He has been in captivity for 24 years and was released in 2019. So, its cool. The Georgia Aquarium staff perform medical assessments on their whale sharks, and they told me that the animals are not stressed. Tilikum has taken several lives over the course of the last few years and has participated in harmful and violent behavior since its arrival at the theme park. The context of the film is explained when it dives into the orca attacks, the most recent victim being Dawn Brancheau who was killed by Tilikum in 2010. Like it was said, not many people are able to see whale sharks first hand, and their exposure to the world makes people much more aware of their cause and more likely to have more interest. Healthy adult . In addition, I think that the sharks at the aquarium are better off given that they are still alive; had they still been in Taiwan, they probably would have been killed and eaten by now. But I think it's pretty clear that whale sharks don't belong in aquariums: A young whale shark that sank to the bottom of its tank at the Georgia Aquarium this year and died had been forcibly fed for months, a practice that may have punctured its stomach and caused an infection that led to its death, scientists said Wednesday. A whale shark is a type of shark and is the largest fish in the world. Weve created rules of conduct to protect these magnificent animals because we know that these human contacts could be harmful to whale sharks. Theyre not commonly held, and Id imagine that theyre very few and far between. [72], It is listed, along with six other species of sharks, under the CMS Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks. They feed on plankton and travel large distances to find enough food to sustain their huge size, and to reproduce. They are filter feeders, so their diet consists of plankton and small fish. Whale shark meat on a drying rack. Best Betta Fish Food Options: What Do They Eat? 10 Incredible Whale Shark Facts! - AZ Animals Menu. The greatest tool for astronomers of the past 20 years has, without a doubt, been the Hubble Space Telescope. As far as the whale sharks go, I think this particular aquarium was put in a sticky situation. The benefit of people seeing these animals to science and conservation far outweigh the sacrifices made by these particular captive animals. [9], On 7 February 2012, a large whale shark was found floating 150 kilometres (93mi) off the coast of Karachi, Pakistan. In the case of whale sharks, no captive environment is likely to ever recreate the essentially limitless expanse of the ocean. I dont know if Ive ever seen (or heard of) a fish demonstrating happiness or sadness for that matter. The stress of captivity can take a toll on their health, and the lack of space and natural surroundings can make it hard for them to adjust. Whale Shark - in Captivity [62], The BBC program Planet Earth filmed a whale shark feeding on a school of small fish. Some scientists believe that the life expectancy of the Great White Sharks is around 30 years (Levine, 1988) but other research indicates that they can reach up to 40. They are filter feeders, passing water through filter pads to feed on plankton and small fish. Good reporting, Dave. I am sure going to do my best. To guarantee an optimal life development in captivity, it is important that aquariums or any place that keep sharks fulfill these conditions: 1. And it is obvious from this interview that a lot of good has come from this particular exhibit. ), but here are the opening paragraphs: Out of the 15 individuals tracked, two females were reported as measuring 15m (49ft) and 18m (59ft) respectively. http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/cr/cr_whiteshark/whiteshark_ours.aspx. We cannot love something that is abstract, distant or hidden, or else we love the mere fact that it IS abstract, distant or hidden. Ethical Debate: Captive whale sharks | Southern Fried Science The Blue whale has an average lifespan of 70 - 90 years. [25] Various studies looking at vertebrae growth bands and measuring whale sharks in the wild have estimated their lifespans from ~80 years and up to ~130 years. However, I am concerned about the impact upon the natural environment of aquariums of all sizes. ! Id imagine that the Hotel Atlantis would have been able to provide some help, but I do wonder exactly how much is written on the topic. And there certainly is a lot of legit research going on in the back rooms and labs of many aquariums. Thomas, What makes it any different in an aquarium? 5)Although the explanations for Ralph and Nortons deaths are not very straight forward, I am satisfied with the answer. Allegedly, many aquarium fish (for home as well as commercial aquaria) are taken from areas without adequate controls to ensure that the impact on the ecosystem is managed and sustainable. The other benefit is always financial who would donate enough money to fund all the research that is needed? While Doctor Carson and his team of scientists have their theories on why Ralph and Norton died, I have mine on why a whale shark in the wild died; how about the trash that your cruise line dumped over board. And the sharks were saved from their track to a white platted dinner? The killer whale, also known as orca, is the ocean's top predator. Do you think that whale sharks as a species benefit from the captivity of these few individuals?. For wild females, up to 81 percent reach sexual maturity (15 years) and up to 75 percent achieve menopause (40 years). The aquarium seems to think they did a good thing by taking the shark from the Taiwanese quota. 