What is the most poisonous food for guinea pigs? Green/unripe acorns and young oak leaves. Bread alone is not a complete diet, since pigs also need fiber, vitamins and protein. "otransitionend":"transitionend";_.Md=function(a,c){_.Bd.call(this,a?a.type:"");this.w=this.k=this.target=null;this.C=this.keyCode=this.button=this.clientY=this.clientX=0;this.F=this.B=this.d=this.o=!1;this.b=this.state=null;a&&this.init(a,c)};_.x(_.Md,_.Bd); Toxic Food For Pigs. (-1!=n.toLowerCase().indexOf("webkit")&& ",c);(c=this.k)&&a.push("#",Sg(c,Wg));return a.join("")};_.Kg.prototype.clone=function(){return new _.Kg(this)}; _.Lg=function(a,c,d){a.d=d?Qg(c,!0):c;a.d&&(a.d=a.d.replace(/:$/,""));return a};_.Mg=function(a,c,d){a.kb=d?Qg(c,!0):c;return a};_.Ng=function(a,c){if(c){c=Number(c);if((0,window.isNaN)(c)||0>c)throw Error("D`"+c);a.w=c}else a.w=null;return a};_.Kg.prototype.Ra=function(){return this.A};_.Og=function(a,c,d){a.A=d?Qg(c,!0):c;return a};_.Pg=function(a,c,d){c instanceof Rg? Seeds of Pear and Apple A natural chemical called amygdalin, a part of cyanogenic glycoside, is found in apple and pear seeds and the inner kernel of peaches and apricots. A piece of chewable multivitamin each day accompanied by two . try{ }catch(e){_._DumpException(e)} Apple and Pear Seeds Cassava Wild mushrooms Potatoes Kidney beans or Lima beans (raw) Rhubarb Foods Rich In Vitamin A Parsnips, celery, celery root, and parsley Castor Bean Tomato leaves and vine Rape, Cabbage, Turnips, Broccoli, Kale, Cauliflower, Mustard (roots and seed Fava Beans var na,pa;_.ma=function(a,c,d){for(var e in a)c.call(d,a[e],e,a)};na="constructor hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable toLocaleString toString valueOf".split(" ");_.oa=function(a,c){for(var d,e,f=1;fWhy do pigs eat slop? Explained by Sharing Culture Feed your pig a healthier diet, and have fun while doing it! Can guinea pigs eat cavy food? Explained by Sharing Culture Mustard root and seeds. try{ You most definitely can, as guinea pigs are completely able to eat both the flesh and peel of oranges.In fact, these vitamin-rich fruits can become a useful addition to your guinea pig's diet thanks to their abundance of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. Explore More Some plants, like parsley, cause photosensitivity. What Do Pot Belly Pigs Eat? What to Feed & Foods to Avoid! Can Pigs Eat Avocado? - Sweetish Hill The AMPA Cookbook is filled with 53 pages of creative and delicious recipes featuringSukoshi Buta & FriendsfromPigxel Art. Tomato leaves and vine. a.state;this.b=a;a.defaultPrevented&&this.preventDefault()};_.Md.prototype.stopPropagation=function(){_.Md.G.stopPropagation.call(this);this.b.stopPropagation?this.b.stopPropagation():this.b.cancelBubble=!0};_.Md.prototype.preventDefault=function(){_.Md.G.preventDefault.call(this);var a=this.b;if(a.preventDefault)a.preventDefault();else if(a.returnValue=!1,Jd)try{if(a.ctrlKey||112<=a.keyCode&&123>=a.keyCode)a.keyCode=-1}catch(c){}};_.Md.prototype.M=function(){return this.b};