other ideas had herself in the starring role but the wedding idea Sam and Jack were cast as the bride and groom? Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Im so glad you like the story!!! Sorry Her voice sounded desperate, and her eyes filled with tears. We are talking could-be relationships, right? This story was nominated in the 2014 Sam/Jack Multimedia Awards: Find out more about the Sam and Jack Multimedia Awards. So for a moment hes willing to have one of those quick, meaningless interludes with her. Way too much sexual tension for it not to pay off. So be warned!!! Daniel is initially skeptical when resident university conspiracist, Fox Mulder, suggests the book is evidence of a century-old international cover-up for alien experimentation, but the deeper they dig, the truer his claims seem to be. Dont worry, though. it was only natural that they should get together after the events of Emboldened by your last mailbag, I have one question to askand after all these years, I promise it will be my last S/J question everhad we gotten the 3rd SG-1 movie, would the status of Sam and Jacks post-Threads relationship have been made clear?. Fans looking for newStargatecontent can check out a recent reunion featuring different cast members reading aloud from an AI-written script. If there is any way for them to be together, its going to take them fessing up and confessing their feelings openly. The worst moment is after they have sex for the first time. Chapter 34(Unabridged!) Is he a Senator? So May The 4th Be With You all, and enjoy this ridiculously fun story I made for Caro! Chapter 24 Certains vnements marquants de Universe seront voqus car ils ne peuvent pas rester sans consquences sur les activits du SGC. How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? - When new President Bartlet discovers he's spending seven billion dollars on deep space radar telemetry, he wants to know why. Shes like a moth drawn to a flame and she burns herself in that first encounter. Still, despite the lack of official confirmation, Sam says she's seeing a guy who works in Washington. Jack finally realizes that he has indeed fallen in love with his wife.. Now if only he knew how she felt about him, Well, we still have at least 10 chapters ahead of us in this story. This is a perfectly good answer. Romance may have never played a big part on Stargate SG-1, but the Sam-Jack Shippers have always been a vocal part of fandom. / Courtesy: Everett Collection. Create your free profile and get access to exclusive content. Chapter 41 (Unabridged!) Until then, Im gonna read this one over and over an over again :-), Its not a long story, but Ill see if I can finish it next. Posted by Kimberley Jackson | May 8, 2015 | Featured, Novels, Stargate SG-1 | 24 |, Stargate Aschen Title Image (Kimberley Jackson). Pursuing any sort of "Homeworld Security Daycare" is the first novel in the series by the same name. After learning all this, I think its safe to assume that they indeed became a couple, even if its still against the Air force regulations, not so sure about that honestly. SUBSCRIBE NOW and receive story updates via email! Geschichte: Fanfiction / Serien & Podcasts / Stargate / Stargate SG1 / Eine neue Chance? In the Groundhog Day episode, Jack hands in his resignation one day and immediately and passionately kisses Sam. Nursing school is no joke! reading behaviour of The Jack O'Neill - Daniel discovers something worrying. Unwilling to accept a forced marriage and life in a breeding facility under Aschen control, she runs away from home to find the resistance and fight for the freedom of Earth as well as her own. Jack returns from the mission, is divorced from Sara, but because of 9/11 is not permitted to retire, and instead is sent to fill a vacancy midterm in the Air Force ROTC program at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs. Promise! Feel free to leave comments and opinions. So I felt that the story would loose too much development on a personal level for Sam and Jack without it. In many ways, Stargate Aschen is a coming-of-age story for Sam, especially if you keep in mind that in their universe turning 25 is the equivalent of turning 18 in our societies. Stargate was one of the defining science fiction shows for a generation of genre fans. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. They definitely hooked up in one of the loops far past kissing. The sequel is still on my mind. Even though she is young, the experience with Jack is not her first bad one with men. Join the six of them as they uncover the mysteries of secret military weapons, human experimentation, ancient civilizations, and what this all has to do with intelligent life that is certainly not human. Nothing too explicit, but awkward sex and mildly dubious consent! The Girl With the Million Dollar Smile by ziva: Pre-series version of Sam and Jack meeting before SG-1. But as one loop draws toward its inevitable end, he decides to act on that forbidden love. I'm so happy and excited for you! You okay? His voice sounded strained against her neck, and her eyes shot open. Threads and, in my mind, they have been together ever since. Castle has really fallen off this last season. She fisted her hand against his neck in a desperate attempt to control herself, to not give him or anybody else the impression that she was enjoying this. Same warnings as in PepperFs fanfiction This is not happy, fluffy sex. ;). Daniel Jackson (Stargate) - Works | Archive of Our Own All the more surprising was it when she heard him groan lowly, the sound reverberating against the skin of her neck. It was more than hinted at. ), And as far as feelings Id even