03 Jun. When confined, they are prevented from carrying out natural behaviors, which include roaming up to 100 miles per day, hunting live prey, and interacting with their pod mateswho also suffer when pod members are removed. Posted by: Category: Uncategorized . I am sure that the aquarium did all that they could. What if it was a dolphin? These animals are being held for their benefit and our benefit. If keeping some creatures in captivity helps educate people so that they help save all the endangered places and creatures, then it is a necessary price to pay. [2] In June 2018 the New Zealand Department of Conservation classified the whale shark as "Migrant" with the qualifier "Secure Overseas" under the New Zealand Threat Classification System. Whale sharks are highly valued on international markets. While the whale shark is the largest fish in the world today, an extinct species known as Megalodon was once the largest predator on Earth. 2006-2020 Science 2.0. There was not enough information as to why the second one died. Conservation efforts may help protect them, but it is difficult due to the many threats. I agree with Cinderella about sharks should not be held for entertainment and to make a profit off of. The short answer is yes; the problem will be solved if it is done properly. They capture small (young) whale sharks in their nearby ocean and use them in their tanks. This is also called passive feeding, which usually occurs when prey is present at low density. Visitors to the Georgia Aquarium are taught about the importance of conservation and protecting animals, as well as their natural surroundings, as part of the aquariums mission. As soon as they saw that the sharks had lost their appetite they immediately stopped the treatments. If you are scared of this fish, realize that they swim slowly and wont actively try to feed on anything close to the size of a human since it cant consume them. Estimated max weight: 37-43 tonnes Max length: 18.8 meters or 61.7 feet. The remaining population of whale sharks is estimated to be somewhere between 120,000 and 240,000 in the wild. [58] The many rows of vestigial teeth play no role in feeding. Our Research & Conservation team work to ensure the survival of wild species and ecosystems and stop biodiversity loss. After all, feeding and housing a shark is an incredibly expensive undertaking for a scientist or researcher. Their skin is dark grey with a white belly marked with pale grey or white spots and stripes which are unique to each individual. Due to the situation, it appears like the best action is to keep the sharks in captivity. @WhySharksMatter I would love to see a proper study on whether or not aquariums influence people to go into marine biology.. The shark lives all over the Indian Ocean, from Australias west coast to the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, and as far south as Cape Agulhas of South Africa. Selling those sharks for live display rather than for food did not entitle the fishermen to take four more sharks. Flying Fish Facts, Habitat, Classification & FAQ, Delicious Deep Sea Fish to Eat: Try These Tasty Saltwater Fish Treats, How Deep Sea Fish Survive Extreme Pressure and not Get Crushed. Whale sharks live in tropical and warm oceans all over the world. The whale sharks are obviously being taken care of and monitored. I hope to be able to see the facility for myself sometime in the near future and get a better prospective. One of the places is Oslob in Cebu in the Philippines, which may be the most popular whale shark watching place in the world. Due to their advanced age at sexual maturity, it is believed that they may have lifespans exceeding 100 years. But seriously, I agree with the idea that the sharks are better off alive (as opposed to being item #43 on a Chinese restaurant menu) and serving to educate the public. Churaumi Aquarium, Okinawa, Japan. I like that people can see whats in the ocean up close; a lot of people do not have the opportunity to snorkel or scuba dive, and it can be hard to see things even if you do! White shark | Animals | Monterey Bay Aquarium Scientists estimate that the Megalodon would need to consume 98,000 kcal daily to maintain its mass thats 49 times more energy than a human being. Im satisfied with Dr. Carlesons explanation of Ralph and Nortons death. Thanks for the link. (Plus, I never would have seen them.) It is the sole member of the genus Rhincodon and the only extant member of the family Rhincodontidae, which belongs to the subclass Elasmobranchii in the class Chondrichthyes. [12][27][25] There was uncertainty as to whether vertebrae growth bands are formed annually or biannually, which is important in determining the age, growth, and longevity of whale sharks. Why are the animals there? [38] In a 2015 study looking into the size of marine megafauna, McClain and colleagues considered this female as being the most reliable and accurately measured. Furthermore, the aquarium has specialized feeding requirements and has a large tank, making it possible for whale sharks to swim around in the water. Are you satisfied with Dr. Carlsons explanation of the deaths of Ralph and Norton?. Personally, I have always been in love with whale sharks. They paid for the sharks, keeping the hunt for the sharks alive and are now them selves profiting from them as well something i am very much against. Well as us humans, I think its our responsibility to protect these sharks when other people tries to harm or kill them. On the heels of In Defense of Animals Ten Worst Tanks list and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accreditation, the aquarium appears to be in good standing with the American Humane Association (AHA). How Long Do Sharks Live? - Shark Facts and Information Stationed in boats, Georgia Aquarium animal care specialists feed each shark individually by ladling the food into the water as the sharks swim alongside the boat. There are organizations out there that nurse animals back to health and release them into the wild. The whale shark has three prominent ridges along its sides, which start above and behind the head and end at the caudal peduncle. I dont see why not. Do they presently have one? If we could get a more diverse crowd in the aquarium to begin with, I think this newly exposed crowd could see what an impact they could make in this great science. Contributions are fully tax-deductible. For one, you know where your money is going and youre not risking as much as you would if you tried to do the same out in the wild. I was at first very much against the Georgia Aquarium's plans to have whale sharks, because originally they were going to take them from Belize and pay for them by donating money to shark conservation work in that country. [23] Previous studies estimating the growth and longevity of whale sharks have produced estimates ranging from 14 to 21.9 meters (46 to 72ft) in length. Image credit: NASA; view from the Space Shuttle. Both are filter feeders. Very interesting. As it shoud be roaming free and following its natural behaviour. [22], The whale shark is the largest non-cetacean animal in the world. I can understand both sides. They dont have great whites at the Georgia Aquarium. Each one of us can remember at least one visit to a zoo or aquarium during our childhood. Some scientists believe the Otodus Megalodon could reach up to 24.2 meters, with a mean length of 20.3 meters, and could weigh from 59 to 103 metric tons. "Yes, so long as papers are being published, anything whatsoever should be allowed". Reminds me of Orr, Yossarians roommate in Catch-22. Whale sharks are believed to have a life span similar to humans, ranging from 70-100 years, but some believe they could live even longer. Why not buy the shark from the Fishermen and then release it ? I believe there are many species that very few people understand or know about unless they go to aquariums or zoos. Marine Biologists are trying to study how long whale sharks can survive in captivity. I do not like animals in captivity just for profit. Sharks in Captivity - Shark Facts and Information The dive with the sharks program seems to be a great program for shark lovers and people who want to explore the sharks living environment. Lily Goldsmith from Valencia CC. Empathy is a powerful tool and allowing people to view and establish real connections motivates and drives conservation. . Jinta, a male whale shark at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, holds the record for the longest time in captivity, at 20 years and 8 months. [26][9], In 1934, a ship named the Maunganui came across a whale shark in the southern Pacific Ocean, rammed it, and the shark became stuck on the prow of the ship, supposedly with 15ft (4.6m) on one side and 40ft (12.2m) on the other, suggesting a total length of about 55ft (17m). In addition, the Georgia Aquarium works hard to educate the public about aquatic life and conservation, while also engaging in research and conservation efforts. The study found an age of 50 years for a 10m (33ft) female and 35 years for a 9.9m male. The largest tank "Pacific Ocean" in Kaiyukan aquarium is 9 metres (30 feet) deep and holds 5.4 million liters (1.4 million US gallons) of water. [80] Their large size and iconic status have also fueled an opposition to keeping the species in captivity, especially after the early death of some whale sharks in captivity and certain Chinese aquariums keeping the species in relatively small tanks. They feed almost exclusively on plankton and small fishes, and pose no threat to humans. The demand for these sharks was there before there was an aquarium. As a shark biologist now, I am a testament to this. [78], Hundreds of whale sharks are illegally killed every year in China for their fins, skins, and oil. Because of its low aggression and gentle nature, the sea lion has been called the friendly giant of the sea. If it seemed like these sharks were struggling at all I would definitely agree they should be living in the wild, but from what I can see they are not. Its not an overly scientific correlation just because one or two people have that experience. I know this is true killer whales, not sure how whale sharks fare. Top 5 largest aquariums in the world to see whale sharks Members of this family include all dolphin species, as well as other larger species, such as long-finned pilot whales and short-finned pilot whales, whose common names also contain "whale" instead of "dolphin.". Oh, cool. People who visit the aquarium and learn about whale sharks often donate money to aquarium-run and Taiwan-based conservation and education efforts. Show all. Well, I'll admit to something of the same emotional reaction but surely the corollary is that there's something nasty and offputting about a great white shark being so cruel? I know they did a few years ago, but I thought they released it. Despite the fact that scientists estimate that whale sharks can live to be 60 years old, the true lifespan of these gentle giants is unknown. Great White Sharks By Peter Benchley Summary - 187 Words | Bartleby When he says The whale sharks at Georgia Aquarium were taken out of that quota does he mean that the sharks were taken as part of that quota or the sharks that were caught and sold didnt count for the quota? The majority of whale sharks that are kept in captivity do not fare