say if only Sam became aware of how she feels about him. Every reader interprets a story a different way. Im here! Chapter 5 Stargate was one of the defining science fiction shows for a generation of genre fans. In the way they treat each other, they behave, in their emotions, etc. How far that got taken in my script may not be what actually happens in any eventual show. It was clear during the later episodes of Stargate Atlantis, when Carter was in command, that there was no hint of any getting together of her and Jack. I read this story a while ago. "There was a line in the military, and there still is, where it would be completely inappropriate for there to be any real relationship. Whilst some nice evidence for your theory this is still only a hint that they got together rather than anything explicit. That being said, all of the cast and crew interview are operating on the principle that they did end up having a sexual relationship. Alternate Realities, Universes and Timelines,,,,, Sin City by Karibou (M rated; doesn't appear to be available online anymore - you can PM, No Choice by Celeste (R rated; doesn't appear to be available online anymore), She Blinded Me With Science by Karibou (M rated; doesn't appear to be available online anymore), Under Her Shadow by Celeste (R rated; doesn't appear to be available online anymore), Above and Beyond by Jen Camp (M rated; doesn't appear to be available online anymore). Please check out the authors website for more of her works. Mistaken identity - Chapter 29 - DanielLover, NoMoreBeer4U - Stargate Anzeigen . Chapter 7 As they struggle to discover the truth, Sam and Jack or Therra and Jonah gravitate toward one another. Glad you thought it was helpful. Keep me posted of story updates via email! Chapter 30 This is the first of a Mal/Zevon ship fanfic. Create a free profile to get unlimited access to exclusive videos, sweepstakes, and more! Favorite: Joined 05-31-04, id: 599721, . Here's you'll find "aliens made them do it" fics, "pretending to be married off-world" fics and anything else we might find that fits the Alien Influence bill. I think shes managed to keep true to all of the characters personalities, both from SG-1 and Atlantis. He wasnt in love with Sam yet, but his sexual experience made him recognize the potential for more if he allowed his feelings to gain the upper hand. But what he found in the depths of Glastonbury Tor will change not only his own life, but the future of all. (Maybe because, I too, overused it so much in the past. Awww! A scene from SGA: Trio that was cut for time constraints is available online for viewing. In the year 799 (Aschen calender), Earth is a colony under strict reign by an oppressive Aschen government. In a way, Sam is almost careful not to let herself fall too deeply for someone at this point. stargate sg1 fanfiction sam and jack married. She held her breath. Each story will be added to this piece as a chapter, so if you'd like to follow along, be sure to hit the 'subscribe' tab! When he lifted his head to climb off her, she opened her eyes and for just a moment, he lingered, his face so close against hers that she could feel their breaths mingle. Chapter 6 Side by side, they fight to liberate their world from the oppression of an alien race using a second, secret Stargate found almost a century before in the Antarctica forests. Jack, Sam, Daniel, and Tealc dont know who they are, but rather have had false identities imprinted onto their minds. That picture is from the episode where Jack and Teal'c had their Groundhog Day. Just a natural physical reaction. He made sure to finish as quickly as possible and she simply endured. Fans noticed the way the characters were drawn towards each other from the early seasons, and saw that play out fairly early as a what-if in aGroundhog Day-esque time loop-focused episode that saw Jack seize the moment in one of his many loops, to actually act on his feelings and kiss Sam. First of all, right after sex, its usually hormones going all crazy, so I personally can never take anything thats being said in the afterglow of sex too seriously. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? . Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Threads: Jack sits with Sam as she watches her dying father from the observation room. Obama ignored it, Trump was never even told, and Biden seems to not care. And yes, I wanted to create something original that nobody had ever done before. I wont give away any spoilers yet. Do you suppose any alternates who lost the other, traveled to a reality where the other survived and they ended up together?Thats a lot of permutations Daniel, but its possible.A little pathetic though, doncha think? Jack grumbledYou wouldnt fall in love with an alternate me if something had happened to me? Sam looked at Jack from her position tucked against him on the couch. Secondly, its usually done so badly. Written to satisfy my gremlin brain :P Robot Jack has his revenge in more ways than one ;3 Enjoy my self indulge work XD (No beta we die like Goa'uld! Ready to get your ship on? Samantha Carter is 25 years old. Chapter 49 On the eve of the signing of an historic alliance between Earth and the Tokra, one or both groups may have been infiltrated by a zatarc a Goauld-programmed assassin who doesnt even know he (or she) is working for the enemy. So maybe youd be more comfortable reading that version? Stargate SG-1: Tomorrow Is Another Day (Sam/Jack fanfiction) Jack has been married once (Sara O'Neill) and had one son, Charlie, who accidentally shot and killed himself with Jack's personal weapon when he was a young boy (approximately 8-10 years old). They had fallen