well. You disagree with the statement "aquariums have to draw visitors"? I think they did, too. The people from South-west England who own/lease an island in Africa near the congo and rehabiliate gorillas from a young age back into the wild, with success, are much better to be honest than those who like a whale shark, an animal with strong wild instincts to be locked up in unnatural conditions. Which one do you think conveys the message most clearly? Under the Georgia Aquariums circumstances, which may or may not be common within the realm of renowned aquariums, I must agree with their efforts of keeping these incredible whale sharks captive. When we have to force feed our enclosed animals, something has gone very wrong. [40] Tracking devices have shown that the whale shark displays dynamic patterns of habitat utilization, likely in response to availability of prey. Whale sharks have been observed "coughing", presumably to clear a build-up of particles from the filter pads. In the Philippines, WWF has identified 458 individual whale sharks since 2007. Whale sharks can live up to 100 years in the wild and are currently listed as endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. The truth is, these sharks only care about two things: getting food and mating. 3. I volunteered at an aquarium briefly until I discovered they were continually displaying animals that were dying of stress, the mentality being "Well, we'll just get a new one" than deciding not to display the species anymore. In most scientific cases, they are kept captive only as a means of conservation- a shark is adopted in an attempt to ensure its survival, with the intention of releasing it back into the wild. -John Burroughs . They swim around with their mouths open, and water and potential food pass through their filter pads and gills. Information on the lifespan of whale sharks is very limited. I cant begin to imagine how many inner city childrens lives were changed by seeing such a magnificent creature. So, in my opinion, I agree that it is acceptable for the Georgia Aquarium to hold whale sharks in captivity for a couple of reasons: Overall, I think that the whale sharks are being treated right and could thrive properly in the Georgia Aquarium. The Doctor only talked about one of the sharks and not the onther one. [70], There is currently no robust estimate of the global whale shark population. As stated in the introduction/ interview segment, Georgia Aquarium proudly states that their profits received from ticket sales and other things are used for the caring of their animals. [24][10][12] A 2020 study compared the ratio of Carbon-14 isotopes found in growth bands of whale shark vertebrae to nuclear testing events in the 1950-60s, finding that growth bands are laid down annually. Their spot markings have also been shown to reform over a previously wounded area. [90] Two earlier males at Georgia Aquarium, Ralph and Norton, both died in 2007. Donsol Bay, Philippines, attracts huge numbers of whale sharks because of the high levels of plankton found in its water. [47] Aggregations in that area are among the most reliable seasonal gatherings known for whale sharks, with large numbers occurring in most years between May and September. They are not only getting personal care from their trainers but they are allowing us to view their majestic ways and get a chance to better understand their purpose in our world with all the different programs offered by the Georgia aquarium. It can be seen that they were taken care of and monitored regularly, and due to this regulation there are clear theories to the reasons of the sharks deaths. [82] Trixie died in 2020. Demand for their meat, fins and oil remains a threat to the species, particularly by unregulated fisheries. I actually think it is great that there are individuals out there that are interested in engaging themselves with the sharks and getting a closer look at shark activity in the water. [81][82], The first attempt at keeping whale sharks in captivity was in 1934 when an individual was kept for about four months in a netted-off natural bay in Izu, Japan. Yes. We consider the whale shark a harmless filter feeder, eating small fish and plankton. [28] In 2011, laser photogrammetry was proposed to improve in-water measurement accuracy.[28][30]. Although, the deaths of Ralph and Norton are tragic their deaths should not be used as an explanation of why this is unethical. A recent investigation into whether Georgia Aquarium animals are treated poorly has brought the issue to light. For everyone to be able to get an appreciation of whats under the sea, and whats in their local area in particular, is a beautiful thing. I do not believe that the unfortunate deaths of these two animals is any reflection of the morality of having them in captivity. [16] A 12.1m (39.7ft) whale shark was reported to have a mouth 1.55m (5.1ft) across. While I do understand the importance of raising revenue for various research projects, I was woundering is the Georgia Aquarium doing anything to raise funds/ awareness of shark finning, which is one of the major causes of elasmobranch population decline? I believe that there are pros and cons to keeping whale sharks at an aquarium; however I do think that some of the pros given in this article require further explanation. Around the world, dolphins and whales in captivity are a popular form of entertainment. How do you know for certain that the whale sharks were going to be eaten? They show true interest in this particular fish and I feel that they truly want it to not only be a fascinating experience for visitors, but also a learning experience.