into that routine where she helped him get it over with as quickly as possible, which usually led to him finishing the instant that her body began to respond to the stimulation, leaving her behind mildly turned on and somewhat frustrated. So Sam has just reached the age where shes an adult and she leaves home to make it in the world. An unknown enemy emerges from the shadows. Simply enter the password you found in the ebook and enjoy! The quantum mirror allowed for these classic what if stories alternate timelines where the lives of our characters turned out very different. List of Sam and Jack's Children in Fanfiction - GateWorld Forum "Eine neue Chance?" von MajSamCarter | Stargate > Stargate SG1 You can follow her on Goodreads, Facebook, or Twitter. How many times have you seen the prompt on one of the social media pages "How screwed are you if you wake up in the world of the last series you have watched? Why didnt But as he eventually lets himself embrace a life he thinks might be permanent and fall for another woman, Laira Sam is back on Earth fighting for a way to bring him home. Filling the Spaces Chapter 14: Free Space--Part One, a stargate: sg-1 Stargate SG-1 Sam/Jack Fanfiction.Rating: PG-13. stargate SG-1 fanfic - Tripod The Gate activates with an emergency code. knowing the show really added something to this story. Required fields are marked *. Chapter 32 (Unabridged!) Co-creator Brad Wright discusses the fan favorite couple. pilot named Jack's plane is downed mid-flight by a similar explosion and the military refuses to provide a satisfactory explanation why. Stargate SG1 Fan Fiction . Chapter 11 After breaking off her engagement to Pete, its the moment of truth for Samantha Carter and her feelings for Colonel ONeill. The Aschen have turned humans into slaves, and seized control over the entire planet, including the Stargatea device that allows them to form a wormhole and travel thousands of light years across the galaxy to their home planet within seconds. Thank you, Sir. For what? For being here for me. Always.. She is graduating nursing school on May 4th!! And although there are some emotional undercurrents this is also not romantic. Janet Fraiser (Stargate) Cassandra Fraiser AU: After the loss of Sam at the hands of Anubis' super soldier, Jack has to navigate life without her. Chapter 14 ), tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (12), Through the Looking Glass and into Heaven, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Hathor/Daniel Jackson/Samantha "Sam" Carter, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, Cassandra Fraiser/Original Female Character(s), | Hokuto no Ken | Fist of the North Star, don't ask me when this takes place in the show because i have zero idea, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, inspired by Carmen Maria Machado "Especialy Heinous". It only takes a minute to sign up. Together to the very end. Im so glad you like it. If you watch the "groundhog day" episode (Window of Opportunity) at the end Daniel asks Jack if he ever took advantage of the situation. Of course she denied feeling anything akin to pleasure, because she knew she couldnt knew she shouldnt. 1999-2023 GateWorld. It could have been worse but it could have also been a lot better. Eventually Samantha Carter moved on with her personal life, even getting engaged to another man. I have the attention span of an actual goldfish so this might be a graveyard fic. Her body shouldnt respond to this she shouldnt, Another thrust another soft gasp from her. They learn Ancient. ; Oh Crap Indeed by SaidbhinLuch - Typical SG-1 antics. Kimberley takes one episode idea, moves it up a few hundred years, and builds a world that is vast and incredible. WATCH LIST: Will they or won't they? The mission that went bad was actually not her first mission, since it happens 2 months later. Download SYFY's free app to watch full episodes and tons of extras. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Thank you! How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? These are both explicit demonstrations of their love for each other, but as you say, they never actually get together because they can't. There will possibly be a second part to this story at some point in the future. explains Wright. 1) The Sam/Jack relationship was fraught with complications I like it how she collected herself after what almost happened between her and Jack and is ready to focus on science and missions. Why not watch one of the other hundreds of soap drama if you are interested in romance. Required fields are marked *. Chapter 10 ncdu: What's going on with this second size column? INCOMPLETE. first Inkitt fanfiction novel writing contest, here is the link to the ebook-exclusive downloadable content, Stargate SG-1: Something Real (Romance/Character Study), Stargate SG-1: Just For Survival Jack (Dark Fic), Stargate SG-1: Just For Survival Sam (Dark Fic), Stargate SG-1: Beneath Perceived Realities (Episode Missing Scene), Stargate SG-1: Leather and Lace Series (BDSM, D/s) - UPDATED: 07.04.2017, Stargate SG-1: "Toys" (Leather and Lace Series XI), Stargate SG-1: "Normalcy" (Leather and Lace Series XIII). SG1-Fanfic. About: Set in Season 10, when Daniel is mysteriously transformed into an infant for a month, Jack decides to take him back to Washington, DC and the Department of Homeworld Security. However, due to military regulations and his position as her senior officer, neither character ever acted on their feelings during the show's 10-season run, though there were plenty of storylines that hinted at their feelings. Chapter 16 Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development?